Lockdown Playtest Schedule Sep 12- 13

29 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Nick

Here is the schedule for when the Test Server will be open for Lockdown playtesting:

Monday, September 12
5:45-10pm PDT

Tuesday, September 13
8am-11am PDT
5pm - 9pm PDT

Legacy Username
Awesome :)

Awesome :)

Edit: Not as awesome when you've converted to steam. :(
Steam users are currently not able to access the Test Server via Steam. We are actively working on a solution for this issue and will update you when we have more information.

ELephant BaLLs Posse

Portrait de Littlerbit

It sucks when you're on Central Time D:
Oh well, at least I can continue trying to take pictures of Grimalkins while the test server is closed ^^

Portrait de Thetric
Can't Wait

Can't wait for when the steam version is released

Legacy Username

I have a question, will these characters we play on be deleted after 30 days or sooner?

Portrait de Engiealt
Ah, good, I'm on PST time! I

Ah, good, I'm on PST time! I love how many game companies are in CA or around Seattle

And to any steam players, like me: If you don't mind buying more CE, just buy some CE on your forum account and trade it to your Steam acc.

Portrait de Bert-Banana
More Test Time!

Nick, I'm not sure if you posted that there will definitaly be no more test time, but, maybe can there be something during the week because Lockdown is too much fun to stop monday morning when I'm sleeping. Just wondering if there can be more time with the Testing.

Legacy Username

Where and when again do we submit the feedback?

Legacy Username
^ here and now here being the

^ here and now

here being the forum you just posted in, "testing feedback"

Portrait de Benb
When will the testing end?

Please, please don't be September 11, please tell me there's more time. There's got to be more time. There's so much to work out, so much feedback to get, so much for the players to play....

Also, when it does end, will there be some sort of promotional item the testers get?

i have combined purchases

i have combined purchases over 9.95$ why it says the server isnt open to public :(

Portrait de Benb
You probably didn't log on at

You probably didn't log on at the right time. The times are 11am-2pm and 8pm-11pm Pacific Time. However, if you lived in an are with Eastern time (for example) it would be from 2pm-5pm and 11pm-2am. Since I live in the Eastern Time Zone, this is a real pain in the ass for me.

So yeah, be careful about what time you log on. Otherwise, I dunno, if you're on Steam, though, that might the problem.

Legacy Username
Ah not with steam not fair

Well hope u gonna do a special testing just to let the steam users taste some to :)

Portrait de Randomzz

more testing :)

but boo I have class from 10-12 CDT :( and it seems like people would, you know, have work? but still... yay :D

Portrait de Poul
Ohh I have to work tomorrow

Ohh I have to work tomorrow in the morning, I am going to miss the testing. Probably in the afternoon too.

Portrait de Randomzz

I knew it. Darn, I wanted to play with you again lol

Legacy Username
I'm okay with this.

I'm okay with this.

Portrait de Nick
We have a slight delay

We have a slight delay tonight and will be starting at 5:45pm PDT. Thanks for waiting!

Legacy Username
I'm not okay with this. :(

I'm not okay with this.


Portrait de Poul
Portrait de Poul
I cannot login it says

I cannot login it says "failed to connect to the server"

EDIT: now its upgrading and I think its fixed.

Portrait de Gianfri

Its downloading the client for me now. Around 10 mins.


Portrait de Randomzz

my game got the patch, but now it's saying it's not open to the public... the heck i just played yesterday lol

Portrait de Keosermer
Wtf It's past 5:45 and it's

Wtf It's past 5:45 and it's updated and it says not open to public.
Edit: Nvm its fixed

Portrait de Brychan
Ack, I even bought some CE on

Ack, I even bought some CE on my steam account thinking OOO would fix the steam issue before the next play test. Not feeling the love :`(

thats why when i purchase CE

thats why when i purchase CE i purchase tru my forum reg and transfer to my steam reg xD

Legacy Username
If you plan on purchasing CE

If you plan on purchasing CE anytime this week, make a new account that is not connected with Steam, and buy it on there. Then send the CE and whatever to your main account.

Its what I did.

Legacy Username
they just made an

they just made an announcement that steam players now have access to the test server. Im downloading it right now on steam and I'm hoping to log on soon.

Legacy Username
steam user here. by the time

steam user here. by the time I downloaded it and logged, I got a message saying that in 5 minutes the server would restart and I couldnt play at all >=(

Portrait de Poul
You missed the scheduled

You missed the scheduled times for testing, I only have to say that.