Gods™ [Merchanting | PvE | Shadow Lairs]

Gods! Recruiting New Members!
Welcome to the God’s forum recruitment page! This is the page where you can find out the requirements to join our fine guild. The Application is fast and simple, making it easier than ever to join Gods.
About Gods.
Gods is a young Guild but surely not a weak one. Gods was founded April 14, 2014 by Count and Aandy and is now run by its two Guild Masters, Aandy and Ragga-Prince. We are building our way to the top. We might not be a big guild, but we judge our members by personality rather than gear. We believe with enough support we can make the guild into something well known throughout the SK community. Gods is loosely based on merchanting and we also host Missions, Prestige Mission, Danger Missions and Shadow Lairs to help out our fellow guildies advance in the game. We have quite the experience with merchanting and ways to help you become a better player as well as smarter merchant.
(Note) : Gods even functions as a normal guild. We require no previous knowledge of merchanting to join.
What does Gods do?
Gods is an fairly old Guild but is currently being revived. We are a Guild that is focused on merchanting but can conform to fit the needs of its members. We welcome newcomers that have an interest in learning the tips and tricks in becoming a successful merchant as well as anyone who is interested in meeting tons of new people who are always willing to help their friends . With our guidance and knowledge we can teach you! In addition, we help players complete their missions, gain Prestige, and even craft Shadow Lair Gear (Free SL are every 2-3 weeks!). For the ones who are already experience merchants, you're probably wondering why join Gods? Gods will not only help out newcomers but will help you find buyers for your items, and create a constructive environment for all merchants.
Requirements To Join Gods.
- Must Be Defender Elite & Up
- Must Be Active
- Polite and Respectful to Others
- No Begging
Rules of Gods.
- Must be active : We require members to be active and participating. This can be either helping other members runs, contributing to the conversation, or donating to the guild! Anyone that becomes inactive for over 4+ months will be removed from the guild, unless previous notification was given.
- Guild Hopping : Gods does not take guild hopping lightly regardless of what status you held previously. We do not re-invite people that decide to leave without notice. You are more than welcome to leave Gods however do not expect an invite back. This pertains to Guild Hopper that haven’t been in Gods either. We do not accept Guild Hoppers or leavers; just say bye if you are, its not that hard!
- Etiquette : Gods is friendly sociable group of people that like to joke around. However please be aware of others feelings. If it comes to the point where jokes are taken to far and can not be controlled the offender(s) will be removed without hesitation. We also do not take lying, scamming, and/or begging lightly. Any offender(s) will be subjected to the same action and blacklisted from the guild.
- Contributions: While donations to the Guild Treasury are neither forced nor expected, they are certainly appreciated. We do not require donations to keep the Guild Hall afloat but donating Crowns, Furniture and Materials to benefit the Guild does heighten your chances of promotion.
Application For Gods.
- What is your Knight’s name (IGN)?
- How old are you? (optional)
- What is your time-zone?
- What server do you play on?
- How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
- Are you interested in merchanting?
- Why do you want to join Gods?
- Add a few fun facts about yourself!
Once you’re done with the application, you can post it on this thread or Mail in to Ragga-Prince in-game.
(Note:) If you want your invite to be reviewed and accepted sooner, feel free to send your application to Ragga-Prince. Otherwise a GM/Officer should be in contact with you shortly!
Ranking System.
- Recruit:
- Just like every other guild, you have to start somewhere. But don’t look too sad you’ll become a member in no time!
- Member:
- Becoming a Member is easy and painless, just stay in the Guild for one to two week and you’re set. You are require to be active and participating though, inactivity for one to two weeks does not automatically grant you membership.
- Veterans:
- Veteran is a bit more challenging. To become a Veteran. You must have all your Missions completed (Rank 10-1), you must have been in the Guild for over two months and have contributed over 50K CR to the Guild Treasury. However there are exception that will be decided amongst the GMs.
- Officer:
- To become Officer you gotta put in some major effort. Being an Officer means that you must have all your Missions completed (Rank 10-1), you must have been in the Guild for over 4 months, you must be a trusted member of the Gods community, you must have donated over 200K CR and you must be willing to help recruit new members and help direct Guild affairs.
- Guild Master:
- Sorry to disappoint. Even though you’ve made it this far, we are not accepting any other Guild Masters at this time.
Thanks for reading and we suggest you now consider carefully, for the choice is yours: will you become a God?

I'd love to join, but I'm still only a Knight-Elite, and I can only go on during the weekends. (◕︵◕)

Mai name is Slice-and-Impale as this post sayz
2. 15 years.
3. CST
4. I play on the US servers
5. Ive plaid sk since June 2011
Somehwat. I have an insignificant forum shope.
7. Cos whodoesnt wanna be a God.
8. I luv turdles :3
Theez are my official apps for Gods

What is your Knight’s name (IGN)? = Iolly
How old are you? (optional): 117 years.
What is your time-zone?: GMT I think.
What server do you play on?: What does this mean??? I go to haven 1 I'm english
How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?: Oh... Idk... 10 years...? No... 8 Years??? No I think 2 years or 1 year IDK!!!
Are you interested in merchanting?: No
Why do you want to join Gods?: Because I like to travel guilds so don't be upset if I leave.
Add a few fun facts about yourself!: Hi

Vet of the guild, not to disappoint but the two gms are inactive atm, so they probably can't read your applications, but if i ever see them i'll remind em.

Apps up to this point has been processed. If you did not receive an invite, we sadly did not think you were the best for for Gods. Thanks for all your interest .
1.What is your Knight’s name (IGN)?
2. How old are you? (optional)
3.What is your time-zone?
4.What server do you play on?
US server
5,How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
Ive been playing since 2013
6.Are you interested in merchanting?
Yeah but not so much.
7.Why do you want to join Gods?
I really like having guild runs since there is more cooperation and more players.
8.Add a few fun facts about yourself!
I love Befriending a lot of people

Apps up to this point has been processed. If you did not receive an invite, we sadly did not think you were the best for for Gods. Thanks for all your interest .
Hi! I would like to join this guild.
1. My name in Aurorua
2. I am 14
3. ETZ
4. U.S. Servers
5. I have been playing for about 2 months.
6. I am interested, but I am not good at pricing.
7. I would like to join the guild because I want to help others in whatever they may need help in.
8. I specialize in fast weaponry, the usually unused sword. The cutter line.
Thanks ya all'

Apps have been processed, Invites have been sent out!

1. My IGN is Xanisher.
2. %$%@%@!
3. Eastern Standard Time
4. U.S. Servers
5. Since launch
6. Yes, but not to an extreme extent, but I do make a considerable amount from doing so
7. Because it's a guild for me, where I can exchange goods in a social environment
8. Not much, I like to nap a lot, if that's what you're asking, :P
That's all from me folks.
What is your Knight’s name (IGN)?
What is your time-zone?
What server do you play on?
U.S Servers
How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
Since 2012, though I have taken time off the game.
Are you interested in merchanting?
Yes! I'm not too good at it but I'm hoping to learn :)
Why do you want to join Gods?
This guild seems awesome and I'd love to pick up some merchanting tips along the way of getting to know you all.
Add a few fun facts about yourself!
I'm not too interesting but I love to help people with their problems in any way I can.

Apps up to this point have been processed. If you did not receive an invite, we sadly did not think you were the best for for Gods. Thanks for all your interest.

Hey, I know a guild you can join!! Shadows Might is a good guild, you can join that one! (Anyone else who is polite and willing to join is welcome.) Just mail Tellus Goldfire, he'll allow you to join! (Also see "Shadows Might", it is in the guild recruitment somewhere, probably near the top.) Sorry for posting a guild advertisement on a guild advertisement. Also, this is a VERY blasphemous guild. Seriously.

You guys heard it here first! SHADOWS MIGHT a VERY blasphemous guild.
Why apply anywhere else?! Oh... wait ...

You know that is not what I meant. Sorry for downfalling your guild anyway. That was sort of mean of me. Sorry.
What is your Knight’s name (IGN)?
How old are you? (optional)
What is your time-zone?
-Pacific Time Zone
What server do you play on?
How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
-Used to play back in June 2011 for quite a bit but recently came back, about 2-3 weeks now
Are you interested in merchanting?
-A little bit. Never had too much patience so I'm not sure if I could.
Why do you want to join Gods?
-Mainly organized PvE, shadow lairs and occasional fsc runs.
Add a few fun facts about yourself!
-Like to use swords mainly, have only done vanaduke shadow lair and willing to learn and help others as well.
I'll just leave this here