Gunning Update Testing Feedback: Armor/Helms

58 replies [Last post]
Cronus's picture
Game Master

Welcome testers!

Please post specific feedback you have about the new gear in this thread. This includes balance, usefulness, bugs, etc. Using this thread makes it easier for a developer to see what you've posted. Please keep your feedback constructive and with as much detail as possible. Off topic posts will be removed so it's easier to see the feedback.

If you do run across a bug while testing, please file a bug report using F2. Please make sure you give it a short description that makes it clear what the issue is.

Draycos's picture
[Snip.] Just.... just look at


Just.... just look at Fehzor and Zeddy's posts. They've said everything I could.

Fehzor's picture

Why its bad

I really don't like what you did with the 5* armors. Upgrading and losing damage vs things that matter (I.E. Vanaduke, Crusaders...) for damage vs things that don't matter (Slags. Trojans. Beasts.) is a huge tradeoff when upgrading to begin with. The single point of CTR gained isn't such a huge advantage either, and I honestly think I'd be telling players not to upgrade their gunner armor, except for costumes.

The over-arching design also forces players to play rock paper scissors constantly. This means that if I'm a new player, I'm gonna be crafting one of each. Which means a lot of very similar gunner armors in my arsenal. This is boring and effective, and I'll never branch off.

Why its good

But I really LOVE what you did with the 2-4* armors-- giving newer players buffs immediately as they go is a tremendous idea. After that, giving the gunners more options with statuses to play around with is a nice idea. Doing that forces people to branch out and try NEW things.

And did I mention that they all look pretty sweet?

What I'd really like to see changed

You've got 3 lines- Sentinal, Shade, and Pathfinder.
These then turn into every possible outlet of snakebite, grizzley, firefly, and falcon.

The issue here is that they all do exactly the same thing.

I suggest simplifying this down by making 2 of these easier to use, via giving them 2 status resistances:

Snakebite = Poison + Shock; Negative Fire
Grizzley = Fire + Freeze; Negative Shock

This would still maintain some notion of the original idea, while making less requisite armor for new players. The idea, is that you don't want them all to leave because of the amount of grinding crafting 3-4 of the sets would cause; instead, make them craft only 2 tops.

The second two variations could be changed to be dual-class armros:

Firefly = Negative sword buffs + Positive Bomb Buffs + lower resistances
Falcon = Negative bomb buffs + Positive Sword Buffs + lower resistances

Instead of making them craft, you would be letting them craft.


I don't like the idea of making people use damage vs X.

Instead, it would be preferable to make some of the armors have damage vs something, some of them have just a bigger buff, and others have larger tradeoffs.

Something like:
Gorrilla = Handgun Damage vs Beast Med + Handgun Damage vs Gremlins Med
Hex = Handgun Damage vs Fiend Med + Handgun Damage vs Construct Med
(We have an entire setup for slime and undead. Multiple, actually.)
Hazard = One each of ctr, damage and asi for handguns
Ghost = MSI Low
Wraith = Handgun damage high + negative handgun ctr low
Keeper = 1 extra low of the statuses held by that armor + equal to dread skelly in terms of defense + 1 extra health; negative handgun ctr low; handgun asi low, handgun damage low

But you get the idea. These stats are boring and imbalanced because of it-- I don't want to craft them, just two or three of them. Make em interesting. The tree branches out, and thats good... but there are too many options and too little to strive for.

Untrustful's picture
I like their look, very cool.

I like their look, very cool. Also, yeah they're flexible in terms of mix and matching, so I can control how weak I am to status or what enemies I'm gunning after. They might need a stat tweak like fehzor suggested, but I can't say for sure (also perfect mask of seerus might need updating so it's as good a helm as these new ones).

Draycos's picture

"@Untrustful PMoS is still good. While these new sets have net status values of 0, it has +2. It also has superior defense, and equal offensive totals compared to the Shade/Pathfinder/Sentinel sets. It's a little better than them!"

Copied from that other thread.

Poomph's picture

Here's something I noticed while I was in the ready room. It seems that the shield floats awkwardly behind the armors with scarves.

Untrustful's picture
Oh ok. I suppose I'm just

Oh ok. I suppose I'm just looking at them having 3 inherit values and going "but mask only has 2!" lol

The-Worst-Knight's picture
Probably we need more status

Probably we need more status stats or less armors. Also it would be great if you will make shield for gunners like bts.

Zeddy's picture
Here's what's going to happen

People are going to stick to Shadowsun because of the total of damage very high. Some people are going to get falcon stuff because they're gunner gear with shock resistance.

Everything else is going to gather dust in the supply depot and just generally bloat the overall inventory. I think, in the future, we're going to have to specify that when we say we want new gear, we want varied and interesting gear.

This feels like the shard bomb equivalent of armours.

Sub-Hazrd's picture
the Armors and Helms Style

hey, first time poster long time player. i was on last night and i noticed the shear number of new armors and helm. i wasn't to sad about this but i think that it might have been a bit of an over kill. i like the idea of having gunner armor, but i also like the challenge of wearing armor that does quite suit the use I'm putting it to. another thing that i noticed was how desirable the designs were, but i felt the colors of the designs to be a major draw back. i can understand slightly muted colors in the 2*, 3*, and 4* armors and helms, but in the 5* items there really wasn't anything that stood out. I would think adding colors to the designs would make them look better. Now, on to the side effects of wear the armor. i gotta say the ASI, CTR, and DB's are very good to have (i mean, whats the point of gunner armor if it doesn't give you gun bonuses), but when all the armors have ASI, CTR, and DB's then one cant really specialize a set that aids their fighting style. Don't get me wrong though, having the weapon effects is a great idea, but i think doing something with the individual armor/helm lines to make one line for those that NEED ASI for the way they use guns, but don't necessarily need the other affects. i would think that keeping them somewhat akin to the Kataclysmic helms in that they have a bomber helm, swordsmens helm, and gunners helm, but instead of bomber, swordsmen, gunner (i mean come on, this IS the gunner update. we cant be making sword and bomb armors in it) making the sets for ASI, CTR, and DB. Also, i had this thought just now, if you ever come out with a new boss, that means your gonna need a new shadow lair to go with it, as well as a specialty armor and weapons (EX: TOKEN SETS:Ancient Plate set. and FoV and BC. SHADOW LAIR SETS: Almirian Crusader set, Snarby set, Royal Ice set and the like.). I was thinking that some thing like that would add a little challenge to the game as well.

well peace out,
ill be posting on the weapons forum as well in a little bit,

- FN Paszak, USN, Destrukshun, and both Subhazrds

Starsoon's picture
Are the armour sets too complicated?

How these new armours work and what they specialise in seems too complicated to me. I really think it would be a good idea to add a rank mission that exactly tells the player how these new armours work, and help them make a decision on what would be the best one. I've figured it out, having been able to see them all at once and switching them around on the test server, but not everyone will be able to buy all the armour from day one.
There'll be too many scrubs who just pick "the ninja one" because it looks the best and they don't understand the system, so a rank mission might help here.

TLDR: If you're going to introduce a unique and complex armour system, explain it to us, or some people really won't get it xD
I know too many people who i've had to explain the crafting system itself to, and i'm sure they won't even try and understand the current system as is lol

pure useless

these sets are pure useless and looking very bad. What we need is movement speed low/med and dmg bonus/attack speed.

most people i think will push

most people i think will push more towards min-maxing as its more efficient to play that way. so these newer armors will be mostly un-used except as costumes i think. i was definately expecting something more from this update, some meh armor isnt really that exciting no matter how cool they look.

@ Luigi-The-Silly

I agree. No one wants protection, we need weapon bonus.

Choridia's picture

Testing at such short time doesn't really allows me to build up proper feedback on them, but here's my current opinion on those. Basically, I mostly agree with Fehzor

So far, things looks slightly nice. Yet, it's only about the look. Seems like with designing, it's all went with arabian theme. Nice choice, though some of those armors actually might look way better on other classes.
At the hands, we have 36 different sets of 5* armor. Not the best thing out of everything, as they're heavily specialised, mostly in same fasion like it's done with Chroma set line. And I guess you know that those doesn't really popular among players. Also, for case to have best protection or at least best bonuses, player will be in need to have at least 6 of those, so it makes them also hardest ones to obtain. Instead of specified damage bonuses and kinds of protection, it might be better to have something more solid, and descrease the amount of end-game sets at least in 2-3 times(descreasing in 6 times sounds perfect)?
At 3*-4* we have 12 different armor sets. As it seems, they mostly share same bonuses with their 5* variants, though I yet not tested it. But, from how it sounds, it looks like those provides players better bonuses than current gunner armors. If it's good or not - I still need to look forward for it.

It looks decently nice, but the number of 5* sets is overwhelming. They look good, but only as costumes, and all that specialisation isn't really needed, or even more like useless. Getting them into something more solid would be more nice.

Ultimaximus's picture
"I really don't like what you

"I really don't like what you did with the 5* armors. Upgrading and losing damage vs things that matter (I.E. Vanaduke, Crusaders...) for damage vs things that don't matter (Slags. Trojans. Beasts.) is a huge tradeoff when upgrading to begin with."

I know a lot of you act like it, but FSC isn't the only thing in the game that people play.

Dutch-Oven's picture
Maybe these armours aren't

Maybe these armours aren't what some of us may have wanted (I personally wanted a "mercurial gunslinger" msi low+dmg low+shock), but they're still decent and usable.

In terms of the bonuses they give they're obviously designed for pve as an all-round solution to cover every base. (or in OOO's words to fill gaps in a gunner's arsenal).

Consider what a full Sacred Firefly Shade set gives you:

Full shadow defence
+8 fire resistance
medium asi
medium ctr
medium dmg

That's very usable for FSC for instance. Better than any current gunslinger set, and arguably chaos too when you consider the defence and fire res.

Also in terms of min-maxing these sets gives you a chance to max out multiple stats that you might not be able to without excess bonus wastage, for example you might be able to get asi ctr and dmg ultra on your guns but you want max on everything; well you could switch your shadowsun slicker for this armour and achieve maxed-out gunner nirvana. Basically it can even out odd bonus stats.

What I don't like about the new armours is how many there are. They could have easy merged them into 2-status set (fire+stun and negative shock+poison or whatever) so there were 18 5* instead of 36 which is frankly ridiculous! And really they did't need to go to the trouble of monster specific versions either because it's pretty common knowledge that those bonuses are disliked. They could have reduced the total count to 9 helms (which would still take months to craft and heat) for the same effect. The armours all look fairly similar anyway, there really isn't enough variation between them all to distinguish one from another.

Dibsville's picture

I've gotta say, I was really looking forward to these new armors, but with the way they currently are, I don't plan on getting any except for costume purposes, and I don't even like the way most of them look.

The only exception I can even think of to this is the Sacred Snakebite Ghost/Shade Helm, which I would get for the Rabid Snarbolax shadow lair, but I already have Shadowsun so it's definitely not one of my priorities.

To be frank, the new armors are disappointing. Yes, they are somewhat balanced, but they're kind of pointless considering many people would prefer to have more specialized armors rather than all-around armors.


That's not just with scarves, I got the same/similar result without a scarf, with SSB. I also tried proto shield (which floated), and GOS, which sorta just hung off of my neck or something, floating for some reason. Got a bit lazy after that point, but i'm assuming that happens with a lot of shields?

As for the new armor sets, I'm glad there's more variety and that one can make more choices now. They look pretty nice too.

Sir-Greenlink's picture
These new armour sets are

These new armour sets are rather interesting. Cosmetically speaking, they all look pretty cool and I can possibly see myself wearing some of them at some point. I like balance between status resistances and weaknesses. However, I can't help but feel that some of these sets feel somewhat unnecessary and impractical; After all, do we really need 36 new 5* armour sets with slight variations like this?

I have a feeling that you're trying to be a little too specific. Part of the reason why I like the current armour sets in Spiral Knights is because they are all useful in a variety of situations while still having benefits and drawbacks. Factoring in the cost of crafting is another issue. People are more likely to spend their money on a more versatile set, such as Chaos or Shadowsun.

My suggestion would be to combine some of the similar sets into one. For example, the Ghost and Hex lines could be combined into a set that had both Damage bonus versus Undead and Damage bonus versus Fiend. Anything that helps to narrow down the amount of sets to choose from would probably be a good idea. This might remove the amount of choice for those looking to customise their knight's appearance but I think it'd be worth it for the functional aspect of the armour (and the sake of everyone's wallets/inventories). This typed of branching sets is interesting but I think that the current amount might be overdoing it just a little.

Also, while I have no proof that this is how it's going to work, it seems that you'll be able to craft this set all the way from 1 star to 5 star. I like this idea and I'd be in favour of having more crafting paths like this to add a sense of continuation.

Asdfasdfasdfs's picture
I have to echo what others

I have to echo what others have said, the new armors, although quite aesthetically pleasing, don't offer much in way of actual benefit over the current selection of armors.

Maybe the real issue isn't so much they are underpowered, as much as the current armors are overpowered. I, like most players I presume, wear chaos cloak/helm everywhere because of the extremely powerful bonus's, very high damage, very high ctr. I would think the game would benefit greatly from a nerf to chaos line, or at least a tweak. Take away the health bonus +5, or maybe remove the elemental resistance, turning it into a normal only armor, like say, Swiftstrike buckler.

If I could add anything, maybe put msi medium on both pieces of one of the new sets so we can have msi max? ; )

Onekone's picture
> I know a lot of you act

> I know a lot of you act like it, but FSC isn't the only thing in the game that people play.

It's not because of FSC, but because they're... well... bosses?

Also, armors - 36 armor sets. When it would've been fine with 9. Or just 3.

Fehzor's picture

Explanation of Why Damage vs SomeFamily isn't a Good Idea and @Ultimaximus

I really wasn't even implying that FSC was all people ran. Just that when you need it to work most, "damage vs undead' or "damage vs fiend" or damage vs whatever you want to damage will fail you, because OOO makes monsters that don't benefit from Damage vs X despite being in that family or appearing to exist in that family.

The ONLY way to make your gear work is universal damage bonus. It doesn't matter if you're having trouble with slimes, get damage vs everything because who knows if the slimes are actually slimes or really just somehow something that doesn't take damage vs slime buffs into account. Vanaduke is just a prime candidate for this-- he looks like a fiend or maybe an undead, but really he's some kind of monstrosity that cannot be defined by a family and therefore requires damage vs everything to fend off.

Crusaders aren't even in Firestorm Citadel...

Hexzyle's picture

Why are people worried about the Shield Hang? That happens with almost every piece of equipment except Wolver and other fat armors. Maybe if people didn't wear clone gear all the time they might notice things.

I'm all for the large selection of Armor that has been added. I agree it is a little overkill but the variety is awesome. If this could be done for Swordsmen and Bomber armor as well, that'd be even sweeter.

Narfle's picture

...And just to add to what Fehzor mentioned: since the family damage bonuses on the new gear are weapon-specific, you're even limiting yourself by picking them over the existing lines that extend that family bonus to your other weapons (such as Deadshot). It wouldn't make a difference if you were a.) going pure gunner, and b.) happened to be in a room with baddies from only one monster family, but c'mon now, how many times does that happen? Most of the dedicated gunners I know still run with a sword or bomb for utility's sake, and with the new gear lines you're out any kind of bonuses for that third weapon--unless you want to waste your sprite perk, I suppose.

I'm all for variety, and I can understand the logic of the whole def. type-->status type-->family bonus* scheme as a way of making gear easily expandable for the future, but the (still pretty limited) utility of the new gear lines comes from having said huge variety rather than from any single piece of gear itself. Personally, I don't know anyone who is going to bother with gotta-catch-'em-all to be prepared for every possible iteration of damage resist, status and baddie, particularly given the enormous crystal grind. These are very nicely done costume pieces that few people will actually use.

*[small edit: there are, of course, also those varieties that offer gun dmg bonus-low in place of a family bonus as the third buff, but that's so outclassed even by all the "gun dmg vs. X-medium"s that I totally forgot to mention them.]

Hexzyle's picture

So should all family bonuses in the game be buffed a level per piece? For example, Sacred Firefly Hex Armor having Guns vs Fiend DMG High instead of Medium, Chroma Suit having Med bonus vs Slime, (and thus, Deadly Virulisk having High vs Slime) Deadshot having bonus vs Undead High (but perhaps changing it from all weapon damage to just Guns vs Undead High)

I do recall something along the lines of this being brought up at one point in time on the Suggestions subforum. I mean, in the case of Chroma, a damage bonus vs a family is a 1/6 instance while a damage bonus with a weapon class is a 1/3 instance, so obviously the former should be double, or at least somewhat stronger than the latter. However, in the case of a Weapon Bonus (A 1/3 instance) versus a Weapon Bonus vs a Family (A 1/18 instance) there should be at least a surmountable damage increase. Theoretically it would be 6x, but reasonably, since the player is only going to be wearing it in a certain stratum (shadow damage stratum for the Hex, Ghost, and Shade armors) it definitely should be at most 1/3 less. However, even in that "at most" situation, we're assuming that the player has 6 sets of 5 star equipment: one for each family. That's not even factoring in the status resists.

When it all comes down to it, the average player is going to only get one to three of these new gunner armors, and they shouldn't be crippled for not being able to afford all 36. Most players will try to get a general piece of gear, and the vs all six families (shade, in my examples) will almost always trump the others. Even if the player plans on making all of the equipment, that will definitely be the first they make.

So, either increase the family bonus per Sacred piece from Medium to High (and also increase by at least one damage level for all the other equipment out there with family bonuses that are the same as another piece's weapon bonus) or change the Shade, Sentinel and Pathfinder armors to only deal Lows against their two respective families. (Even that might be too redundant: It might be better to just remove the Sacred Shade, Sacred Sentinel, and Sacred Pathfinder armor alltogether and just leave the 6 family armors)
Yes? No? Maybe? Lobster?

Narfle's picture

Excellent points. Only speaking for myself, of course, but I think buffing the family damage bonuses to high for both new and old gear sets would make a lot of sense. Having a natural family-X bonus-MAX on only one weapon type for a full set (with a few extra mediums total, yeah, but also a status penalty) vs. a natural family-X bonus-MAX on all weapon types for a set (with no status penalty) feels more right-er-ish.

Addy's picture
I honestly feel overwhelmed

I honestly feel overwhelmed by options, and that's speaking as somebody with over a thousand hours of playtime. I love the look and design, but a new player would be completely lost without a LOT of research, something a casual player may not want to deal with. Personally, I would've skipped over them initially, maybe revisiting them later or something.

As much as I'd hate to reduce options for long-neglected gunners, maybe they could be rolled into groups, less specific or something like that? Reduce the sheer amount and provide more generalized buffs and bonuses. Especially considering that other existing armor sets are still completely superior in aspects like PvP as a friend pointed out.

Bakerrich's picture
superficial feedback that you probably wont take any notice of

To be honest i don't really get the design idea of the new armors/helmets. obviously i could discuss the things that have already been discussed in great detail but im sticking to the looks. The 'old' gunner sets had an essence of cowboy and wild west to them which made sense as they were gunner sets, (much like the azure guardian armor looking like a medieval knight). The problem with the new sets is they just dont look right. There is no sense of them having anything to do with guns in fact i've heard multiple nights say they look more like demo gear (especially pathfinder guerilla and hazard). some of them (Sentinel) even look a bit 'pope-ish' in my opinion.

Vesperaldus's picture
I'm going to address the

I'm going to address the art/design in this post. Later I'll post other thoughts about balance and whatnot.

While I recognize that the art of these armours and helms are likely set in stone, I will still make criticisms about it.

5* Guerrilla/Hazard/Pathfinder Helms
I look at these and literally go "what?" I can see what sort of design that you were going for here, this still looks more like a bomber helmet than anything. I read in another thread and post saying, "How can you possibly gun when you're looking out that narrow visor?" Quite frankly, I agree. Aesthetically, it just doesn't make sense. True, we aren't literally having to view things out of that visor, but it also doesn't match up to logic. The 3* Pathfinder's design is more plausible, and also still fits the design you are trying to achieve. Maybe upgrading the appearance of the 3* to not include the visor would be better. Limiting the accessory capabilities on these helms also doesn't make sense. There is no reason that a top helm accessory can't be placed on these. I can see why front accessories can't be placed on these helms, but that's only because there is an unnecessary bulky view limiting visor in the way.

5* Keeper/Sentinel/Wraith Helms
These are probably the most aesthetically pleasing of the three new design sets of helms. That's in my opinion of course, though I'd be willing to bet that a poll would reveal people feel similar. But just because they look cool, doesn't mean they actually fit. I'm not sure where you are getting the design from, but they don't seem to reflect something a gunner would wear. These helms look like they would fit perfect on some sort of dungeon guard with a spear. Something similar to this that I found in a Google Picture search. Even the name "keeper" hints that it could fit a dungeon guard. So I'm a bit confused as to how this is supposed to fit a gunner... Maybe try this design when there's an update that gives us spears and axes?

5* Ghost/Hex/Shade Helms
Uh... not sure how these helms fit a gunner theme either. This looks like something a medieval executioner would wear. And it's not just the mask part of it, but the design screams executioner as well. The names here hint that it could be some sort of death bringer as well. Again, maybe save this for a Spears and Axes expansion? We're knights, I understand we fit a medieval theme at times, but these designs would be more appropriate elsewhere.

And now for the the armours...

5* Geurrilla/Hazard/Pathfinder Armours
I see where you are getting the design. It's a nice vest that fits well with the gunner theme. I don't have much to say here other than it just doesn't look 5* to me. It doesn't look like the final form of something great. It doesn't look epic like all 5* armours should. In fact, the 4* might be a better choice aesthetically because it has more prismatic parts to it. The design is great, but the artwork needs a bit more. It does fit the helms that go with it, which is a plus.

5* Keeper/Sentinel/Wraith Armours
I like the design, I really do. It does match nicely with its congruent helms, but at least it doesn't look like it would fit a better theme. It goes nicely with the current Gunslinger helms we have, and makes it fit the gunner theme better. These are probably the best aesthetically designed of the three new armour designs.

5* Ghost/Hex/Shade Armours
Finally, something that seems unique compared to everything else we have in the game. But oh goodness that blinking better be a glitch and not intentional. It's nice that the Hex has some designs on the pant legs, however Ghost and Shade should consider having designs of their own to be on par with Hex. These seem to possibly fit a gunner theme, at least I can't seem fit them in a different weapon theme. However, they do look like a deadlier version of something a castle joker or a clown would wear. But, it is something I can definitely see as a Spiral Knight Assassin theme. It kinda goes with its matching helms... but the armour looks more "assassiny" than "executionery." The flowing scarf is an amazing touch.

Overall, the helms seem to be lacking. The Sentinel and Shade lines seem incomplete. Like they are missing something. Similar to how the Round Helms would compare to Winged Helms. Something is just not there that should be. All the helms need a makeover. They need to fit their gunner theme better, or have a neutral weapon theme. Both the Helms and Armours don't upgrade into the epic 5* look that they should have. The Armours could get by with some minor improvement, but the Helms need a major art and design overhaul in my opinion.

Choridia's picture

Stepped directly to armors testing today, as it seems to be enough for me of gun testing. Now, I'm ready to, instead of judging the look of those sets and how they work, protect them.

I did several floors in Clockworks, trying to understand the concept of those armors. For mor clear understanding of what I need there, I just decided to put all the notable parts of set names on the list. So it simply became something like that:
Snakebite - poison resistance
Grizzly - freeze resistance
Firefly - fire resistance
Falcon - shock resistance

Quite obvious resistance-related names. Concept are lovely. And it also helps a bit - if I go in Clockwork stratum with poison enemies, I just need to put Snakebite in search, without trying to remember what armor have poison resistance. Handy.

By damage types:
Ghost - Undead medium
Hex - Fiend medium
Guerrilla - Beast medium
Hazard - Slime medium
Keeper - Construct medium
Wraith - Gremlin medium

Shade - all low
Pathfinder - all low
Sentinel - all low

Names, again, are quite obvious. Easy to find. But now - why I put them in such order?

Here's an answer - those sets are simply made to be mixed up in proper combinations in Clockworks. Ghost and Hex, Guerrilla and Hazard, Keeper and Wraith - they have same resistance types, share almost same appearance and more importantly, gives damage bonuses against enemies that in Clockworks oftenly can be met together. Like Undeads and Fiends. It's normal to find them on same levels of Clockworks, as wel as Constructs with Gremlins. Deconstruction Zone goes as perfect example.
And here, Shade, Pathfinder and Sentinel sets goes as something between all of them, like variant for then you steps in unknown, so specific damage bonuses gives you nothing. Those goes in separated groups, but all of them are made to be mixed with each other, for all the kind of different situations. That makes playing experience more interesting and unusual, at least for me.

I love the concept of armor mixing. It really looks amazing. Yet I don't really like the idea of different sets for different resistances... change of resistance approach here might really make those sets more accessible and more better for all the kind of situations for gunners, making them possibly first-to-have sets.
Yet designs looks really nice, so the wild idea I got in my head - resistance switch system, specifically for those armor sets. Remove the resistance-specified names, and instead, allow players to decide which status resistance they want on each floor, switching those at Arsenal, switching the status-specified look in same time. Would be really nice.

From graphical bugs that I noted so far... Wraith shadows interferes with portrait showing, making black squares behind. Hopefully it will be fixed later. But so far that's all I can say about new gear sets.

Parasthesia's picture
I enjoy the designs of the

I enjoy the designs of the new armor immensely.

The asi and ctr low bonuses are lackluster on one item, but when used as a set it works very well, as intended I believe.

One of my main issues is with how many new sets there are. People will just keep using the swiftstrike/chaos combo, or their old gunner armors now that we have the "run and gun" buff while shooting. Combining some of the set bonuses, like the family bonuses or defensive status resists might solve this issue.

I love the "a different armor for every different situation/enemy/status" in theory. To get rid of some of the clutter, you might consider adding a flat gun damage bonus low to all of the armors that are family-specific, and removing the armors that lack family offensive bonuses and only have the flat bonus.

This servers two purposes: gives the armor more utility beyond facing a particular enemy type, no longer making it clutter but a useful addition to the arsenal when you're not facing a particular enemy family, and gives gunners the ability to have damage bonus max versus a particular enemy without relying on the antigua family 5*, and making them competitive with max damage bonus swordsmen. (discounting trinkets)

  • There's also a mislabeled "Grizzly" armor with shock status resistance in the list. If this isn't proof that there are too many armors to keep up with, I don't know what is.
  • Draycos's picture


    To be honest, I'd rather see the new armors do something different. We already have gear that could fit the 'enemy specialist' role with every weapon; if Dragon, Virulisk, Salamander, Arcane, and Valkyrie were all revamped, we'd have jelly/beast/construct/gremlin/fiend ready to go. I don't want to list Deadshot, since that's in a really weird spot right now..

    Slapping on a Gun ASI/CTR to those bonuses wouldn't really make it feel like "gunner armor".

    I'd like to see bonuses more like +Gun DMG -Gun ASI, or +MSI/Gun ASI -U. CTR, not more family-damage gear.

    Choridia's picture

    Fresh report:

    Just came back from Ice Queen SL, as I decided it to be the perfect place to make testing for new armor. Trust me or not, but with my SL experience, everything went quite well. I've been dealing quite good damage on enemies, able to get rid of them quite fast. For my needs I used Grizzly Pathfinder Helm and Sentinel Armor, to have more or less fine protection against both jellies and Sliversaps. It worked quite well, medium damage bonus also been just enough.

    I expect that other sets also will work fine that way on other SL bosses. Using them really been much of help.

    One thing I noted that I've been dying quite often because of been constantly freezed. Noted it too late - developers, you little bit derped with Sacred Grizzly Pathfinder Helm and Armor, as they provide wrong status protection - instead of freeze resistance and poison debuff, you put shock resistance and freeze debuff on it, which belongs to Falcon sets. That thing is one of those that actually bit screwed my experience, as I expect that with proper freeze resistance I might be alive much more often.

    Other sets might be in need for futher testing, yet I feel like I already enjoy them all. And quite understand how they suppose to work, which makes me happy.

    Hmm-Dunno-What's picture

    New armor is cool and all, but I wish we could test them out in PvP. These armors are okay for PvE, but they don't seem so useful for PvP. I'd probably run with Chaos anyways. Has better bonuses overall.

    Dibsville's picture

    "Please post specific feedback you have about the new gear in this thread. This includes balance..."

    I'd just like to say that, if you're not going to change what's done with the armor, then the Kat Eye Cowl should get a small buff, considering 3 of the gunner helmets make it obsolete. Something like buff the damage bonus it gives up to Medium, or something similar.

    Zeddy's picture

    Also, and I'm just going to say this so that it has been said:

    Introducing two dozen new armours nobody is going to use isn't going to fix the already existing two dozen armours nobody use.

    Choridia's picture

    Did you made... I don't know, any census about how much no one uses "existing two dozen armours nobody use"? And you even checked the future that you know about "two dozen new armours nobody is going to use"?

    Battlegrinder's picture

    As a hybrid, the biggest issue I have with the new armor is that it’s so focused on guns as to be completely worthless to me. I currently wear nameless/vog cub (or sometimes, seerus/vog cub), and glancing over these new armors, I have no reason to change that, since the potential bonuses I gain aren’t enough to make up what I lost. To a pure gunner, with trinkets and fully heated weapons, I can see how some of these armor sets could be very powerful, but sword/gun or bomb/gun hybrids won’t have anything to gain by switching (especially if they’re using chaos, which remains broken).
    However, since many of the 3* and 4* pathfinder armors use the military color scheme, I’ll still be investing in some of the new armor anyway.

    Skepticraven's picture

    I would like to note that all of the new helms and armor have the equivalent defensive value of chaos.
    None are defensive, they are all offensive (with resistance to one status).

    I would like to see more variety in the status and damage bonuses/reductions.
    One line could be defensive (MSI + additional armor + additional status resist), one balanced (similar to skolver - one status and medium bonus), and one offensive (similar to the current).

    I echo the statements of above about family-limited damage bonus (increase to high, or it is almost never going to get used).

    Choridia's picture

    Don't see the point in gunner armors to be defensive in the first place. Those are for range-oriented attacks, and rangers never even should to get in close contact with enemies. It's like if any other MMORPG, you would try to put paladin armor on archer and push him in the front of the group.

    Fehzor's picture


    Most of the time when I'm gunning seriously, I use defense + speed ups. This enables me to REALLY not take damage, as I am now far away, mobile, hefty, and dealing continuous damage to the crowd. So if I do get hit, its really no big deal.

    I can go for quite a long time with MSI high + a ton of defense + handguns, and going quite a long time implies quite a lot of damage.

    Choridia's picture

    Defense makes no point if enemies are far away. What you do sounds more like swordmasters would do. Speed and good defense are important for them as they're always in close contact with enemy. What's the point of increased defense if you shouldn't get hit in the first place? Instead, everything should be appointed in possibilities of good dodging and damage dealing.

    Fehzor's picture

    Two things.

    First, things that I otherwise wouldn't be able to do.
    +I can draw all the aggro to myself, and make the enemies face away from my team, who seize the opportunity and kill whatever it is that I just made face towards me.
    +It lets me tank hits while firing into things with my autoguns. Who cares if that slag jumps into me? I have a ridiculous amount of health and killing the trojans basically ends the fight.
    +It lets me fit into ridiculous places and get hit, so that I can get a better angle at heavily guarded mobs. If the deadnaut is facing away and there are two crusaders, I can just take one on the chin in order to shoot him with a charge to freeze him in place and finish the job with more charges later.

    Second, I'm just really lazy. Dodging = work and I get sleepy sometimes and don't wanna.

    Sir-Pandabear's picture


    No, I did not make a census. Instead, I played the game for three years and observed what people wore and used and have constantly discussed gear balance and use with a wide variety of players just about constantly.

    You can make the census if you want, see how many people use plate armour, or cobalt, or chromalisk, or jelly, or magic (not Chaos), or skelly, or valkyrie, or kat hats (not Black Kat).

    If I say that 70% of the playerbase only use 30% of the game's end-game gear, that's probably even too generous.

    Choridia's picture

    Then I should say it's not the problem with armors, but with peoples, which always goes on hunt for better stats. Example - I can feel myself completely comfortable, if I'll start new character and will progress with it to very Vanguard rank, using only Cobalt armor and basic weapons, like Calibur sword line and Blaster line.
    Sadly it don't gonna change the fact that most of players still gonna aim themselves on making Chaos or Skolver/Vog, but it's not the problem in armors, but problem in players, as I see it.

    Sir-Pandabear's picture

    Yes, damn those people and their tendency to pick things that are better than other things.

    Choridia's picture

    Ha. Well, I stopped using Barbarous Thorn Shield in exchange of simple shield with Normal defence without weapon bonuses. Also I enjoyed playing with Arcane Salamander armor on me, though it's purely situational armor. Leviathan are great weapon, as well as Triglav, and I can enjoy playing Tier 2 while wearing Blazebreak set instead of something specialized. So yeah, it's people, and the way peoples think. As I enjoy armor switching, though in most of situations I can't afford myself making too much of different armors. Not because I don't want them, but because it's hard to collect everything needed to have them all.

    Cobalt's picture
    Just gonna have a link over

    Just gonna have a link over to my own little thread to the post when I talked about armors.

    Click me! :D

    Shadowstarkirby's picture
    ...36 Sets...

    *rant incoming, sorry in advance*

    Let that sink in for a bit. 36 sets.



    Just, why? Why do we need so many new armor sets? There's already so many in the current arsenal that go heavily unused, why on earth would an addition of 36 new ones only useful to gunners be a good idea?

    Okay, let's start with the good. There's a lot of variety, literally 3 dozen full sets that offer a set amount of a max resistance vs. a status, a max weakness vs a status, ASI and CTR low on guns per piece, and a DMG vs. family medium per piece (and one has some DMG low instead of family medium). The armor themselves are pretty decent, the best thing about it is that wearing a full set gives a max resistance (like Shock!) as well as some okay buffs to your weapons. You could do some serious hybriding with this stuff. All the armors do in fact look pretty great, especially the shadow sets.

    But that's as far as it's going to go for praise, because I honestly couldn't be bothered to look at the sets into great detail cause there's absolutely so many that it's flat out overwhelming to try and comprehend them. I wanted to buy them all in the depot but, oh god, you can't even search through it without getting lost trying to get figure out which ones you've bought or not, there's TOO MANY, what the heck!? And then to add salt to the wound, you have to scour through inventory trying to find the pieces that make the full set (but less of a problem cause you can search the one word that's different in their names, but again, I didn't bother). The depot is annoying to navigate through already, you can't consider putting these in the armor, their differences are too subtle, from the resists to their looks, their uses are just so similar that why not just merge a bunch of them and do something about the ridiculous amount of sets? You could even cut them down by HALF, 18 SETS, just by merging them. Then you could merge them again to make 9!

    I wanted to provide more insight, but this has to be addressed. I know this was more of a rant about the amount of sets rather than their stats. But with the amount of sets, it's just a horrible overwhelming chore and painful to look it. Please don't release this many, it's scary to look at...many people, veterans, and newcomers that want to be gunners won't even bother trying to understand the benefits of these lines and will just go for Shadowsun or BKC/Chaos and be just fine fighting everything with that...

    Also for future test server openings, could you give some sort of patch notes so we know what's been changed rather than running around like headless chickens try to figure out what's new? I like what you did with the guns for the most part, but the armors are unacceptable.

    Zeddy's picture

    Okay, so you did those things, but just answer me this:

    Which is better:
    Barbarous Thorn Shield or Aegis?

    Do you have numbers that can back your answer up? I do.