Aeternus Imortalitas

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Bild des Benutzers Bluesupernovah

Aeternus Imortalitas is now recruiting!
Aeternus Imortalitas, Forever in Happiness, is a guild with friendly, active, mature, and fun players. We are all tiers, so all you knights looking for a cool guild, sign up! We're not necessarily hardcore (Sorry, we don't do Shadow Lairs twice a day, people). Anyways, enjoy your stay and (hopefully) have fun!
Check out our wiki in the link below for some history, rules, member list,etc.
If you are interested in joining please leave your in game name in the comments below and I or one of the other Guild Masters or officers will contact you for an interview. Currently we are looking for experienced players that are willing to help us rebuild the guild, but we are willing to interview and accept any that apply.