
IGN: TheGamerGuy
I'm auctioning a Haze Bomb Charge Time Reduction Very High, will last 2 days.
Let's start the bid at 3,000 ce. Increments of 100 ce would be nice, don't just bid one energy over the last person.

It gives users the chance to bid on it, could make it 3 if needed

Edited a little and made it a 48 hours auction, happy bidding ^^

4 hours left, no bids. Anyone want to bid?

Starting bid is 5.5k ce, remeber this is a Very High CTR UV. Raise it from there.
he said his ign is mafiaso, well, I'll bid 3.1 if u allow me to follow him.

Alright then, current bid is 3.1k ce and three hours left

IGN: Coolsoul
Ill bid 160,000 cr or 3.2k ce. Thx GamerGuy219! :)

Would rather it be in ce, ty :)
17 minutes left, 3.2k ce highest bid
EDIT: 3.3k ce highest bid
left 5min i guess
ign sexyash

Will be raising the time limit by 10 minutes every time someone bids within a 1 minute ending time to prevent sniping~
10 minutes left
what is the buyout price
pm me in game
ign sexyash
gamerguy what is your ign.. do not waste my time with this bidding war

bidding war? u are the one who start this, u are obviosuly waitin to snipe it when people are biddin before the hour

gamer dude amma make u real rich lol
5k ce coz u scold me in game

by default i won already, the last bid was at 7:00 for your ending time, i noone bidded before 7:09 - 7:10 which is 1minute of ending time.
as a seller is your rule to follow your auctions to prevent sniping.
I won the auction so there's no need to bid,

Sorry guys, my mom got on the computer and wasted time e.e
Auction time ending in 13 minutes because a real winner wasn't announced when it should have been~
IGN: TheGamerGuy
his ign is stated in the top, he's not online tho
dude dun give excuses. as a seller, there is no reason to kick such crap.
i retract all my bids.
i will ask Flameberga to retract his too.
u can sell it for 3.5ce to mafiosa then
no wonder ur earlier post by others were frustration and irritation. no1 do business in the way your are doing.

No, seriously My mom is selling a camper online and was responding to an email that was sent to her.
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Joined: 06/16/2011
by default i won already, the
by default i won already, the last bid was at 7:00 for your ending time, i noone bidded before 7:09 - 7:10 which is 1minute of ending time.
as a seller is your rule to follow your auctions to prevent sniping.
I won the auction so there's no need to bid,
he won already no need bid anymore
5.5 k CE
EDIT: Its gonna last FIVE days? Nvm i retract bid