The cycle of cars and a job

ok i'm going to jump right to it.
you need a car to get to work right?
you need a job to get money for a car
you cant go to work until you get a car.
you cant make money if you cant go to work
you cant get money because you dont have a car because you dont have a job.
so if the above is true:
There are other forms of transportation than a car. Sometimes a job can be in walking distance, or you could take a bus, or the metro, or ride a bike. There are jobs you can do at home, including some online, even if most of them pay very little.

... what if the bus is broken, and you broke a leg, your bike got stolen, and your subway-phobic and if your internet is down?

I would just fly to work.
None of this will ever be the case. Ever. The bus wont be broken. And if for some ridiculous reason that it is, you can take a taxi. If your leg is broken, you wouldn't be driving either, so what does that prove? If your bike got stolen, you should have been smart enough to lock it up. Or keep it in a safer place. If you have a phobia of the subway, then take another mode of transportation. I listed plenty of others. If your internet is down, you don't have to work that day. Or you could steal your neighbors, or even go to a friends. Most "online" jobs let you work at any hours you want.

But the point is, you don't have money to pay for the taxi.
By time you're forced to take a taxi due to the fact that the bus is broken down or whatever, you'll have enough money to take a taxi. All you have to do is get to work for a week or two every day, and you'll have some money to spend on transportation and it wont be as straining. The chances of a bus breaking down within 2 weeks time is unlikely. Unless you live in some kind of third world country. Don't get me started with the whole "back in my day we had to walk 50 miles through snow up hill etc etc to get to work".

we did!
what if you drop your wallet, or it is your first day at work, the subway is crashed and the zombies are coming?
by the way this is a joke so chill :D
oh and what if you have no bank account?
Just work for a videogame company, your boss will ask you to sleep at the office!

I think the lesson is: learn how to spell, THEN worry about getting a car.

I like in a third world country and even though my city has a HORRIBLE urban mobility, I still could get to work everyday by bus (there are more than one bus, y'know?).

im doing this on my ipod in like 5 seconds because i have a life and i go outside to chill with friends. you probably play an internet game all day thinking you're some ladies man and browse the forums looking for people who made a small mistake and then yelling at them thinking you're cool and smart but in reality, you're a 5 year old, and you know its true.

Well, I'm not 5, that I know, but I was just really wondering how much of your professional disilusionment was due to your lack of a car or inability to spell. I don't enjoy correcting people and most of my 3-star gear can tell you I don't play SK all day, but I'm mostly an anti-car person, so I just thought you should look at it from all perspectives rather than thinking that cars are the solution for everything.

its called a joke. this is why i hate online games. there are a bunch of 5 year olds who cant take a joke and take everything seriously CHILL DOWN AND TAKE A JOKE. god kids. they annoy me so much. with their high ego's

Ah, vicious cycles....
Thought I might mention that you can very well drive a car with a broken leg (or a leg that's in a cast or pretty useless in general). It more depends on where the cast is (and generally it has to be the left leg) and that your car has an automatic transmission (therefore no clutch). The thing you have to worry about is being pulled over for a DUI, since pain meds count in the same way that alcohol does.
The vicious part of the cycle you left out is university. And education loans, now those are painful and hindersome. (add in the idea that many employers ask for you to have experience to work for them, but to get experience you need a job, but the job requires experience...and that universities generally don't have mandatory internship requirements to make sure you have some of that basic experience before you graduate...)
Edit: Also? I love living with my parents...saves a nice chunk of money that means when I'm unemployed I don't freak out, and when employed I can pay extra towards my car and loan payments.

loloool!@@ i was laughing IRL 25 and plays an online game? dude get a life, get a job, hang out with friends, go to school. 25, L0L
im probably more mature then you so this is the last pots i'm going to type to you.
sir this is called a vicious cycle
also what