In the Jelly! Update Dec. 2022

265 replies [Last post]
Dancinjen's picture

We’re a one of a kind guild. You may be thinking to yourself, “How can you be a one of a kind guild when all the guilds are the same”, my answer to that is we have a certain sort of individuality in our guild that you might not find in some of the others. We have people from all sorts of walks in life, yet we’ve learned to meld together in a way that makes us work really well together. We’re simplistic in the way that we only take on a bit at a time. We’ve learned many things over the couple of years that the guild has been around, as we’ve been around since open beta testing of February/March 2010.

Throughout the time that we’ve been a guild in the game we’ve seen many guilds come together, disband, and thrive. We’ve learned some helpful tips and know what we want out of the guild. First and foremost we wish to have fun, for you to have fun, and most of all for the people in the community to enjoy being around us.

We’re quite the chatty guild, and can be a bit crude too. Lol. We’re not a family friendly guild so to speak. There is swearing among us and inappropriate jokes. If you don’t find yourself in a position to accept that, that is okay and we respect it completely. That just means we may not be a good guild for you personally. That is perfectly okay. Everyone has their own tastes, wants, and needs when it comes to finding a group of friends to play online with.

We are a very relaxed guild. We have many players that will play guild lockdown with other guilds and then come back to us when they are done there. We don’t play much guild lockdown because we haven’t normally had a huge need for it. We are interested in it if there are players that really would like to get into guild lockdown. :D

Most of all, we just love the game. If you love the game and wish to join a fun and relaxed guild then we are what you’re looking for. We will help as much as we can and throw in some guild events too. I hope to hear from you and see you soon!!!

Founder and Guild master,
In the Jelly history:

We (dancinjen, ronah, and Stygianxlii) came up with the guild name one night on a Jelly king run and we were being gnawed at by the tiny jellies when I blurted out, “we are sooo far in the jelly right now.” From there it’s history.

It has been almost two years since In the Jelly was founded. We’ve since have two very dedicated guild masters. Milkman came first. He showed great leadership and everyone loves him. If it wasn't for him we wouldn't have the milk cave. ITJ just wouldn’t be the same without him. Second came Drdrj, he has been another wonderful guild mate to have around. He brings skill and sarcasm to the guild.

These two have been amazing to the guild in the past year to year and a half. We’re happy to have them and we applaud them for their dedication and silliness. They are the embodiment of what ITJ was founded on in the first place; friendship, kindness, fun, silliness, and skill.

Recruitment Process:
Please message any of the guild masters with answers to these questions:

How active are you?
How old are you? or Are you 17+?
What time zone?
What star is your gear?

Please try not to send us tells because it may be overlooked in chat or we may forget.

Current In The Jelly:
Guild Master: Dancinjen


To check out our old thread go hear:

Update December 2022:
Hey! Long time no see my fellow jellies. I randomly logged onto spiral knights tonight for kicks and giggles. I had a lot of fun. I am VERY rusty. I'm not saying we are back. I am just gonna say I may log on randomly. But if you wish to join the guild just send me a message in game and I will take a look at everything. I hope to see some new and old members soon.

Thank you!!


Dancinjen's picture
I had to make a new thread

I had to make a new thread because I could no longer access the old one. Post here if you're interested or send an in game message to me (dancinjen) or milkman.

Milkman's picture
Hi guys, just letting you

Hi guys, just letting you know we are open for recruitment. If you are interested or just want to know more about the guild, drop me or dancinjen a line.

Cheers =)

Dancinjen's picture
Original post updated. We're

Original post updated. We're opening up recruitment to all players.

Let milkman or I know if you're interested. :D



Stompt's picture
Whoa.... The guild with the

Whoa.... The guild with the one the only "Milkman" is recruiting? Will have to think about this for a bit.

Dancinjen's picture
Yes join us we have

Yes join us we have milkman!


Milkman's picture
You know you want my milk...

The freshest milk is reserved only for the guild!

Dancinjen's picture
Hello hello! recruitment has

Hello hello!

recruitment has been going well. We're looking for some more active members to go on runs with and get to know. Send milkman or I an in game message if you're interested!


Lusty's picture
They took me so far in the

They took me so far in the jelly, i wasnt able to get out, careful... careful ;).

Lusty's picture
ohh ohoh *lebump*

ohh ohoh *lebump*

Dancinjen's picture
Still taking recruits! apply

Still taking recruits! apply today!!

Dancinjen's picture
Hello ITJ!Thanksgiving is

Hello ITJ!

Thanksgiving is tomorrow and I wish everyone a happy one with all their friends and family. I hope you eat lots of food and feel the love of the people around you. I love you guys and I will talk to you later!

Happy thanksgiving!



Milkman was awesome enough to make us a guild wiki page so check it out!!

how do i join??

How active are you? rather active
How old are you? or Are you 17+? im 16,nearly 17
What time zone? what ever australian sydney time zone is
What star is your gear?
sword:static edge,1 star...will probley change soon
gun: the normal gun but im buying a new one as soon as i have enough crowns
sheild: jelly sheild,2 star
armor: jelly mail,2 star
helm: jelly helm,2 star

sorry i didnt know how to message you guyz

and does this guild love jellys??

Dancinjen's picture
Hello! I sent you an in game


I sent you an in game message. I hope to catch you online soon.


Dancinjen's picture
Hello! For those of you who

Hello! For those of you who haven't heard Njthug and I are getting married Dec. 3 1pm game time. I hope every one can make it. It's just a fun and goofy thing for all of us to enjoy.

Here is our thread for reference!!

Dancinjen's picture
hello! We're still taking new


We're still taking new recruits!!

Apply today!!


Kabraneel's picture
I love ur guild so much. My

I love ur guild so much.
My ign is Kabraneel
I have Cold iron vanquisher , Gran Faust , Final Flourish , Combuster , Blitz needle.
Ash tail and coat.
How active are you? I Play 2-3 hours everyday
How old are you? or Are you 17+? I am 21
What time zone? 5:00 Asia
What star is your gear? 4.5

Thanks :)

Pls reply .

Dancinjen's picture
Hey! I sent you a in game

Hey! I sent you a in game mail. Hope to hear back from you soon!


Corinthmaxwell's picture
*seeking a guild*

ID: Corinthmaxwell

How active are you?
I play almost every day, at least when I have reason to. >.>

How old are you?
Old enough to remember the original Voltron, ThunderCats, and G.I. Joe. ;D

What time zone?
-08:00 PST.

What star is your gear?
My current main set is at three stars.

Dancinjen's picture
Sent you a in game message! I

Sent you a in game message! I hope to hear from you soon!

Also, Milkman is on vacation for the next like few weeks. If any one has sent him any requests to join the guild please re-direct them to me. Thanks!


Want to Join! :3

Heyooo, browsin guilds and this one caught my eye. Looks like a friendly bunch plus you're on a top ten list!
Guild application:

How active: on everyday pretty much, mostly in the afternoons

Age: 23

Time zone: PST california

Gear stars: all 4 star except for my shield

About me: college student who enjoys having a good time with good people. :)

Thx and I hope to hear from you soon

Saskeuzumaki's picture

I really want to join a friendly guild.

1. i go on the game once or twice a day.
3.My time zone is United states eastern time.
4. All 3 star except for my ascended calibur.

Dancinjen's picture
Nice to have you in the

Nice to have you in the guild!

Some of you I haven't caught you online yet to go on a run with you. I haven't forgotten I promise. I check to see if you're online frequently so we can do runs!

I hope to see you all soon!


Dancinjen's picture
Hello! I've sent out some


I've sent out some more messages and preparing to go on runs. I hope to see you all soon in the clockworks!!

Apply today!!


Pickle-Head's picture
Hello i would like you to send me an invite

Hello my name is pickle-head and i would lie to join
My gear is

Blizzbrand 4*
rock jelly 4*
rock jelly 4 *
cryodriver 4*
rock jelly 4*

im t3 in lockdown
i like doing jelly runs
and im online everyday but sometimes not the weekends!
I am still upgrading!

Weegeeftws's picture


Tqs-Remx's picture
Guild Application; would like to join

IGN: Tqs-Remx

How active are you?
Quite active - I play around 4-5 hours a day. Probably more, cause its the holidays now

How old are you? or Are you 17+?
17 now. 18 in 2 1/2 months time

What time zone?
GMT+10 aka SEA region

What star is your gear?
4.5 stars; details below

Main equipment: (all at lvl 10)
Skolver cap
Ashtail coat
Barbarous Thorn Shield
Ascended calibur
Avenger (soon to be DA)

Optional weapons: (all at lvl 10)
Grand Flourish

Soloed Snarby, JK and RT without any deaths. Defeated Vana with a team. Plan to solo to the core later.

DONE. I think it would be a waste if you didn't send me an invitation.

Dancinjen's picture
Hey!! Sorry I haven't got to


Sorry I haven't got to you all yet. The forums were down yesterday. You'll be getting a message soon. Hopefully within the hour of this post.

Thank you!!


Njthug's picture
She is not sorry at all she

She is not sorry at all she just using you to make Milkman Jelly.

Dancinjen's picture
Njthug is just upset because

Njthug is just upset because I didn't do that thing he likes.

no you can't have milkman. NO. :p

Mrgrimmygrim's picture
looking for a laid back guild

My IGN is Mrgrimmygrim, just started playing SK bout week and half. I am in the PST time zone (vegas) and right now I play for a couple of hours when I get home from work (over 18). Already got my gear up to the basic 4 star rating working to to get it up to 5 stars soon. I'm still a newb when it comes to the basics of this game, but I'm here to learn more of the mechanics and have fun while doing it.

Dancinjen's picture
Hello! Everyone should be


Everyone should be caught up with messages/invites in about ten minutes after this post.



Still taking more members apply today!!

To all In The Jelly guildies.

I had a moment of weakness and through impulse quit the guild. I didn't think that I was strong enough to play with the best. Concerned fellow members, namely Retequizzle, convinced me that I made a mistake and without him I really would have quit the game! I am sorry to the guild for leaving like I did. I want to give it another try. Jen if you read this I am humbly asking to rejoin the guild and once again be "In The Jelly"

Dancinjen's picture
Oh juwan, it's okay. No

Oh juwan, it's okay. No worries. I sent you an invite.

It's okay, everyone has to start somewhere in the game. Nothing better than starting from the beginning and building yourself up to the best. That's what makes you proud to be you. Gotta start somewhere, and you have to be given a chance to succeed.

You're doing fine. You'll learn cause we'll teach you!


Milkman's picture
Egg nog finally wore off enough for me to make it back online =o

Hey guys!

I'm back home again after a good break. So if you've been holding off from messaging Dan because you don't like him or don't wish to speak with someone who's last name is Cinjen, then feel free to send me a message or friend request (please mention your interest in joining the guild in your request) if you are interested in joining In The Jelly!


Dancinjen's picture
Hello hello! It's nice to

Hello hello!

It's nice to have milkman back.

And no matter what njthug says... he smells like a garbage can and lies. I don't beat milkman. I love milkman. Njthug had to announce our divorce on the forums... SHAME NJTHUG SHAME.

It's now war!!

Come join in the jelly action!


Dancinjen's picture
Hello hello! Just went

Hello hello!

Just went through all the inactives a couple of days ago. We have spots open.

Send milkman or i a message or post it here.

See you in the clockworks!


Dragonightwolf's picture

How active are you? A lot
How old are you? or Are you 17+? 14 yrs.
What time zone? EST
What star is your gear? 2* & 3* (All Swords for 3*)
What boss(es) do you like? Jelly King and Snarbolax

Dancinjen's picture
Hello! We're taking active


We're taking active and mature members in the sk community!

Apply now!


How active are you? - Try to

How active are you? - Try to get on every day. I play for fun and relaxation, often solo or with my partner.
How old are you? or Are you 17+? - 25+.
What time zone? - GMT
What star is your gear? - Mostly 4 but my armour is 5 (Skolver). You haven't much to worry about here.

Forum username is my knight handle. You're more than welcome to judge me before inviting me considering I'm not sure how suitable I am for the guild.


Dancinjen's picture
Hey! You should have a


You should have a message waiting for you in your inbox!

Thank you so much!


Also, I just want to thank the officer team in putting in all the hard work you do for the guild. You guys make us look good and do such a great job. We have some awesome times. lol. Thanks to the members of the guild for continuing to stay and put up with the rest of the officers beating me up.... except worldestroyer he calls himself my guardian angel. hahaha...

Thanks guys!

Retequizzle's picture
While the actual point of who

While the actual point of who beats up who is up for debate (remember Jen, I have screens now of you hitting us now ;D ), it's been a pleasure to be around such an awesome group of people, both within ITJ and from other guilds. It's safe to say that the guild wouldn't be where it's at without everyone that's been involved, from recruits to guildmasters, and from current and former members as well. So here's a big thanks in general to everyone who's made In The Jelly their home at one point in time, and to everyone who's helped make ITJ what it is today.


Dancinjen's picture
Hello! We've had some awesome


We've had some awesome additions to the guild! Welcome all new members!

Also, my grandmother is very ill and I will be MIA for a little while. Don't fear, there is milkman and an entire officer team here to help with everything. I will log on when I can, but please direct all applications to milkman for the time being.

thank you!


Furaiz's picture
Name History

I was wondering about the idea of the name for the guild, and how you came to it.

I personally was thinking it was a play on words for 'In the flesh', but for all I know, it could just be a random name =)

Milkman's picture
Well its all in the opening

Well its all in the opening post, but basically the 4 founders were on a Royal Jelly run together back in beta and they kept dying to mini jellies. Dancinjen made a lame joke about being "In The Jelly" and it sounded like a cool guild name so it stuck around.

Pickle-Head's picture
its boring without a guild so im join these guilds

impervious, jempire, or knightmare

and the guild members are doing worse stuff than me its not fair...

Dancinjen's picture
Pickle-head, I told you the


I told you the reasons I kicked you. You are a little young for our guild. Also, by trying to get something started between me and another guild by telling me your brother, aka your alt, that's in that guild was making fun of me is something i do NOT tolerate. I think you would be better off in a guild that more suits you and your personality and maturity. The decision that I made is backed up by the officer team.

I wish you luck and I hope you find a guild that you enjoy to the fullest extent.

For now, I think it's best for you that this matter be dropped so you don't ruin your chances of getting in another guild.

Thank you.


Im interested in joining.

How active are you? usually 3+ hours a day
How old are you? or Are you 17+? 17
What time zone? Central (US)
What star is your gear? 2* helm and shield, 3* weapon 1 & 2, 3* armor
IGN: Sacrid

Pepperonius's picture
Y hallo thar

Just popping in to tell everyone that ITJ is a great guild, and I have it bad for DancinJen. That is all.

Milkman's picture
Brimstone is worth at least 500k a pop

Thanks Perronius! But DanCinjen is ours. Although I'll trade her for some brimstone if you have any..

Everyone else, we are still open for recruitment!

Sodaaddict's picture
Interested in joining

How active am I? - Log on every day, usually for a couple of hours.
Age -18+
Time Zone - Central (US)
Gear - 4 star sword (Ascended Calibur)
3 star armor (Dusker)
2 star helm (Wolver)
3 star bomb (Super Blast) OR 2 star gun (blaster, Firotech)

I'm (relatively) new to SK and I've not been in a guild yet. My forum handle is also the name of my knight.