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Why'd you make it so hard to heat 5* now????

1 Réponse [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Kyrie-Phoenix

So like, I return to game. Heat system is gonezo and replaced by crystals. Mission gives me like 50 free crystals w/e, that runs out cause I assume getting crystals is easy cause why wouldn't it be??? Nah I solo vanaduke on elite mode cuz i'm a fcking boss and not a single radiant fire crystal. WTF. Ok ok, maaaaaaaaaaaybe they MIGHT drop...Actually I don't know, I don't feel like soloing vanaduke 3 times for 1 or 2 levels of heat. I mean, before leaving, a few vanaduke runs would get my items up to level 5? and now i have to do multiple runs for a CHANCE at 1 level of heat???????? hmmmmmmm さてさてさて...Its okay though!! I have over 1000 Shining Fire Crystals!!! Surely they'll give us a recipe to merge th-...

Please give us a recipe to merge fire crystals. I don't care what the ratios are. 6 to 1, 10 to 1, do the math you coward! And hand over that depth 28 Flame Lash Arena while you're at it!

Portrait de Xspiral-Ace
Youre pretty late into this

the forge crystal system was the last project before Three Rings disbanded the spiral knights team. I was not aware of reasons why they made that change but guessing now it could have been a last second attempt to make Spiral Knights a more profitable game. Sega is rly stingy and tight w/ their money back then.

As of now, it seems grey havens is preserving sk hoping it can be shared with players bc it's unique and special. I agree it's very unique and special to my heart but with the lack of certain updates. it seems like the game would stop working on its own from bugs at the very least. lag hasnt reduced over the years so be rdy to be thrown across the map