Gilded Griffin

13 respuestas [Último envío]
Imagen de Jazzberry-Jam

Could someone please explain this to me:

I've brought gilded griffin to Vanaduke. Gilded griffin is a purely pierce damage dealing gun. Vanaduke is weak to piercing. But every time i shoot him, he doesn't receive any bonus damage from the gun. It's neutral and the number color shows it too. Everything except the last hit of the charge attack is not affected by his pierce weakness.

How? Why? It doesn't make any sense, at least to me @.@

Imagen de Midnight-Dj

Vanaduke is not actually a fiend, he is a special boss, he may be fiend on paper, but actually he is neutral to piercing damage.

Imagen de Fehzors-Forum-Alt

Naw he's weak to piercing damage the other types do less and piercing does more but Vanaduke isn't coded as a fiend you are right about that one and one more thing Vana is a fiend if the game says he is it doesn't matter what it does internally it's more that bonus vs fiend just doesn't work if vana is a fiend and damage vs friends doesn't do extraaa a;ljdskf;anv'k'k''popopokuhw2qfq23j,4af32q-,2r10

Imagen de Neometal

Vana is only slightly weak to piercing, that's why the blitz's normal dmg is a bit more than the dmg vs the zombies are guards there. Charged needles w/ max dmg are 289 vs vana, 275 vs undead on d28.

And he's not a fiend, only was categorized there (by accident...) when the new ui was introduced.

Imagen de Sir-Pandabear

Vana has 200 normal/elemental and 180 piercing defence. For contrast, regular undead have 180-ish piercing/normal defence and 90-ish elemental defence on that same depth. So the term 'weakness' is relative, and greatly exeggarated.

What he is weak to is high-damage weaponry like Blitz Needle.

Imagen de Jazzberry-Jam

What you all have written here is good and all that, but is not related at all to what my confusion was about (and also most of you all have mentioned fiends, but i did not. i never said vanaduke to actually be a fiend, all i said was that piercing damage is good against him). Perhaps it was because of how i worded it.

So let me try that again.

Vanaduke, when shot by a piercing gun, the numbers that show the damage turn yellow and are higher than the white ones.

Vanaduke, when shot by gilded griffin, has low damage white numbers, not yellow numbers. Even though gilded griffin is purely a pierce damage dealing gun.

Vanaduke, when shot by the last hit of gilded griffin charge attack (meaning the bird thing), does yellow numbers with high damage.

But the damage is always piercing, so why is just 1 hit going yellow numbers, while all the others remain white numbers?

Imagen de Bopp
colors are buggy

Are you judging your bug based solely on the *color*, or on the actual *number* that shows up? As I recall, colors on the damage are buggy, and this has been known for several years (maybe since launch). I can't find any threads saying so right now, though.

If you're actually seeing lower *numbers* for piercing damage, then that would be more interesting. Please tell us exactly what the numbers are.

Imagen de Jazzberry-Jam
Colors are buggy?!

Welp, i had no idea that was the case. But then again, i have a talent for missing out on the most crucial information.

Anyway, i shall go back and test to see exactly what those numbers are so i can post them here.

Imagen de Jazzberry-Jam

I have returned from a solo Vanaduke run.

I have used a level 2 gilded griffin at depth 28 against both Vanaduke himself and the slags he summons. My loadout contained no damage bonus whatsoever.

Against the boss, all hits do 53 damage while the last hit of the charge attack deals 128.

Against the slags, all hits do 51 damage while the last hit of the charge attack deals 112 (but multiple times cuz the bird continued to fly and pushes the slags along with it)

Imagen de Bopp
makes sense

Those numbers corroborate the conventional wisdom, that Vanaduke is slightly less protected against piercing than undead and gremlins are. I haven't checked the numbers in any greater detail than that.

Imagen de Neometal

with max dmg (and lvl 10 weps):
blitz's and the gg's normal shots do 101 vs vana, both are brown
the charged attacks (the last 3 hits of the gg) do 289 and are blu coloured

Imagen de Bopp

Yes, Blitz Needle regular shot projectiles do the same damage as 5-star Antigua-line regular shot projectiles. The question is how the numbers compare across damage types --- normal vs. piercing. Sorry if I've misunderstood your post.

Imagen de Sir-Pandabear

People seem to have an impression that damage numbers come in three distinct types: yellow, white, and gray.

But it's actually a scale. Two damage numbers can be yellow, but one of them can be more yellow than the other one. This yellowness is decided based on factors I can only guesstimate, but I imagine the gradients to look something like this:

100-90% weapon damage -> white
90-75% weapon damage -> extremely yellow+humogous to yellow+big
70%-40% weapon damage -> white again
40%-0% weapon damage -> light gray+small to dark gray+tiny

I'm fairly sure the expected defence of a monster for a depth factors into this rather than percentages being used directly, but it's far from perfect.

Imagen de Fehzors-Forum-Alt

But Zeddy that is what the game told me damage numbers are either yellow white or grey the game would never lie to me ok