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Can we make an other way to get the recipies from Sullivan?

1 Réponse [Dernière contribution]

The idea of getting recipies out of the Coliseum is honestly incredibly good at paper, but it's annoying on execution, specially knowing that this game's PvP is not played constanly, not to say it takes for ever to get the necesary Kromos for each recipe, even when there's a constant number of players online playing Lockdown and Blast Network.
Being able to purchase the gear recipes with crowns somehow would honestly be just more confortable and less tedious. Obviously making the recipes cost as much as your avarage recipe would make it too easy, so I guess making it cost arround this values: [3star=7,500cr | 4star=14000cr | 5star=30000cr] would make the process of obtaining this weapons (which 3 out of 5 are quite underpowered for PvE btw) less frustrating and enjoyable.

I know GH just wants to keep the servers running, but PLEASE, I feel this is kind of necessary as it's a quality-of-life change, similar to the one that have been done around a year ago with the Acution House. I know there's not gonna be new things on the future, but it would be nice to make some things on Spiral Knights a bit less frustrating and unnecessarely tedious to get.

Portrait de The-Ancient-One

On the contrary, we should make recipes gained in more novel ways to force the player to do interesting things with their sad pathetic Knight lifes.