Knights Errant - Guild Manifesto

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Guild Pages: newspaper & manifesto.



November 24 2014
1. For you who have not checked in for a while: we have a new web site at
All daily news and info articles will henceforth be posted there. This site is purely to redirect interested knights there from the forums.


November 23 2014
1. We continue to grow. The list of Standing Knights grows longer. But bear in mind the coming shakedown. Some knights will just not come back to Spiral, some will return in due course. But their beds are standing empty, and new knights - enthusiastic ones - are in need. No one gets kicked, for sure!!!! If the inactive ones do come back they will have this roof over their heads and companions as before. And a new bed, I hope. Soeur just cannot tell right now which ones have left home and which have gone on a business trip. This way we take care of everyone! There is no shame in being on the Standing list.

November 22 2014
1. Salutations to Sirbugbut - our thirteenth Vanguard! At last, Bugsy!
2. Our new Guild Page is up in a great place. Many thanks to Webmaster Envyon for his time, effort, and expertise. While I shall continue to post here, the new address is This is where you go now so make sure to bookmark it for frequent reference. As news items disappear on this forum page, they are being archived on the remote site. So if you wanted to take another look, say, at a gun entry, you will always find it there.
3. We are continuing to pick up Basil recipes. There is a link to check inventory on new site. You can get them from Soeur at the official price.

November 21 2014
1. New Guild Page Coming. Working to get it into Wiki. Stay tuned.
2. Please do not take advantage!!! Knights' obligation is always to respond to calls for help. But many knights take advantage and abuse the practice. So Guild policy is this: do not undertake any missions involving others until you are prepared for them re gear. Never leave on run or mission without supply of sparks. Never start on a mission alone then scream expecting everyone to drop his/her own stuff to bale you out. And do not attempt rank missions until you are capable of meeting the challenge. You are a knight, not a prima donna, or beggar, or sponge. And NEVER start what you cannot finish. Too often recently Soeur has dropped everything, doled out dozens of sparks to have the rankee log off in the middle!!
Make sure you are prepared, and that there is time to complete it. Or don't start in the first place.

November 19 2014
1. Info post - answering questions from members: remark that few females are in Spiral. We are all supposed to be anonymous and genderless, ha ha. May interest you to learn that we have 12 KNOWN females in Guild, including 3 of our 4 Guild Masters.
2. How many can be in a Guild? Size determined by size of Hall. As fully finished and equipped Hall we could go to the maximum which is 150 Members. We set our limit at 60. This is good in theory but in practice is not feasible. Working our way through our first year with no terms of reference to guide us, we find that many members at present are non-active, not due to lack of interest but rather to the duties right now of school and work. At the moment, impossible to separate a number of these from those who will not become active again. I am letting the numbers accrue until shakeout. No one will be kicked. I have spoken of a new class within the Guild of Standing Members at all ranks. Where I have been notified of absence, those knights will remain as they are. When I am in doubt and need a bed, I will make room by changing the sheets and shifting the absentees to that new internal status. This in no way affects their rank or access to privileges. When and if they return, they will be reassigned billets according to their rank. I shall note the Standing Knights (still listed normally) at the bottom of the member list in the guild pages.

BOSS RECIPES: experiment.
The gear you get from the Boss tokens - shields, swords, guns - are valuable additions to your arsenal and you get them with tokens from Brinks. (Unless you pay arm and leg in AH). But to craft up, you have to find those recipes with Basil at the Terminals. Since his stock is random you can do many runs before you find what you need, which can take time and buckets of frustration. Soeur has started collecting these recipes which you can trade from her at no extra cost. Right now: 2 Blackhawks. 10k cr each. If this works, she will list more as she finds them. Stay posted.

November 15 2014
(for newer knights) Missions:
After Royal Jelly, climb gets steeper. You need more gate runs in between to heat up gear, get crystals, orbs, and crowns to trade for energy - to buy sparks in the Supply Depot for one thing. You are all good, strong knights, not chronic beggars. (But - if you do hit a big wave, do not hesitate to call for help. We do not want dead heroes all over the clockworks.) However, do not start any mission now until you are ready. Try to get party together first, too. Early missions are easy to run solo. Now it is better to have fellows with you.
TWINS: look at parties - lots of snarbs, and jellies, and vanas. Rarely a Twins. It is least popular mission. Why? The fighting is okay. But it is a puzzle, a maze of rockets and switches. And needs coordination of party for successful run. Random parties? Everybody is hitting switches, either acccidentally or on purpose - whichever, you die from flying rockets - fast. Before doing this mission make sure you have a good party it's worth the wait. Do no not go until you have good gear and plenty of sparks.

November 14 2014
When to ask for help? Before you run a mission, make sure that you can hold your own. If your gear is not ready, do gate runs. That way you heat it up, gain orbs and crowns and extras too. Trade some crowns for energy to buy sparks. You should never have to ask for those hard-earned items from others except in an emergency. Soeur likes to help and does so as much as she can, likely more than she should. While helping fellow-knights out is a right thing to do, bailing them out on a regular basis creates weak and dependent fighters without a sense of responsibility. Coming up through the ranks is tough and slow but that is what conditions a fighter in the long run. (Happy to say that when our knights ask for e.g. single orbs, they almost always honorably offer to trade crowns and energy in return. Kudos! :)))) Overall tho, please be as independent as you can. No one likes a chronic beggar. When knights give out of their own good nature, they are handing precious stuff they earned the hard way. So: ask if you have to but think twice before you do it, always give thanks, and be sure to pay it back as soon as you can.


A guild is a voluntary association of like-minded knights. There are many in Spiral Knights, with many different goals. Choosing your guild is one of the most important commitments you will ever make. Be sure you know what you expect before you join one. Read the following pages carefully to see what this guild has to offer you - and also what it will require of you in return.


Motto: Parvus Bonus Est: Viva Diu Knights Errant!
(small is good – long live Knights Errant!)

Guild founded first week of February, 2014: population – 85 as of Nov 23 2014)

FOUNDER:Soeurwulf, (Vanguard).
GUILDMASTERS:Firemetal, (Vanguard); Julcaid, (Vanguard); Miss-Lewyl-Ghyne.

Ranks other than Vanguard not listed as they change almost daily.

An-Hesta; Dolyey; Gom-The-Brown; Jel-Drop; Mylanfyndra.
(Promotion-to-Officer Rank off-limits: don’t even ask.)

Agogousis (Hurigan); Cybearic (Bear - Vanguard); Dragon-Destiny (Vanguard); Edzz-Killz (Vanguard); Gabrielafram (Vanguard); Gknight-Twelve; Goldenphoinex; Ice-Metal; Kurroko; II-Tron-II (Vanguard); Lelixus; Nedelcu (Vanguard); Raghd (Vanguard); Rev-Sylvanus; Robo-Ninjax (Magic); Sirbugbut; SsjRano; Tamok; Wolf-Flare; Xdancer (Vanguard); Wycan-Yul-Kinta; Xdarkstarx (Vanguard); Zabberx.

Alpha-Sama; Bombsnake; Fransheik; Gadeft; Giannissim; Jeffrey-The-Slayer; Luigicar; Malabuellua; Mohitt; Rapidfirez; Sentinald; Terand; The-Hopeful-Hero; Thoren-Ocensheld; Tyrant-Molestia; Xhadow-Sensei; Xxproxyxx; Zedacki.

Aiyum (Goldy); Allosaurus; Avrille; Cernet; Crazie-King; Cyoctic; Druv-Vel; Envyon; Faisalx; Jayojack; John-Quote (Quix); Knight-Chetan; Makcimo; Mrwolfpaws; Mystic-Wind; Nanoab-Tdestory; Noraldalam; Nova-Assault; Old-Light; Princesa-Tibiana;Scrounch; Sharval; Showd-Knight; Sirrockard; Snillum; Sparil-Owl-Knight; Stealthkillone; Sweetnight; Wappylol; Wolfstrikers; Xico-Dragon (Cdragon); Xxlil-Kikix;

Standing Knights: Cy, Cernet, Dhruv-Vel; Knight-Chetan; Malabuellua; Princesa-Tibiana; Robo-Ninjax; Paws, Puma, The-Dark-of-Dawn; & Vel.

While the guild is you, the hall is important, providing many amenities for your comfort and convenient use. Since its beginning as a 2-room refuge it has expanded to the maximum of East & West wings, 5 complete floors. See map in top RH corner of yr screen for utility icons.
Here is the full list of public features & utilities:

1st floor. (West Wing): Auction House, (East Wing): Alchemy Room. (The red sprite food machine is not available but there is one right next door in the Lab.) (Hall Center): lobby & Tamarith tree where parties muster for missions and runs. Lobby resident: Jabberwhacky (sitting Gobblesnipe); Lobby Patrol: 2P (Walking Gobblesnipe; Oskar (Kat); Sacre-bleu, Whitey (Flying Snipes).

2nd floor. (West Landing): Teahouse of the April Moon. (East Landing): Addison Coffee House. (Hall Center): the War Room.

3rd floor. (East Wing): Coliseum Room & Bechamel. (East Landing): Charred Chocolate Bar (pun intended).

4th floor.(West Landing): Ice Cream Parlor. (East Landing): Hunter's Rest with large Snarbolax trophy. (Hall Center): Library. Librarian: Crassus - don't get too close, he has bad breath. And Monty the Mysterious Kat lurking in the tome stand. (East Wing): Armero Room where trophies are crafted, & Guild Training Hall. (3-tier where you can train and test yr gear against the 6 monster families.)

5th floor: (Hall Center): Art Gallery.

The Guild and its Hall was created in February this year as a private hole-in-the-wall. In May, we opened up to some great trenchers. But we're a clan, not a hive. We do not solicit for recruits. We’re picky. Whatever your rank, if you want in, ask. We’ll run with you to see if you play nice and kill well. We want loyal troopers and kindly civilized people who will help to keep our home a pleasant place. We welcome your Alternates in their own right. For more detail see Soeur. (Paying Members: the Alts share your billet at no additional cost.)

There are few rules, just requests for common decency, like:

a) Don’t go asking personal stuff. We’re all anonymous and live in Haven, tho we do respect that some knights might choose to volunteer private info of their own free choice.
b) Always be polite & helpful to all, not just friends & guild mates. Also don't forget to say hi and bye when you log on and off.
c) No begging, even tricked out as borrowing. Try it and you’re out!
d) Wait for slow loaders on the pad. You may have a legit need to hurry but others may have bad connection and load more slowly. If this is so, wait. If all you want to do is rush around for loot, you need another guild.
e) Don't leave in the middle of a serious Rank or Boss Mission without just cause. If you do not mean to finish don't start!
f) Don't slaughter Love Puppies (they shoot out hearts not rockets and are coloured pink) - they are healers and may save YOUR life one day. We hear you have purposely killed one you are gone.

Ranks, privileges, obligations: (guild ranks are not knight ranks.)

GENERAL MEMBERSHIP We are small and intend to remain so. Everyone has the dignity of a bed and a room. Billets are limited. In normal times, members of any rank who become inactive without noticebecome Standing Knights, i.e. nothing changes except they have no billet. If you are going to be off for a while let us know. This can be reversed by contacting Soeur.

RECRUITS Membership is free. Just observe our code and bear our name responsibly. When you become Knight you should be able to manage Member rank.

MEMBERS: EVERY FRIDAY MEMBERS PAY 1000 CROWNS INTO THE TREASURY. Don’t mess up. Upkeep is removed from the Treasury 10 a.m. Saturdays and we need to see who’s paid. Members have access to the Member storage. (Scroll right in the Console.) It contains materials for sprite food and crafting up gear. Members can deposit spare mats for communal use and also take out what they need. DO NOT PUT NORMAL MATS INTO THE TREASURY!

VETERANS deposit 2,500 crowns with access to Veteran storage.


Knights who have had to leave the guild for personal reasons may at any time come back in at their old rank. Miss-Lewyl-Ghyne as Guildmaster has contributed a great deal to this guild from the beginning. We could not have grown without her. We thank her for her loyalty and support and hope that one day she will be able to return. (She has done so on an occasional basis for which we are very glad.)

1) Knights who fail to mind our code are warned. 3 warnings and they are booted pronto. Honor your commitments. Make your Friday deposits as you agreed. Guild Masters don't like to spend precious time rooting through the records!

NOTE: MATERIALS. There are 2 kinds, and the difference is important. Regular mats are picked up from killings and go into your arsenal to feed your sprite and level up your gear. Boss mats come indirectly from Boss tokens gained at the end of missions and gotten from Brinks in the Bazaar. (Snarbolax, Royal Jelly, Roarmulus Twins, and Vanaduke.)

Boss Materials:

If you’ve not been in a guild before, you may not know about the Armero Room known as the Hunting Lodge. Guilds that have this wonderful facility, as we have, can craft Boss Trophies for the guildhalls. You can’t ever buy these. As explained above, these are crafted from materials which you get by trading Boss tokens with Brinks. If ever you want to contribute to your guild through effort alone you can trade the Boss tokens for materials and drop them into the Treasury. (Crafting is restricted by Spiral Rules to Officers only.) These 4 Boss materials are:

snarbostuffing - 12 frumious fangs, (Snarbolax mission)
jelly glue - 15 jelly gems, (Royal Jelly mission)
schemer scraps - 18 bark modules, (Roarmulus Twins mission) and
dark embers - 25 Almirian seals, (Vanaduke mission).

There are samples of these trophies around the GH. 2 small brown Snarb trophies in the War Room, a big one in the Hunters' Rest. A Frumious Fang Trophy in Founder Soeurwulf's lair; 5 Jelly Gem trophies in the library; a Jelly Crown in Guildmaster Julcaid's room on the 5th floor East; a Vanaduke Mask trophy in Guildmaster Firemetal's room next door, a Roarmulus Twin back of the Console in the lobby, and an Almirian Seal in the Veteran's Room, end room 1st floor East. We are currently making more, our effort never stops! The Guildmasters would be glad to tell you more about this anytime. It might be nice to look at a Jelly Crown or a big Roarmulus Twin on a landing and know you were part of making it. But remember: those Boss tokens render valuable gear you cannot get any other way so look to your own needs first!

Regular Materials:

IMPORTANT NOTE on STORAGE OF REGULAR MATERIALS: Guild members can share these materials via the Member and Veteran Storage bins on the Console. (scroll right to find them). You can dump spare stuff there and also take out what you need. DO NOT put shareable materials into the Treasury. They can't ever come out. You can also craft regular mats with Brinks from regular tokens.

Final note: Take the trouble to check out the Spiral Knights Wiki page. The home page leads you to all you need to know about everything Spiral.

The original version of this thread was created May 28 2014 by Founder Soeurwulf. Updated regularly by the Founder, posted with Guildmaster Firemetal's account, and formatting originally done by former Guildmaster Miss-Lewyl-Ghyne.