My personal feedback about Lockdown.

11 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Legacy Username

I really am enjoying the LD testing, its very fun, the balance is not bad, and it is something that takes skill when it comes to the classes. However, there are some things I would like to see changed or at least acknowledged.
With the classes/shields, I really love all of them, they are all great, but with the recon and striker shield, I noticed they break with one shot or slash of a weapon. I find this very unfair, as it then gives you no chance to get away or defend yourself. I know the purpose of the shield is to use it for the class, but it should deal SOME defense; at least be able to take more then one hit. I know that the guardian is the tank and gets the most defense, but really, you could always increase its defense a pinch and at the most, let the other classes be able to take two hits, then it to break, OR, let it not break with one shot of a gun. :(
When LD officially launches, I would also really like custom team making. I don't really care for it with BN, but I would love to play in-game with a lot of the people I did in testing. I have already posted about this on a thread, but here is the post again:
"It'd be nice, especially since when it publicly releases it'll be full of newbs or idiots, that will whine, or be a bunch of team killers. Not trying to be rude or anything... but seriously, we see how BN is now.
Random teams will just be no fun at all. Lockdown is a actual PvP, its completely different from BN. You need PvE skills to play. With random teams, you wont know (most) anyone and how they play. I personally, want to play with a good team, and play against another good team. No idiots running around, dying every second, sitting behind the mist gate the whole time and shoot, not knowing how to dodge or use their shield, etc.
I especially do not want, LAGGERS.
So please make another option for good team building, OOO. And one that isn't just Guild teams. :3c"
Now with bombs, I feel they should not give their full effect, as they would do in PvE. The time you're given whatever status should be cut in half, depending on what your defense is against that element. For example- I'm completely in Vog armor and I'm stuck in a Shivermist, I am normally frozen 8 seconds so I should only be frozen for 4 seconds. (Just an example guys, not true.) I think this would be more fair, since not everybody has a resistance towards everything.
I guess thats just how I feel about it. I'm not really here to debate anything, but feel free to post agreements, disagreements, your opinion, or anything else to improve what I have.

Portrait de Bigfootm
What Dark Ritual?

Hey, did you read my mind?

I agree on all of the above.

Legacy Username
@ BigFootM: mmmmmmMMMAYBE. I

@ BigFootM: mmmmmmMMMAYBE.

I also forgot to add. I would also like to see, on the end results, a persons deaths, and kills. Just like in BN; I feel this is important, in stead of damage done. Its just as important as Captures and Defends are. If we don't get kills, we would lose, and the point of LD would be useless, without kills. If we get to see how much deaths we get, we will maybe set a goal for ourselves to NOT die that many times, next round. We will also get to see if people are team killers, or anything like that.

Legacy Username
Comments and General Feedback

Though I didn't fully attempt to climb this mountain of text, I did see that you commented on the lack of defense of striker/recon. It does seem a bit problematic to be playing with a class whose main skills are completely nonexistent when hit once.. It's understandable that Guardians are the considerable tanks, but even Humvees and Jeeps don't become entirely useless after one gunshot. I can see why they made 1 hit the case with recon because usually if someone/something is invisible.. upon realizing their/its location, the invisibility is no longer a useful weapon. With Striker though.. they really have no defense whatsoever. Their only defensive tactic is to dodge, and even when motorcycles are charging at you full speed, the only time a gunshot is going to cause the excess speed to stop instantly is if the gastank is hit, at which point the cycle would cease to exist. Stabbing/Shooting its tires wouldn't instantly incapacitate the item, it would simply cause a decrease in its power. A gradual decrease in striker would be nice. A decrease in speed after hit, or a decrease in time remaining to use that speed would make it feel like more of a class than a sprinter without protection - a streaker.

Legacy Username


Legacy Username
I agree completely Vazo,

I agree completely Vazo, thanks for double posting that, so I can give double the agreement. <3

Portrait de Randomzz

A streaker.... rofl. That's actually a pretty good description. And idk twili, it's hard enough to kill you as it is ;)

Legacy Username
@ dude217: I know... but I'm

@ dude217: I know... but I'm thinking for the other people who will use Striker and Recon. I also wouldn't mind the defense....

Portrait de Randomzz

See, I would argue for striker and recon to actually have separate abilities and shields. Like have the ability bar like it is, but to have a small shield worth 2 hits or so.

Legacy Username
Here are some other things

Here are some other things that I though...

1. I agree with the bombs, My god. When you run into a Voltaic, Your dead. Dead. (Same with Shivermist)
There should be a bomb count for status inflicting bombs. To restore the count, you have to run back to your base.

2. Puppy guarding/spawn camping. You sat there and went "HMPH" and I joined you. I think there should be some sorta "wave" that comes off the base every few minutes to cleanse those people that tend to stick around and be meanie doody faces.

So yeah, This is really fun, but some parts are really cheap. @__@

Portrait de Tgyoshi
If you prefer to have

If you prefer to have defense, get guardian.. People still use the other classes for a reason.
And I personally do NOT want to have custom team-making since you create your own over-powered team then.
There are indeed guilds for that. Random (see: random) teams is fair since you can get with any type of skilled player.

Legacy Username
Over-powered teams? No, not

Over-powered teams? No, not really.
Know what isn't fair? All last night, I was being placed on teams that didn't know the meaning of teamwork. The other team was owning us the whole night because of the Random team games. I know the game is still in testing, and not everybody is that great at it yet, but really, I don't want to be dragged down still.
If we could make our own teams besides with Guild teams, we would still have all different skilled players, but we would be with people we can DEPEND on, and TRUST. With random teams, what if your whole team is dying and then you are the only one carrying them? Is that any fun?
Oh well.