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Tweak/Fix the Knockback effect of the Magnus Line's charged attack

2 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Ecnalite

Right now the charged attack of any Magnus weapon is a large bullet (a slug?) that travels in a straight line, knocking back anything along its' path; the problem here is, it does not knock the targets back based on the projectile's path itself, but it literally knocks the targets backwards regardless of where the bullet hit them.

i.e If I shoot a charged [insert magnus line weapon here] shot on a Shambler that is facing away from me, instead of being knocked back further from me, that Shambler will get knocked back towards me even if the giant bullet is travelling away from me.

i.e If I shoot a charged [that same magnus line weapon] shot on a Wolver that is facing east from the south, the Wolver will get knocked back to the west, instead of being pushed to the north.

pls fix
For us few who enjoy having/ or are still making gunner builds
and for us incredibly few who enjoy the Magnus Line weapons
or at least for the sake of making sense

Portrait de The-Ancient-One

I'm pretty sure it's a balancing feature, or at the very least acts as a much needed balancing feature for the charge attacks.

Portrait de Ecnalite
(audible internal

(audible internal scream)
