Bug Report: Charges increase Movement Speed

7 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Glacies

Please Fix.

Portrait de Dutch-Oven
I recorded the move speed to

I recorded the move speed to see if it was the same as walking; it is. It just looks faster.

Portrait de Holy-Crab
Still broken if you ask me,

Still broken if you ask me, charging guns should slow you down, but I've a hunch all the feedback will be ignored as usual.

Portrait de Fangel
All other weapons slow you down while charging.

I don't believe guns should be an exception. Maybe not as slow as moving before, but if you're holding a rather large, powerful attack, you shouldn't be moving as fast as we currently are.

Portrait de Dutch-Oven
But Fangel! Most swords and

But Fangel! Most swords and bombs have a higher charge speed than guns right now. Guns are supposed to be the evasive weapon type. Swords and bombs have better charging mobility, even the heavy swords are faster than guns. The only things that are slower are the vortex bombs, and the blast bombs not including nitro.

I do think autoguns and magnuses should have a bit of speed reduction to emphasise the power of their charges. All other gun I would consider light weight weapons and should be as quick to walk with as a Glacius is.

Portrait de Holy-Crab
There is less risk charging

There is less risk charging up a gun than charging a sword or a bomb (exception made for brandishes which I think should be reverted to how they used to work before). I agree guns are the evasive type, gunners logically get range and safety at the cost of damage, charging was the way for gunners to counter this and get more dmg at the cost of exposing themselves. Nulifying all the drawbacks of charging a gun (which this update is trying to do) is just silly, plain and simple. Unless they want to make classes unbalanced in another fasion (used to be swordmen).

It's like they always have to buff everything and are afraid of nerfing or reverting decisions they made, I really don't get it.

Portrait de Tsubasa-No-Me
Agreed! To the "Afraid of nerfing or reverting".

It's like they are over, or under, confidant in their abilities to balance things. Or maybe even Hurt at any negative Feedback.

I personally, Don't feel like it's balanced all that well at the moment. Mostly just Number Tweaking, really. "More Damage to this gun, Less Damage to this gun."

Portrait de Ewbte

/e thinks that slow moving speed is reasonable because it should be kinda harder to aim with big $^# charged gun?