How to access Testing on steam?
The instructions were a little vauge. Can someone care to elaborate? thanks
if you have google chrome it still works. Because i have chrome and it worked for me.
Yeah I think with Chrome you've got to manually update to the newest version if it doesn't work.
For whatever reason, my Chrome auto-update is borked.
I couldn't get the link to work with chrome, had to open it in IE.
Been looking forward to this a bunch!
Can't wait.
See you all in there!
I agree, the instructions seemed incomplete. I had no issue installing the test server client into steam, however being unable to login with the message of "...not availble to the public" Gave the impression that it did not install correctly, or that my purchases were not associated with my account to give me access.
After a re install and some hunting, it was only then clear that the whole server is only available when Lockdown testing times are scheduled, and currently there are no times posted. One would assume that if you make beta software ready for Steam, that it would be usable unless otherwise noted. I would recommend adding a disclaimer to the Original Post, as to avoid the confusion.
Paste this into your browser and hit enter:
It will launch Steam and prompt you to download the preview client.