😸 Punch Status UVs on Shields

When you craft a shield you have a 1/8 chance of getting a UV. That UV can be damage type (Norm/Ele/Pierce/Shadow) or status (Stun, Fire, Shock, Poison, Curse, Freeze).
When you Punch a shield you can only get damage type UVs. You cannot get status UVs at Punch.
I've been asking around--nobody has a good explanation as to why you can't Punch a status UV (Stun, Fire, Shock, etc) onto a shield.
- This makes no sense; if you can craft the UV, you should be able to Punch the UV.
- 😸 You can still get useless UVs on shields by crafting. There is no functional difference for UV distribution; you are not protecting us from getting bad UVs. We can still get Stun on a Plate Shield just like we can get Jelly Max on a Flourish.
- 😸 You cannot remove status UVs on shields from the game completely. Players will protest. So why not make them Punchable?
- 😸 This mattered less in the mist crafting days. Now it's nearly impossible to find UV'd shields; this current system makes it harder to get desirable shield UVs and increases prices.
- 😸 OOO: changing this would make more people use Punch, which would remove more Cr from the economy. That is a good thing for you.
This would require very little dev time to fix. Just replace the shield Punch table with a copy of the armor Punch table, or hook the shield lookup to the armor's table. - 😸 It will make your shield-loving players happy (not all of us use Swiftstrike Buckler in everything up to and including Shadow Lairs).
Please fix! :)

The same could be said about skelly/jelly/magic armor sets.
Does anyone own Dread Skelly/Grey Feather/Ice Queen sets complete with 8+ resistance against the big 5?

Considering that the main reason people sink CR into items is for LD (a place where player owned shields don't exist), and the fact that most players aren't as used to shielding as they should be I doubt that OOO/SK will get this added anytime soon.
Yes it should be fixed, no I doubt it will make as much a profit as much as weapon/armor UV grinding.
(FYI Ele med Omegaward can tank an elite Vana mace even at lvl 5)

That or they could remove our ability to get status variants on shields period, and all of our current uniquely varianted gear would become super rare and cool.

I got a fire low on my volcanic plate shield through crafting. It's entirely useless, but I know you know this already. 5* shields with natural statuses on them already remove 100% of their respective statuses; the additional low does nothing.
At least slime UVs on a flourish has an actual effect, however rare that might be. Same reason for no ASI UVs on bombs.
I'm in favour of bringing both shield status UVs and bomb ASI UVs back.

I had to explain this issue to some new players in my guild, and it made me think of this thread again. Came back and updated the OP for clarity.
Please +1
Clotho - Today at 4:04p. m.:
Thank you for your patience! The variants acquired with Punch are working as intended. The linked forum thread indicates a player's opinion only.
The wiki here has more information: https://wiki.spiralknights.com/Unique_variant#Helmets.2C_Armor_Suits.2C_...
Please note the wiki is edited by players. We do review posted articles and make sure they're accurate, but Game Masters don't update them regularly - players do. Having said that, because the page wasn't as clear as it could've been for you I've added a note on Punch.
I'm sorry, but we can't offer a refund in this case as it is working as intended and not caused by a bug. I'm sorry this will be disappointing.
Eldstripador - Yesterday at 2:25p. m.:
I spin 20 times and in none of those 20 did it come out (Fire, poison, Electricity, freezing, Stun)
I refer to that as NO uv Status
And yes referring to the Swiftstrike Buckler
I'm sorry if I didn't make myself understood, I don't speak English well
Clotho - Yesterday at 2:21p. m.:
Are you referring to the Swiftstrike Buckler? Can you please clarify what you mean about no UV status?
Eldstripador - Yesterday at 1:21p. m.:
I just spent 400k spinning UV and after spinning 20 times it seemed strange that no UV status appeared so I looked in forums about this and it turns out that in 2014 someone posted this error https://forums.spiralknights.com/es/node/104597
I just want them to return my 400k and remove the information from the wiki: https://wiki.spiralknights.com/Unique_variant

Ugh, I understand your frustration but necro'ing a thread from 4 years ago won't help.
I think the following are the 2 key questions that need to be answered:
😸 You can still get useless UVs on shields by crafting. There is no functional difference for UV distribution; you are not protecting us from getting bad UVs. We can still get Stun on a Plate Shield just like we can get Jelly Max on a Flourish.
😸 You cannot remove status UVs on shields from the game completely. Players will protest. So why not make them Punchable?
A: Yes, you can get UVs that are practically useless as well as UVs that are objectively useless through crafting. You can get a practically useless Jelly Very High on a Flourish. You can also craft an objectively useless Fire Max on Grey owlite shield. Punch always had the drawback of giving (mostly) bad UVs. A low piercing resist UV is bad, a fiend very high UV on acheron is also bad. Status UVs on shields are in a class of their own though because they are objectively useless. Any player who has the funds to roll at Punch, also has the experience to realize that a piercing low UV is bad, and that an acheron doesn't really benefit much at all from damage bonus UVs against fiends. So no player is going to actively pursue these UVs on those items. Status UVs on shields are potentially objectively useless but you cannot know this unless you have deeper knowledge of the game mechanics. Some status UVs on shields are very good and yes they cannot remove status UVs on shields completely because players would protest. But the difference between craftable UV and punchable UV is that a punchable UV can be actively pursued by unknowing players, while craftable UVs have a much higher barrier. An ignorant player is not going to craft 1000 2 star shields to get a specific status UV by accident, but an ignorant player might decide they want Fire max on their grey owlite shield and spend 2 million crowns trying to get it. And if they then find out that their fire max does nothing for them, they'll feel scammed. Someone who got a free fire max on the Grey Owlite shield they just upgraded isn't going to feel scammed. Adding status UVs to Punch would result in a lot of ignorant players rolling for objectively useless UVs and then demanding refunds that cannot be given for obvious reasons (refunding for ignorance would invite every con artist to roll on alternate accounts demanding refunds when they don't get a favorable roll)
Secondly, status UVs being punchable would also make it way more expensive for experienced players to try and get actually good UV rolls on shields (because on any given roll where you get a high/max UV, about half of the possible rolls would be objectively useless, and then a couple more would be bad. The way it currently works in the game, you have 50% chance of getting a good type with the other 50% being unfavorable or plain bad, but none of them are objectively useless.
tell that to my shock med grey owlite shield.
althogh yeah, it doesn't really make sense. it must be considered though that status is everithing for a shield (damage reduction is not that useful), so you could craft a very OP shield punching UVs on owlite or skelly. so, I don't really know.