Fullscreen Issue

4 replies [Last post]

Every time I launch Spiral Knights in full screen, my game takes up 1/4 of the screen on the top left corner. I'm running it on 1366x768 on a 3200x1800 monitor and I'm on windows 10. I did not have this problem before, but I just noticed it around this week. This problem also occurs on all the other resolution options except for my monitor's native res, which makes all the in-game icons look small.
Image: http://imgur.com/htY6Mfu




Autofire's picture
You are experiencing a PICNIC ERROR!
Tapproot's picture
Woops necro

I have found an actual solution for those who have this problem and noticed that this thread doesn't actually pose a real solution. At least for windows 10. All I did was right click my Spiral Knights shortcut > Properties > Compatibility > Change High DPI Settings, and tick "Override high dpi scaling behavior. Scaling performed by: 'Application' (from the drop down menu)". And that's it.

It's possible that this would work for other operating systems, however I: 1. Don't know if they have this problem, and 2. Don't know how to override dpi scaling for other OS's.
Hope this helped someone.

Lendios's picture
the fix

the above is correct on how to fix it if you're trying to use 4k with 64bit java. However if you're running through steam you may notice that your SK shortcut doesn't have compatibility in properties. Instead, do the above but to your steam shortcut. Not sure if this will mess up your other games but you can always revert back if it does.