Revocs Corporation

9 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Ragyo-Kiryuin

Applicants must have a high affinity for life fibers.

Portrait de Daddy-Fahd
Nice guild

Nice guild it would be nice to see this guild become Revived keep up the work Golza

Portrait de Son-Of-Hades
hey daveyb is in my guild...

hey daveyb is in my guild... u can't have him back >:o also he doesn't play anymore cuz he has a child

1. What is your

1. What is your IGN?

2. What is your time zone?

3. When did you start playing Spiral Knights?

4. What guilds have you been in?
Too many

5. What do you enjoy doing in Spiral Knights? (Costumes? Merchanting? PVE? PVP?)

6. What do you enjoy outside of Spiral Knights? (Do you have a life, unlike me?)
Movies and food

7. Why do you want to join Finesse?
Because I want to help the guild with PvP and PvE

8. What is your opinion on rock jellies?

9. What is your preferred hair care product?
Red's diarrhea

10. How old are you? (Optional)

11. Tell me anything extra about yourself (Optional)
I love you


1. What is your IGN? In-Exile
2. What is your time zone? Central
3. When did you start playing Spiral Knights? 2012
4. What guilds have you been in? Jempire, Rigorous ,R G P, Is A vampire
5. What do you enjoy doing in Spiral Knights? (Costumes? Merchanting? PVE? PVP?) PvP
6. What do you enjoy outside of Spiral Knights? (Do you have a life, unlike me?) Sleep. Naps. School. Friends
7. Why do you want to join Finesse? "Because I want to help the guild with PvP and PvE"
8. What is your opinion on rock jellies? Sure.
9. What is your preferred hair care product? Cum.
10. How old are you? (Optional) 16
11. Tell me anything extra about yourself (Optional). (insert extra here)

Portrait de Mupt
Feel the love

1. Uncle-Demete
2. GMT +1
3. since the beta
4. Impervious, Spiral Gods Alliance, Knights and Day, Oracion
5. Costumes now, since I am not able to do anythign else really with a bad pc as mine.
6. I work as a security guard in a russian company called Mavrin. I still go to school, almost done. Besides that I love my family/friends and just try to be a good person by going to church.
7. Because I always admired Finesse back in the old days and now I am trying to take the chance and join afterall. Plus a good friend of mine is in it as well.
8. Great way to make costumes and believe it or not, it seems my luck of finding those things doesn't end. Found 5 of them in one single ld game lmao.
9. Idk if you know it but Andrelone and Taft
10.17 almost 18
11. Half russian half georgian kid who loves to spend his time goofing around and just troll from time to time.

Portrait de Terrifying-Pancake
@In-Exile your number 9


your number 9 that you miley cyrus?

Portrait de Giant-Wrong
I'd like to joineth

1. Giant-Wrong (formerly Dizzymoon)
2. EST
3. Fall of 2009 or 2010, can't remember
4. Quite a few over the years, I was in EoS when I first started playing, Knights of Equestria for a while, but I stayed in Jempire for around 2 years, and though I still affiliate myself with them and recognize them as my online gaming family of sorts, the guild has moved on past this game, and in looking to join a group I can connect with when I play, I look to Finnesse
5. I only do PVP, its whats kept me going, everything else got boring after the first half year
6. Well, I play a glorious game called Super Smash Brothers Melee competetively, that is actually how I connected with one of your long time members, Exileddread, since he also plays and lives in my state. We made plans to visit and play but I quit going online soon after and when I came back I couldnt find his steam again (if anyone has it, it would be much appreciated :o)
7. I'd like to join finnesse because I always respected the old finnesse style of lockdown (even though everyone had HP pendants and no one else did, it was clear that finnesse was still a top level GvG guild regardless, and they did it with style) and I also got to know members like colin dredio and hetero who are all extremely friendly and share a lot of my feelings about this game
8. Theyre cool and all but remind me of PVE so they give me nightmares.
9. Uhh I dont really have too much of a preference as long as it isnt that Shampoo and Conditioner in one crap, but for body soap Ive always been a fan Of Old Spice Bearglove or Swagger
10. I'm 16
11. Well to bring it back to the Smash Bros. thing, its basically been the reason Ive quit SK for months at a time for the past year and a half. I care about the game and the community a lot more than Ive ever cared about Spiral Knights (probably because it involves a lot of real world interactions, and since its not an online game you dont have to worry about stuff like lag or latency screwing up how goregous the games physics are) and I focus much more on melee than I do on SK, but Ive missed SK a bit and though I dont think I'll ever be as active as I once was (Pulling all nighters every day, top 5 in leaderboards for LD every week kinda active) I will probably pop in every day or every other day, and am totally down to pull an all nighter every now and then with you guys, especially if you might have your own ventrilo or mumble server of some sort so we can talk? Anyway yeah thats that, and oh, my smash tag (Basically like a real life IGN to represent yourself in the smash community) is Jumanji, I dont really like my current SK IGN but dont have a name change pass or whatever, and its alright if you call me by Giant or Dizzy or Juma or whatever youd like, but Juma is the title I associate myself with. Salutations~

Portrait de Blados

1. What is your IGN?
2. What is your time zone?
Standard Pacific Time
3. When did you start playing Spiral Knights?
4. What guilds have you been in?
I was in Active first, then they changed the name to Unity. I've been in countless other guilds, but I honestly don't remember them all. I was in Active, or Unity, for about a year.
5. What do you enjoy doing in Spiral Knights? (Costumes? Merchanting? PVE? PVP?)
All of the above.
6. What do you enjoy outside of Spiral Knights? (Do you have a life, unlike me?)
Yes, I have a job to go to, and I spend time with my girlfriend and friends.
7. Why do you want to join Finesse?
Tired of playing solo for a while, ready to get back into the guild business.
8. What is your opinion on rock jellies?
Don't really know why they exist.
9. What is your preferred hair care product?
Head and shoulders? I'm a guy man, I don't... why
10. How old are you? (Optional)
nnnnnnope. Old 'nuff.
11. Tell me anything extra about yourself (Optional)
Every achievement in the game, probably over 30+ tier 5 gear, versatile at pretty much anything in the game (be it PVE/PVP/Merchanting/Costumingorwhateverthisis). I'm sure you were expecting something personal about my life... but again, nnnnnnope.

