Spiralknights for Linux (Ubuntu) on Steam

11 respuestas [Último envío]
Imagen de Azulflame

SpiralKnights is a java applet. As such, it can run on any system that supports java (mainly Linux, Windows and Mac, although there are others).

Steam also supports the Operating Systems of Linux (officially the Ubuntu distribution), Windows, and Mac.

However, despite the OS support overlap, OOO does not support the use of SpiralKnights on Linux, through Steam. For someone that has bound thier SK account to Steam, and then forced to use a Linux operating system, this poses a problem logging into the game.

I've tried to run Steam through WINE, and launch SpiralKnights from there, but it crashes upon some basic command key use.

Is there a reason that OOO has not allowed the use of SK through Steam on Linux?
Or is there a way to unbind an account from Steam?


Just so I don't get anything confused right now, I'm stating that I think you said this: The pure Spiral Knights software runs fine on Linux. The Steam version of Spiral Knights doesn't run on Linux. You're wondering why OOO doesn't support Linux.

The answer is that OOO is currently down one programmer right now and is having a harder time cranking out content. I can't blame them for not supporting an OS that is very uncommon.

If you want to get your account switched off of Steam and onto OOO's servers again you're going to have to contact support about this as they have stated in the past that running SK on Steam instead of the base client is a one-way affair.

Imagen de Autofire
You are experiencing a PICNIC ERROR!

There is no way to unbind an SK account from Steam.

However, there is a way to log into a Steam account from a basic client. These instructions may be outdated. I personally have never tried this, but I will soon.

  1. Log into Spiral Knights via Steam.
  2. Instead of choosing a character, click the Log Out (or similar) button at the bottom right/left.
  3. In the field that has your account name, there should be a seemingly random string of characters. This is your REAL SK account name.
  4. Copy that account name into a text file or some other convenient place.
  5. Close Steamed SK.
  6. Run basic SK, and paste/type in your account name.
  7. From here, I think that you use your Steam account password in SK. I am not sure...

Also, there have been rumors going around that they will FINALLY add SK for Steam on Linux. When they originally added SK to Steam, Steamed Linux didn't quite exist, so they couldn't have a Linux version then. Also, unfortunately the development cycle is FAR FAR slower than when SK first came out on Steam...so it's not likely that your problem will be fixed soon.

Good luck!

Imagen de Azulflame
Autofire, Thanks for the

Autofire, Thanks for the information.

Rothni-Halias: I was wondering why SK is not supported through Steam on Linux, not why it isn't supported through Linux.

On another note, does anyone play SK from Ubuntu (trusty tahr)?

Imagen de Skepticraven

I use mint cinnamon. Left ubuntu ever since they took on the unity desktop.

Imagen de Fangel
This may be a way, actually:

When you start up the game, select the "sign in through facebook" option.
That will bring you to a page similar to the forum login page. Click on the "sign in through steam" option.
Log in with your steam credentials on the official Steam-secured site.

I've done this before, but not on a Linux machine. Let me know the outcome!

Imagen de Warranty-Expired
I'm playing on linux mint 16

I'm playing on linux mint 16 cinnamon 64 bit via wine

sign in through steam option doesn't work on linux, I've tried

Imagen de Deala
Cave story

I'm able to run Steam-SK via PlayOnLinux ( http://www.playonlinux.com/en/ ), a wine wrapper.

Download the steam app, go to SK. The actual steam interface has quite a few bugs for me, but once you download SK you can minimize it and launch it via the steam icon in the top right corner (assuming ubuntu/mint/cinnamon?).
Also, if this does work for you, I would disable steam overlay, but maybe it works better for you, iunno.
I have a alt on steam, not my main. I use it for steam trades (games, etc.)

Imagen de Flowchart

That "login through facebook" no longer works for Steam accounts. I used to use that to play on Ubuntu.
They didn't update that part when Java required certain security permissions on their applets, and when I reported it, their response was that it wasn't supported and they removed it in the next patch.

Imagen de Warranty-Expired

playonlinux is more for beginners who don't know how to use wine, just my 2 cents. XD

Imagen de Krakob

It works. Nice!

Imagen de Real-Mata-Nui
May I stress...?

Firstly, I currently have the same situation as OP's 4th statement.

Largely, alternatives for logging into Steam SK accounts in non-Steam clients do not work/exist, and if they do for some people, then you're lucky ducks.

The first time I encountered what Autofire describes as a "seemingly random string of characters", I recognised the numbers as my SteamID. I tried entering them on a non-Steam SK client with my Steam account's password, but it didn't work. This was on Windows, just after the 2012 Dark Harvest had finished.

The second time I encountered this was shortly after the Battle Sprites had been introduced. I had been playing on Linux at the time. I was eager to see whether what I had tried before would work this time (on a non-Steam client again). Of course, it didn't.

A few months back, I found out about the "Use the 'Login through Facebook' to login through Steam" trick, but even that was late, because that also doesn't work any more. The web page just says Steam accounts can't login through web or something along those lines.

My point is, I'm pretty sure we're being stopped as much as possible from playing SK with Steam accounts on Linux, or the Facebook button would still work. If what I tried/what Autofire instructs does work for you, you're probably a magician of some sort.

(There are several interesting discussions on Steam about this sort of stuff, such as: http://steamcommunity.com/app/99900/discussions/0/540744936757851534/ )