The Chroma Throne

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The Story
Whoops I missed a Chroma event..well better late than never! The 7th annual Chroma event will be in March! I planned 3 events last year and never got around to any of them but starting in March that's gonna change! We will gather an army of googly eyed chromas and start having fun again. This will be a new type of "operation chromalisk" this will be the first crowning of the King of the Chromas! This event will be a Scavenger Hunt/Hide n Seek type game that will take an hour or less if all goes to plan. You will of course be required to wear lizard armor, Steve(the chroma) deserves maximum flattery, he's earned it.

Where & When
The Garrison, Saturday, March 22nd 6:00pm CST

Participants must wear one of the Chromalisk-themed sets during the entire event:
Chroma set: Chroma Mask + Chroma Suit
Salamander set: Salamander Mask + Salamander Suit
Virulisk set: Virulisk Mask + Virulisk Suit
Volcanic Salamander set: Volcanic Salamander Mask + Volcanic Salamander Suit
Deadly Virulisk set: Deadly Virulisk Mask + Deadly Virulisk Suit
Arcane Salamander set: Arcane Salamander Mask + Arcane Salamander Suit

How to Join
Show up and sign up in proper chromalisk attire.
Wear one of the following Helmet and Armor sets:
Chroma Mask and Chroma Suit(3 star)
Salamander Mask and Salamander Suit(4 star)
Virulisk Mask and Virulisk Suit(4 star)
Volcanic Salamander Mask and Volcanic Salamander Suit(5 star)
Deadly Virulisk Mask and Deady Virulisk Suit(5 star)
Arcane Salamander Mask and Arcane Salamander Suit(5 star)

Note: ANY OTHER sets (including, but not limited to, Dragon Scale set, Wyvern Scale set, Drake Scale set) will NOT be accepted.

The Event:
Players will gather in front of the Garrison at the start of the event, once everyone is assembled and ready we will enter the Armistice Guild Hall. Once everyone has loaded into the guild hall a countdown will start the event. The goal is to find chess pieces hidden throughout our guild hall that will be arranged in a maze like format, your top priority is to find the Winterfest Red Chromalisk Mini(King) and bring it to the front of the guild hall. Certain pieces have higher value than others, so getting the best piece will determine the order you choose your prize for the event.

The values will be as follows:
1. Winterfest Red Chromalisk Mini(King)
2. Any other King: Winterfest White Chromalisk Mini(King), Black Chromalisk Mini(King), White Chromalisk Mini(King)
3. Any Gremlin Mini(Queen)
4. Any Gun Puppy Mini(Rook)
5. Any Trojan Mini(Knight) or Any Wolver Mini(Bishop)
6. Any Devilite Mini(Pawn)

Order will first be determined based on the piece you finish with, secondly by when you cross the finish line. For example if someone gets a Queen Mini before all the other Queen Minis they will be placed above the later Queens however all Kings supercede Queens and all lower placed pieces.

Scaredy Chromalisk
Volcanic Dragon Wings
Prismatic Dragon Wings
Chroma Whelp Monster Pocket
Regal Wolver Mask
Dusky Stranger Cap
Firestorm Raider Helm
Galactic Guardian Helm
Squall Raider Helm
Winter Raider Helm
Citrine Cuirass
Glacial Splash Trunks
Heavy Stranger Robe
Squall Raider Tunic
Winter Raider Tunic
Wooly Pullover
3 Advanced Orbs of Alchemy
4 Elite Orbs of Alchemy
10 Sparks of Life
Candy Striped Scarf
Holly Striped Scarf
Joyous Striped Scarf
Heavy Treat Pouch
Lemon Snipe Perch
Polar Spike Mohawk
Regal Doggie Tail
Rose Snipe Perch
Sky Snipe Perch
Tawny Treat Pouch
Winterfest White Chromalisk Mini(King)
Winterfest White Gremlin Mini(Queen)
Winterfest White Gun Puppy Mini(Rook)
Winterfest White Devilite Mini(Pawn) x2
Winterfest Red Gun Puppy Mini(Rook)
Winterfest Red Wolver Mini(Bishop)
Winterfest Red Trojan Mini(Knight)
Winterfest Red Devilite(Mini) x2
An additional 5 Leaf Confetti to the top 10

If any of the following are broken excessively you will be removed from the participants and won't be eligible to win anything; don't be a party pooper. The Chroma Overlord has final say in all prize distributions.
- No begging of any kind
- No spamming
- No complaining
- No merching/advertising
- Be respectful to other knights
That's the grand plan in a nutshell, however a few things will be added and tweaked as the event date nears, if you have any questions or suggestions feel free to mention them in the comments. If anyone would like to donate to the prize pool feel free to reach out to Exelius in-game or seraphofash via discord.

Hatn's picture



-Date set for March 22nd
-Prizes added
-Treat Steve well whoever wins him.


Round 1
1st Gvlil
2nd Looney-Sk
3rd Ariave
4th Tarccov
5th Strafeup
6th Stockholm-Syndrome
7th Pink-Tigress
8th Errorll
9th Awestark
10th Itz-Wolver-Gfx

Round 2
1st Gvlil
2nd Looney-Sk
3rd Pink-Tigress
4th Strafeup
5th Tarccov
6th Stockholm-Syndrome
7th Gfui
8th Coffier