~The Terminators are recruiting!~We're a fun, active guild~WE WELCOME BOTH NEW AND OLD PLAYERS!~

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Portrait de Vivideus


The Terminators are recruiting! Founded in 2012, The Terminators is one of the biggest and most active guilds in Spiral Knights today. With over 250 players, we’re a large, vibrant guild that engages in various kinds of activities, such as running the Clockworks, doing Lockdown and chilling in Haven. We do not consider ourselves an “elite” or “PvP” guild. The guild consists of different kinds of members, including new, experienced or returning players. Whether you are a PvE or a PvP person, you will find guildmates of similar interest here in The Terminators. We welcome both new and veteran players!

Active Guild Masters

  • Funnybunnys
  • Nebrium
  • Eevees

Active Officers

  • Zendoku
  • Hellnite
  • Vivid-Gluttony
  • One-Faith
  • Haiiro-Neko
  • Gripleen

Why Termies?

  • Active, vibrant community. Our activity record this year is 35 members online simultaneously.
  • Great guild atmosphere. You wouldn’t feel pressured around here, we’re all super chill and laid-back!
  • Friendly and helpful guildmates of different personalities.
  • Guild events organized and ran by our experienced groups of officers.
  • Active Discord server and guild website with useful links!

New Players

  • Experienced players with advice on gear choice, farming techniques and more.
  • Our plethora of PvE grinders and farmers will keep you accompanied in runs and boss fights!
  • Recipe runs organized by officers or members give you easier access to rare recipes, with little extra cost!
  • Level up with other new players in guild for extra fun!

Old Players

  • Frequent FSC/DaN runs and Shadow Lair sometimes!
  • Interesting guild chat so you won’t get bored easily.
  • Grind in events together! Our guildmates are such hardcore farmers, one even farmed over 666 Black Kats in a single Kataclysm event!
  • Opportunity to engage in organizing events and managing the guild!

PvP Players

  • Enjoy Lockdown with our guildmates without being in a LD guild.
  • Our list of experienced LD players include: Bleyken, Screith, Funnybunnys, Finesser, Thayl-Xz, and more!
  • Play GvG with other guilds, or even do in-house Lockdowns!

Guild rules are simple:

  1. Be friendly and respect your guildmates.
  2. Don’t beg or ask for help excessively.
  3. Be moderately active.
  4. No weekly donation is required!

For a detailed version of our guild rules, please click here.


  • Friendly player with nice attitude.
  • Be at least moderately active. You are not required to log on everyday and play for 6 hours, but log on more than three times per week.
  • Be at least Knight Elite. However, we accept lower ranks if you can show your dedication to the guild.

What are you waiting for? Join us today by replying to this post and answering the questions below. If you do not have a forum accout, you can access the application form HERE or contact Vivid-Gluttony in game.

1. What is your in game name? Please include previous names if you have namechanged.
2. Are you a new, old, or returning player?
3. What is your timezone?
4. How active are you?
5. What is your rank in game?
6. What guilds have you been in before?
7. What activites do you do mainly on Spiral Knights?
8. Do you know anyone in the guild? Who?
9. Would you like to be called a Termie or a Termite? Or do you have a better suggestion?
10. Tell us more about yourself!

Thanks for reading and have a good day! ^^

Portrait de Manlet

1. What is your in game name? Manlet
2. Are you a new, old, or returning player? Old
3. What is your timezone? CST
4. How active are you? Very
5. What is your rank in game? Champion
6. What guilds have you been in before? Manlet's House
7. What activities do you do mainly do on Spiral Knights? LD
8. Do you know anyone in the guild? All the high ranks
9. Would you like to be called a Termie or a Termite? Or do you have a better suggestion? Arnold
10. Tell us more about yourself! I'm very strong