Bug: Neutralizer normal bullets wont stick to Ice Queen boss

I was doing an Ice Queen SL run and at the boss floor I noticed that my reguar neutralizer bullets (the ones that sticks to the moster and deals 1 dmg) were not working as "expected" on the boss. The charged bullet dealt its normal charged damage but no additional explosions were seen. IDK if this is intended or a bug. Ive not tested this behavior on the regular slime boss. The gun worked as expected on the other enemies.
I also noticed that some monsters that should be immune to freeze were being frozen. Ill quote the SK wiki:
"Freeze-themed enemies are immune to and may inflict freeze status. "
Here is a pic of a frozen freeze polyp. The pic doesnt show anything relevant to the update but that happened on the test server. I also saw one ice mini and a "mechanical freeze tree" being frozen.
The mist haze dropped by the ice jellies on death is strong enough and designed to re-freeze it's freeze-themed brethren and heal it if it's an ice jelly, and freeze it once more if it has been thawed into a brute cube.