So, about that Snarbolax...

7 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Klaxoff

Alright, first and foremost I want to congratulate you guys at OOO for somehow managing to make the Wildwoods difficult. I really like what you've done with the area, and how you somehow managed to make the Radiant Silvermail useful. Good job and such, and I'll elaborate more on it somewhere else. Summary, it's cool.

And now I will explain why you are all horrible people and I hate you.

Snarby is broken. Seriously. Completely. Broken.
Okay, so I get what you guys were going for difficulty-wise, and honestly, I like a lot of the ideas. Having Snarby actually attack you earlier in the level is a really neat concept, and the boss fight itself is also full of great ideas. Great ideas, but terrible execution.
So here's the thing: every element in the boss fight works against the player, and while they would be acceptable on their own, they compound on each other to create a fight that just isn't worth it. Two Snarbies wouldn't be too horrible, since it basically would just lengthen the battle. Likewise, the silkwings would be manageable with one Snarbolax, forcing the players to take every opportunity to damage Snarby or else watch as he regenerates most of his health. And this is where the problems come in...
If it was possible to focus on taking out a single Snarbolax first, it wouldn't be so bad. It isn't. The Snarby Twins are identical, so it isn't possible to focus one just one without either getting lucky or being observant to a point that is unreasonable to expect from the players. Furthermore, (and this is a problem with the regular Snarbolax as well) is that the bell just sometimes doesn't work. Even if Snarby is literally RIGHT ON TOP OF IT, if the planets are in an unfortunate alignment at that point in time he'll just shrug it off like it never happened. Let's also take into account that Snarby becomes invulnerable again not only after a set time, but a set amount of damage (or at least I'm guessing this, as that's what it always seemed like to me. You guys would know this better than I do, I could be totally off on this one.). This means you can do X damage to him when he's vulnerable. Then, the silkwings heal him for Y. If your X is less than their Y, you can't win. You lose. Pack your bags and head up to Haven. Now again, if you could focus on just one of them, and somehow stunlock him with the bell immediately after he regains his composure (assuming the bell decides to WORK, that is...), you could take him down. Unfortunately, the likelihood of this is about the same as me going down into the Clockworks and finding ten Love Puppies in a row. It just isn't going to happen. Its not really worth it to kill off the silkwings either, since they're just going to respawn anyway, they don't give you anything of value, and focusing on them means you aren't damaging Snarby. It's sort of like the Royal Jelly all over again, except much worse. Using poison on the Snarbies might make them more tolerable, but then again I think the poison ceases working when they go all invulnerable again, which is when the majority of the healing takes place anyway. Besides, it makes no sense to use poison on a POISON based monster.
So then, Snarby takes a certain amount of damage while he's vulnerable, becomes invulnerable, and if you don't stun him again RIGHT THEN he'll either go out of range, the bell won't work, he'll heal using the silkwings, or you'll accidentally start on the other Snarby without noticing. You make no progress, and even if you do, you have no visual indication that you are (i.e. the new Royal Jelly's crown deteriorating).

This isn't difficulty. This is tedium. And that's no good.

Look, you have a lot of interesting ideas for this guy, and I do really like those ideas, but you're really not making this guy any more difficult.
He's tedious. Everything about that fight is tedious. It's not something you can learn to deal with, it's not something that can be dealt with using skill (seeing as part of the fight rests on whether Snarby and the bell decide that you can hit him now). It's just tedious.
It probably isn't impossible, and I'm sure with enough messing around with things he could be taken down, but really, it's just not worth it. Even in this scenario, you're asking your players to adopt a single, concrete mechanism to deal with this thing, with any deviation resulting in the bosses healing and essentially restarting the fight, and even then this would probably take longer than Vanaduke could ever dream of.
Changes need to be made. Serious changes.

Okay. End rant. I'm done.

Again, level is cool, boss sucks slooms.

Portrait de Khamsin
Use a rapier and learn to

Use a rapier and learn to attack/shield cancel. The boss fight was the best part of the whole thing aside from the first encounter. You shouldn't feel as though the boss is easy, he is an ultimate boss.

I honestly found the fight so well done. There's almost always something to do unlike the original. Evading around, chasing down silk flies, stabbing them when they're vulnerable. It is the best solo fight in the game IMO. Also, realize that the silk flies heal for 70 per tick and your rapier hits for 300 per stab and about 400 on the 3rd hit. That's 1200 damage a combo compared to what... 300-400 HP healed by a silk fly if you're messing around and don't kill it as it approaches one of them?

Portrait de Klaxoff
To each his own

To each his own I guess, and I will admit I haven't tried it solo, but I still think this boss is a complete logistical nightmare, and is more tedious than actually difficult.
I mean obviously you liked it, and could actually manage to defeat it, so kudos to you, but for me, even as an "ultimate" boss, I think there's just too much being asked of the player.

Oh, and I was using a Barbarous Thorn Blade for the fight, although I may have to look into this shield canceling thing, if that helps.

Don't get me wrong here, I like that they made Snarbolax interesting, but I do think the changes to the fight could be implemented better.

(As a side thought, you may be on to something with this guy as a solo boss. I believe that would decrease the amount the 'wings heal him by, but not necessarily the damage you're doing to him, and it might also make him easier to manage. I'll have to look into this next time the server is up.)

Portrait de Npsx
annoying but fun

annoying but fun i'd say

and yea i used a Barbarous Thorn Blade, and gear that gave me a max damage bonus

the one time i got to do it, i soloed it, and while it did take a good bit longer then before i was able to kill both of them, and was able to keep the silkwings at bay without too much issue, as they would die with just three hits, so i would just take care of any of them while the Snarbolax's were running around under the map

though i did die ALOT, def. wouldn't wanna do it if i had to spend actual energy on it

Portrait de Mrgreedy
Good Fight

So I went solo for this run.

I found the 2 snarly's kinda fun and not that to difficult. Managed to kill one before dieing and died twice during the fight. And like said before, the bell doesn't seem to work when snarly lifts up when by the bell. Was a good fight, nothing I couldn't handle in game with some practice.

Now the levels where a different story. That first button room filled with kats and zombies along with snarly was pure $(%@. I died the most in that room. Its next to impossible to out run snarly and dodge a screen full of bullets at the same time. And any one with lag would be dead in seconds. If snarly was gone the room would be okay. As far as the rest of the run goes it was fine. And with the new theme I hope you make a Poison Barbarous Thorn Blade, it would look awesome. I think i died a total of 10 times on this run. And most on the first floor.

Side note on JK, was to easy, not even harder than the normal JK. Didn't even die.

Portrait de Klaxoff
Just did a solo run

So I just did the Snarbies solo, and it honestly didn't change my mind too much. I still think the fight is more tedious than it is difficult (at least in a group), but I at least know that it is possible now.

So then, let me say now that I DO NOT consider myself a Tier 3 expert, so I'm well aware that I'm not the target audience of these tests, and as such I expect to struggle with a lot of this content. It seems to me that a solo run of Ultimate Snarbolax isn't too implausible, as I assume a more experienced player would be better than myself at managing the Snarbies and the silkwings. That being said, I'm still not sure this boss works as a group boss. Maybe the groups I was in were just terrible, but I can only speak from my own experience, which led to the short essay above. It still seems like tedium to me, and even if someone is good enough to solo Vanaduke blindfolded, I can't imagine this boss being defeated in a sane amount of time. Just for the record, I'm not asking for the boss to be easier, as if I can't beat it because it's too difficult for me that's fine, I'm not the target audience. I just think the boss is incredibly tedious, and I see that as a problem.

But I digress. Everywhere else on the feedback forum people are praising the Snarby boss like there's no tomorrow, so I don't really mind being the dissenting opinion here. If everybody else is satisfied, I doubt my feedback will affect the outcome too much.

(But the bells still suck)

Portrait de Khamsin
"(But the bells still

"(But the bells still suck)"

I'll agree with this. Was having problems with the bell today pretty bad.

As for it not being a group friendly boss - I totally agree. Just like JK, both the current and new one, isn't a solo friendly boss. Not all bosses are the same.

Portrait de Smur
even though I don't have

even though I don't have acces to the server, I think making the snarbies two different color is a GREAT idea, you guys should make one red and the other a dark purple maybe, it would make the boss more strategic and "tolerable" from what I hear

it would allow you to focus on one to kill it off instead of damaging one while the other heals etc etc