Wild Hunting Blade, Made Incorrectly?

4 replies [Last post]
Quiiliitiila's picture

I don't know about anyone else who plays with this awesome blade, but it has a major flaw... For those of you unfamiliar with it, the Wild Hunting Blade summons a phantasmal golden wolfer to bite you foes with each swing. This bite attack is supposed to be the equivalent of the other cutter lines' second swing; however the problem is that the wolfer's bite comes to late in the swing and it completely misses the enemy you are attacking because of the knock back. The only way to hit enemies with the bite is by cornering them against something or stunning them (not a viable option all of the time). My suggestion is to have the bite occur simultaneously with the swing so that they both his at the EXACT same time, with no room for error.

Anyone else have this problem?

Trouser's picture
What happened to the replies

What happened to the replies to this?

Legacy Username
Double Post

You might be thinking about the double post over in General Discussion.

Quiiliitiila's picture
Yeah sorry, I had posted it

Yeah sorry, I had posted it in General discussion without knowing that there was an arsenal section (I hadn't visited the forums for a few weeks and missed it's implementation) so I then moved it here.


Quiiliitiila's picture
Ok, so I was told that it was

Ok, so I was told that it was a balancing issue in regards to the second hits of the WHB or other Cutter lines. It is believed that if these weapons hit with their second swing all of the time then they would be overpowered. I disagree. The second swing of the cutter series has always been it's unique and defining trait. That second swing also makes up for the damage that the sword looses for being so fast, when you take away the second swing you take away it's damage and leave it with only speed.

I'll tell you, speed does not always win. You can be hacking on a creature all day at the speed of light but if your damage sucks it will still take a while for the creature to go down. That was what was special about the Cutter line, the second swing made up for the lost damage and allowed you to stack small amounts of hurt in a short period of time. Now it seems that unless you corner or stun something the second hit never connects, it becomes even more obvious when you have the Wild Hunting Blade because you can more easily see the second hit (or bite).

I've found that the Winmillion ( http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Winmillion ) actually does more damage base than the higher end cutter lines and always hits with it's second attack (small energy disks that shoot out with each swing). Even more surprising is the fact that the Winmillion's second attack does full damage! So why cant the Cutter's hit with their second swing? It only does 1/2 damage!

Any comments?