The Eclectic Order! Recruiting knights of all stripes!

10 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Asdfasdfasdfs

ec•lec•tic- deriving ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources.

Hello and thank you for checking out our recruitment thread! The Eclectic Order is a new guild that focuses on being a fun, friendly, and helpful community of friends. Our doors are open to players of all tiers, age, region, size, and shape. We are not a PvP guild, but we would love to obtain enough members for in house Blast Network and Tier 1 Lockdown. Tier 2 and 3 Lockdown would be great too, but Tier 1 would be much fairer for every member in the guild. It’s not mandatory, but we would also love to have voice chatting sessions with the guild via Skype and Steam, since we believe that voice chatting sessions improve the quality of the game. These are some of the many things we have to offer for you!



Of course, we have rules, but they are simple, common courtesy rules that one should be familiar with anyways. But if you don’t know what they are, here goes:

1. No begging for anything.
2. Ask before you join any party.
3. Be polite to other members.
4. Don't scam other members.
5. Donations for the Guild treasury are not mandatory, but they are appreciated.
7. Act mature in and out of the guild.
8. Don't spam.
9. Do not abuse the Guild Storage.
10. HAVE FUN!!!!! This is just a game, please treat it as one.

If they seem too impossible to follow, this may not be the right guild for you, and you should move on.


Guild Ranking:

Here are the following requirements for ranking in the guild:

Recruit: Any incomer will automatically receive Recruit status the moment they join the guild.

Member: Recruits must prove their loyalty to the guild to be promoted to Member. One can do so by donating to the Guild Treasury/Storage, doing runs with guild Members, and becoming social with the guild.

Veteran: Ask your fellow Guild Masters for the Veteran test, but you must be a Member in the guild for at least a month.

Officer: This status is given to knights who Guild Masters feel would make great leaders. Skill, game knowledge, and a great personality are must haves for this rank.

Guild Master: Must exceed the expectations of an Officer. The Guild Masters must consult on this, since it is a very important rank.


If you would like to join, please fill out the following form and/or send a message to Atomicblaster or Addy ingame. I thank you for checking out our recruitment thread, and hope to see you soon!

1. What is your IGN?
2. How long have you been playing?
3. What can you expect from our guild to make your SK experience better?
4. What is a pet-peeve for you in game?
5. What is your favorite level in game?
6. Fun fact about yourself?
7. Best in game moment?

Portrait de Addy
boop !


1. What is your IGN?
2. How long have you been playing?
Since the first day of the full release, April 4th 2011.
3. What can you expect from our guild to make your SK experience better?
4. What is a pet-peeve for you in game?
Beggars, or people who feel they're entitled to something.
5. What is your favorite level in game?
I will forever have a soft spot in my heart for Ironclaw Munitions Factory, and Operation Crimson Hammer. That layout design. *o*
6. Fun fact about yourself?
I'm a barely-employed college graduate who probably spends a bit too much on this game, but, y'know.
7. Best in game moment?
Hmmmm... I've had a LOT of great moments. I briefly chatted with Nick about Xbox controllers in SK a looong time ago, and just general good lucktimes. I've had a lot of good times in this game.

not even we are exempt from these forms B)

Portrait de Asdfasdfasdfs

1. What is your IGN?
Atomicblaster, has been and always will be.
2. How long have you been playing?
Account history says 2 years 35 weeks, steam hit 100days ingame a few days ago!!! "dunno if I should be proud of that..."
3. What can you expect from our guild to make your SK experience better?
Meeting new people and making friends!
4. What is a pet-peeve for you in game?
Probably polaris spamming in fsc, especially if im trying to line up my voltedge charges!
5. What is your favorite level in game?
I love Fire Beast arenas, cool enemies, cool stage colors, 10/10 arenas.
6. Fun fact about yourself?
I play acoustic and electric guitar, and I have tried probably every f2p game there is.
7. Best in game moment?
Too many to remember. Running after Nick dressed up as a gremlin, crazy weird bugs after the first winterfest update, when lockboxes came out and I got a few and made like 200kcr in one night "a ton of crown to a 2* newbie", playing ld with people who were great, learning fsc from amazing players back in my old guild, lots of great moments.

Portrait de Princess-Muffin
DUN DUN DUN! *officer*

1. What is your IGN?
2. How long have you been playing?
14 weeks, 3 days (or so it tells me)
3. What can you expect from our guild to make your SK experience better?
Friends, friends, friends!! WOOT!
4. What is a pet-peeve for you in game?
People who beg for things in Haven or people who feel that they are better in the game than others (for whatever reason). People who pick on others asking for help.
5. What is your favorite level in game?
Treasure vaults in arcade, arenas and anything with those fancy jellies!
6. Fun fact about yourself?
I'm a huge nerd in real life. I read manga like there is no tomorrow, and I also love anime! (muhahaha)
7. Best in game moment?
Probably visiting the shadow lair for the first time. I used more sparks than I knew what to do with, but it was really fun. Also, the area is so pretty!

Portrait de Chemog
No Longer a Member

Guild Is Dead

Dun dun d... Recruit..

1. What is your IGN?

2. How long have you been playing?
On and off, about 6 months

3. What can you expect from our guild to make your SK experience better?
Friends... Plz... So... Lonely...

4. What is a pet-peeve for you in game?
Beggars in Haven makes me feel like Joffrey roaming the streets of King's Landing....

5. What is your favorite level in game?
There is too many yet to be discovered, ask me in a month!

6. Fun fact about yourself?
I often wake from my sleep, only to find that it was me snoring...

7. Best in game moment?
First time Snarbolax with my irl friends just when we started. They all died, and when it finally died, i was the last knight standing. Huzzaaaar!

Application Yo

1. What is your IGN? Lordofclams
2. How long have you been playing? Steam says 77 hours.
3. What can you expect from our guild to make your SK experience better? Mostly talking to be honest. Guild runs could be cool, but I'm really interested in just talking with people and chilling.
4. What is a pet-peeve for you in game? I have no pet-peeves. What I do have is a violent hatred of all creatures Fiend related. Devilites, Gorgos, Greavers, don't care, I'd eviscerate you all the same.
5. What is your favorite level in game? Haven't seen most of the levels, but I like Sovereign Slime. Bright and colorful, plus Jellies are easy to kill.
6. Fun fact about yourself? Lemongrab is mai waifu.
7. Best in game moment? Solo'd Jelly King on elite with 3* gear. Or soloing Roarmulus twins on advanced with the same gear.

Now This Looks Promising! <3

1. What is your IGN?
2. How long have you been playing?
38 hours (Its-Pug is a new knight)
3. What can you expect from our guild to make your SK experience better?
I love socializing and playing with others. Instead of having one friend to play with me, why not have more?
4. What is a pet-peeve for you in game?
Crowd Controls used on me, fiends (kats), and dying.
5. What is your favorite level in game?
Sovereign Slime (on previous knight, I farmed JK 24/7)
6. Fun fact about yourself?
I'm in Challenger I in League on two accounts.
7. Best in game moment?
Snarby (<3 mai waifu), fighting JK for the first time, and getting my BATTLE SPRITE, Tsukuyomi, the Seraphynx.

Portrait de Mariomonsteryoshi
I'll Join

1.What is your IGN?
2.How long have you been playing? Since June 2, 2011
3.What can you expect from this guild to make your SK experience better?
Friendly people that dont use bad words
4.What is a pet-peeve for you in game?
5.What is your favorite level in game?
6.Fun fact about yourself? i Play trumpet
7.Best in game moment?
Every Moment i have spent in SK is The best moment

Portrait de Sharkshocker
Sounds fun! :)

1. What is your IGN?

2. How long have you been playing?
Been playing on and off since 2011.

3. What can you expect from our guild to make your SK experience better?
Getting to know people and making friends :)

4. What is a pet-peeve for you in game?
Random guild invites.

5. What is your favorite level in game?
Royal Jelly Palace.

6. Fun fact about yourself?
I'm a big fan of anime.

7. Best in game moment?
Beating Roarmulus for the first time!

Portrait de Asdfasdfasdfs
Still looking for cool people

Still looking for cool people to join!