Need info on which guns to use that DO NOT involve switching bs.

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I just want to play the game normally without any switching nonsense people do with guns. Haven't played in many years and before nobody really did that, now it's the "only thing that makes alchemers viable."

Any tips on what to use for guns (and if I should get ASI or CTR for that type) that don't involve that switching stuff?

Will be playing with gf who uses swords


Imagen de Corporal-Shade
Hello Darkness, my Old Friend.

The Blaster, Antigua, Magnus, and Autogun don't need to rely on switch shooting for decent effectiveness.

Magnus and Autogun can be used just fine with their obliterative charge attacks. Pile CTR for these guns and you'll be murdering whatever looks at you funny.

Blaster and Antigua have some okay charge attacks. Use whatever you want for those.
Oh, Pulsar will work too. I'm sure you know how that gun works.

Catalyzer is treated as a fun gun. It's only effective if your allies don't kill your target.

Now just wait for Bopp and Fangel to give you an in-depth explanation!

Imagen de Fehzors-Forum-Alt

A. Drivers or "alchemers" are just as good without switching, especially considering their massive charge attack. If you think you're not effective enough with your driver you just need to practice a bit more. Finding the sweet spot to hit is the main source of damage, not spam.

B. All guns can benefit to some degree from switch shooting, including the ones Blazecat mentioned. Maybe you're not doing it constantly, but switching at the right time is a vital part of playing the game.

thx for replies I was

thx for replies

I was thinking of using a nice charge gun (PROBABLY iron slug)
I also wanted another that could help with status or has some specialized damage, maybe plague needle as it helps my gf too if they get poisoned (not sure on the rate, says small chance but there are a lot of bullets)

And then not really sure what else that isn't too "switch" reliant.

Imagen de Corporal-Shade
Hello Darkness, my Old Friend.

Plague Needle isn't recommended because of its slight decrease in damage.
Plus, Lockdown is unlikely to have casual players so you're literally dead meat in there.

Antigua is probably unusable for switch shooting. I dunno but it just seems like it to me.

not trying to do lockdown

not trying to do lockdown :P

also would the damage lowered be bad if the first few shots apply poison, amplifying further damage dealt?

Imagen de Poothis

You have to remember that Foriel is planning to play with another person. If you're going to be playing with your gf that often then Plague Needle wouldn't be a bad choice. But if you're ever going to go solo with anything, then yes, Blitz Needle is going to outclass it quite a bit. However, if you aren't going to be playing Lock Down or Blast Network for that matter, you should probably just drop the idea of getting the Plague Needle entirely as you need Krogmo Coins to get the recipes for Plague Needle.

Imagen de Bopp
agree with Fehzor

Many guns benefit from switching, and all guns can be used without switching. In particular, alchemers are viable even without switching.

I often enjoy playing a charge-oriented play style. Magnus-, Autogun-, and alchemer-style guns are all great for that. You might enjoy it too.

thx for replies. am i still

thx for replies.

am i still supposed to hold from firing briefly when i shoot one below the clip size to prevent reloading?

Imagen de Bopp
yes, but

Well, the good thing about charge-oriented guns is that you can just fire charge attacks.

When you choose to do regular attacks, I suspect (without having run the calculations) that you should not fire full clips. Yes, stop firing just before the clip is exhausted. Also shield-cancel of course.

Firing only half the clip is a big penalty for two-bullet guns such as Magnuses, Autoguns, and alchemers. But they make up for it on the charge.

thx all so for alchemers i

thx all

so for alchemers i can just single shot, wait, single shot?
also i tested shield cancelling after a 2nd shot on the zapper with ASI high versus just shooting twice and waiting, it's the same speed exactly (shield cancelling and shooting too fast a third will reload the gun apparently lol)

i do prefer shield cancelling for the autogun though so i dont waste time standing still, there it's helpful

one last thing:
should I use the auto aim thing? I've had it off for years but I just turned it on for fun and it sucks for swords (can't hit in the middle of two enemies) but for guns, does it help? specifically for the autogun?

I figure for the autogun, it MAY be helpful considering aiming a bit off to the side will cause some pellets to miss, where as other guns aiming a bit off to the side will still hit them with the side of the projectile for full damage. but autoguns, again, would miss some pellets. should i keep it on for auto guns?

Imagen de Fehzors-Forum-Alt

When strafing crowds of non-priority enemies, like zombies, I like to shoot-pause-shoot-pause, as that allows me to shield whenever I need to and avoids the reloading animation... but against priority enemies like turrets, healers, deadnauts, etc. I like to shoot full clips to maximize the damage I deal into bursts.

I have auto aim off unless I'm holding shift. Some situations benefit from auto aim. Others benefit from not auto aim. Of course it doesn't work while you're walking anyway, so a lot of the time it does nothing regardless.

Imagen de Drischa

But switching is s o g o o d

Anyway, it might be a bit of an odd one, but I'd recommend volcanic pepperbox. It's not the strongest, but the knockback can be pretty useful at times. Also it works on everything from trojans to lumbers to gun puppies to slimes, so kinda cuts down on crafting costs a little.

Alternatively make a blitz and one of those fancy new shadow autoguns to destroy everything with charge attacks. I'd say that autoguns are a good choice if you're looking to use guns while your partner uses swords as they have minimal knockback, and provide burst damage capability where many other weapons can't.

Most guns are pretty good though, you can usually stay in relative safety.
I'm not sure if it's efficient to avoid reloads as they changed the timing in the gunner update to make it less effective.

Have you considered using bombs?

Imagen de Bopp

I almost always have auto-targeting off. Turning it off is especially crucial for alchemers, so that you can land the ricochets effectively. For more details on that, see my FAQ.

Imagen de Skiino
It's not nosense, it's just a

It's not nosense, it's just a better playstyle to use guns for deal more damage etc. You should learn doing that too for getting better, also don't forget to not reload guns.

Imagen de Wqkipedia

Antigua would probably be the only non-charge oriented gun that using switching won't really make much of a difference.

Autoguns and magnuses can also benefit from switching but you need to know how to position yourself.

TBH switching is really valuable and it will never hurt to learn.

Imagen de Fehzors-Forum-Alt

Antiguas benefit from being switched into quite a bit. Like, one hit of divine avenger to push them away, then backpedaling + argent peacemakering to add damage onto that.

Imagen de Wqkipedia

Eh I guess you're right but any other gun would also work in that situation, antiguas' DPS will not differ drastically when you switch unlike most other guns.