PUBLIC GIVEAWAY EVENT !!! <<Knight of Khronos>> Small Tight Family, Active Guild New Player Friendly! *WE LOVE HUGS*

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Orzy's picture


2017 March 25 11:00 PM
We are GIVING AWAY 1 surprise costume to a random knight who signs up here and be at the group photo on March 24, PST 11:00 P.M.
We need at least 10 people to sign up in order to make this work! Spread the word please!
To sign up, please comment with you ign, and show up at our guild hall on time! More info will be spoken of during the event, there will be minigames!
The goal behind these events is to help spice things up in SK again, and have some fun ;)
We will set up a discord event page when the event is on.

Guild Name: Knight of Khronos!!

Currently, we're looking for more knights to join our family. Join us, if you want someone to play with fellow knights or help build the guild hall together. We strive to provide a better gaming environment, and we love to help others.

We do have a private discord chat server, would love it if you can join it when you join us!
(Mic won’t be required but is a recommendation to do voice chat)

Guild Masters: Moutachio/Orzy
Officers: Rheinallt/Manlyfrog-Yt

This guild is re-founded in March 2017 and by Orzy, Rheinallt, Moutachio, and Manlyfrog-Yt. Don’t hesitate to ask for help or make suggestions to us! <3

Currently we do tons and tons of Snarby, Jelly, and Vana runs.

We are looking for active members that are willing to talk lots! Skill is less relavent, we can teach you.

Each month there is one to two guild events, and one to two public give away events. Guild events normally surrounds donation progression or lucky draws! The prize normally contains energy/ new costumes/ crowns/ a massive hug/ carrying runs.

This month we are doing a Snarby event and the prize is a random costume!

2017 March
We are GIVING AWAY 1 surprise costume to a random knight who signs up here and be at the group photo on March 25, PST 11:00 P.M.
We need at least 10 people to sign up in order to make this work! Spread the word please!
To sign up, please comment with you ign, and show up at our guild hall on time! More info will be spoken of during the event, there will be minigames!
The goal behind these events is to help spice things up in SK again, and have some fun ;)
We will set up a discord event page when the event is on.

To become a member:

A list of question before we welcome our members into our guild!

1) Tier?
2) Hobbies?
3) Online hours?
4) What weapons do you like to use?
5) Do you like to help people?
6) Name and where are you from?
7) what do you expect from us?
8) Do you like hugs?

Happy Hunting Knights!

Goldencrowns's picture
I want to join the guild :D

1. I'm Tier 3, rank 10-3!

2. I enjoy umm, sleeping XD.

3. I'm online anytime between 3:00 P.M. EST to 11:00 P.M. EST on week-days, and I'm online anytime between 5:00 A.M EST and Midnight, on week-ends.

4. I like using my Dread Venom Striker and any bombs with big explosions.

5. I like to help people when

6. My IGN is Solar-Energy, and I'm from the U.S.A.

7. I don't know what to expect :o

8. I like hugging my Girlfriend maybe........I will give high-fives to anyone though :P

Nice guild

Good guild for almost everyone!! People are friendly and everything seems fair. HAI ORZYYY <3

Event Sign-up

Hi Orzy! :D
I'll be going to the event, so expect me there! xD
IGN: Moku-Niho