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A Lazily Brokered Anarchy for the Casual Adventurer

New Players, Old Players, Returning Players!

Here to have fun exploring the clockwork and looking to make some new friends?
A little intimidated by guilds with a whole lotta rules and regulations and (yikes) taxes?
Looking for a guild still small enough your presence/contributions will mean something?

Welcome to Cahoots!
We all in this together~

We are a new, small, mostly english speaking guild, looking for pals to team up for exploration/adventuring or just chill and chat with. I am usually on during the weekends and occasionally afternoons (Pacific Time).

Currently, I'm offering Automatic Promotions to Vetren to the first 10 People interested in joining, and Officer promotions to the first 10 people interested who like to help out other people in Clockwork Runs. Even if your gear isn't so great yet, you'll get there! It's the attitude that's important!

    Guild Ranks and Abilities for EZ Reference

(Quoted directly from the Spiral Knights Wiki- Rights are not something that can be tailored to individual members; you get the title, you get all the right rights that come with it!)

Recruits may use the membership list, guild chat, guild hall, and guild treasury.

Members have the same privileges as Recruits and can use the guild hall Member Storage.

Veterans have the same privileges as Members and can also use the guild hall Veteran Storage. In addition, Veterans can enter Design Mode but cannot publish their changes.

Officers have all of the privileges Veterans and can also use the guild hall Officer Storage. They may also invite knights into the guild, and promote knights to Member, Veteran, and Officer. They may demote or remove lower-ranking knights and Officers of lower seniority. They can enter Design Mode and publish changes therein. Finally, Officers can use officer chat.

Guild Masters have the same privileges as Officers, except that Guild Masters may promote knights all the way to Guild Master, and may demote or remove Guild Masters of lower seniority.


1) You don't gotta be nice, but please don't be aggressively mean. If I get a landslide of complaints about your behavior violating game terms, I will remove you. Likewise if someone in the guild is bothering or harassing you, screenshot it and send it to me in a Private Message here on the forums! I have a soft spot in my heart for generally grumpy/grouchy people, but I do not tolerate bullies.

2) If you spend anything from the Guild Treasury, please fill it back up to where you left it. We don't tax, please help us not regret this decision.

3) If you need something, help/mats/armor, feel free to ask, but please don't spam the chat constantly like every 2 minutes. Sometimes people are in a battle and can't type. If no one responds, post a request here, and we'll see what we can do to help make it happen!

4) If you do not think you will be playing for a month or more, for whatever reason (you don't gotta justify) and don't want to be removed for inactivity leave me a note here so that I and other officers/gms will know not to remove you.

5) If you are an officer and you want to remove someone, please talk to me first. I need reasons, and proof of/witnesses to those reasons. If I log on and see you've kicked a bunch of people I will Demote you so you don't have that right anymore. This goes for pretty much all rights; Abuse it = Lose it.

If you would like an invite hit me up in game @ djibbi or leave a message here with the name of the character you'd like invited and as always, any and all suggestions on policy or organization or whatever are welcome and will be considered!

Happy Adventuring!

Officers Specialties

Officers who have a specialty (ie: A likes to organize Runs, B likes to hold raffles, C is really into interior decorating) will be listed here as a sort of directory.