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Reason for ban, duration

4 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Badrulez

I suggest instead of GM's having complete authority over bans and durations to do as they see fit with no checks and balances, we form an SK People's Republic and create a group of outstanding members in the SK community to make a unanimous decision about ban duration and severity. This will not only provide players with more fair judgement, but also show support for long-time community members that have been positively contributing to this game for years.

Comment thoughts or support below. This game should be fun and positively changing, not so bent on following rules that there is bad blood between creators and players.

Thanks for reading!

Portrait de The-Ancient-One

There's a lot of bad blood between me and "outstanding members in the SK community" so I'm going to have to disagree with you there. I've put too much into this game to get banned by them.

Portrait de Fallen-Feces
God no

That's a hard no from me, chief. This would just create another form of unfairness. This would allow more established players to do whatever they want and always get away with it. It would also, as Wrench demonstrates, cause a bunch of emotionally caused bans because those established players just so happen to hate those people even if they have done nothing ban worthy. It's basically giving a bunch of rich people the power to do whatever they damn well please, and we've already got lots of real life examples to show how horrible of an idea that is.

Portrait de Sweet-Hope

No this could be abused by the players not matter if they are the most pro youtuber player or the most biggest guild in the entire game. there a lot of problems between the community. so NO this a terrible idea


The way I imagine this is like putting drug addicts in charge of the justice system. I would instead propose to get rid of GM's altogether, and enable 'wild west mode' where PvP is enabled and people can just kill someone that breaks the rules. Obviously, this only works if AT is removed from the game. With AT enabled it would just be a terrible idea. Also to make sure it's not too harsh, if you get killed your character is unplayable for 24 hours, it will not be deleted on character death. And if you're an outlaw that would get killed on sight by the sheriff's dogs, just stay in the ready room and play solo missions or with trusted friends.