Making America Great Again
Sáb, 06/06/2020 - 09:12

The Trump Train has no breaks! And our next stop is Haven. Come join Keep America Great, the movement that is changing America.
Already we are doing great things, with the silent majority coming from all over the game to join this guild. We are looking to bring fun to the game, and we do many clockworks runs together. We have knights who are ranked from squire all the way to vanguard.
Don't delay! Just mail me in game or post here for an invite.
Sáb, 06/06/2020 - 09:35
Vote now
To keep Trump and the Minority (of Voters) out of Haven and its Clockwork.
Vote smart, vote Irish
Lun, 06/22/2020 - 03:35
No thanks, but try the Crimson Order
So this is what Donald does in the Oval Office. It all makes sense now.
Today "We are looking to bring fun to the game" and tomorrow I won't be able to punch my gear anymore.
Nice try, orange.