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Big Angry bomb.

3 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Bild des Benutzers Iron-Volvametal

How exactly strong is BAB? Is it like the Leviathan Blade?

Bild des Benutzers Pawn
In T2

In t2 my BAB is approximately 30% stronger than my nitro. I'll check in t3 today if i remember. It has more knockback, longer fuse, slower walk speed and shorter blast radius.

It is not as good as the nitro for DPS--dropping massive amounts of bombs back to back to back on enemies. However, it is FAR superior to the Nitro for dropping a bomb before enemies spawn. That is, it is far better than nitro if you are just putting down bombs before stepping on party pads. So if you like to drop 1 bomb then clean use your sword i'd say go for it.

Another note. I find the Nitro to be an excellent bomb (most people do). i find the BAB to be completely viable as a choice of bomb. They both can be situationally better than the other I found the irontech to be very lacking.

Note: Nitro will be better for arena/danger rooms.

PS I believe it was dealing 120's-140's in t2 vs jellies/constructs/heal butterflies.

Legacy Username
Is the knockback sufficient

Is the knockback sufficient to make it a good defense versus phantoms and suchlike?

Legacy Username

While you are checking damage numbers, feel free to update the wiki!