"Sorry, Thanks And Bye To Spiral Knights ---------------- Giveaways For Alls: (1050000 Energy And Nice Value Items) " :)

Ty for such a generous giveaway and good luck to everyone!
IGN: Pisdynas
thank u for that Giveaway !?!
steam: PioPipo
IGN: Dopehail
I am a fairly new player and would be very stoked to be able to participate in such an event.
IGN Dis-Rets-Pekt
Hope i win something good haha
IGN Mad-Boyy
Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/aurora4
IGN: Zumarian
Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198072386781
was wondering where you have been all that time it is rarely to find old players who is still active :/
btw i think i could help if you have somehow prismatic voltaic headset i could buy it and use that energy for the giveaway as well?
let me know what do you think about my idea and Good Luck regardless

IGN: Myval
Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Peaky-Blinder/
IGN: Gazille-Redfox
IGN : Best-Kiler
*notice there is one "l"
Would love to hear the full story.
ING: Inferno-Striker
Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Taphii/

IGN: Nano-Sec
Steam: Jak Skywaker.
Hope you have fun whatever you are doin' :)

You are awesome brother - thanks for thinking of us
IGN: Good-Spirit
Steam Profile https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197989400200/

Discord: Abbra, the Example & the Lesson#2659
Steam name: isthir
(Friend code: 50047181)
IGN: Dream-Harmonics
IGN: Xilenzed
Steam: steamcommunity.com/id/xilenzed_
Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198048041205/