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Skolver, Vog cub, or Snarbolax

29 Réponses [Dernière contribution]

Alright, I'm close to crafting my ash tail armor and I don't need a decision yet, but I still cannot make up my mind. Vog cub is awesome with the fire and good for elemental defense but Snarbolax looks just plain epic. Yeah... not leaning much towards skolver but you know everyone has their preferences. I just can't decide. What are the opinions of you guys out there in the spiral: Skolver, Vog cub, or Snarbolax armor.

Megaman ZERO

Vog = FSC, Skolver = LD,

Vog = FSC, Skolver = LD, Snarbolax = FSC / SL / Style.

So yah. PM me if that don't make sense :-P

Portrait de Caramel-Bear
Snarbolax isn't really an

Snarbolax isn't really an option unless you somehow get ahold of the materials and make it to the alchemy machine at the end of a Shadow Lair, which I wouldn't recommend trying to get to with your gear.

Eventually, you're going to want to get all 3, or just Vog and Skolver/Vog and Snarby. I first went with Vog to make FSC (my main source of income) a lot easier to do. The ASI is also generally useful for swords like DA and GF but can benefit other swords as well. Soon though I wanted to maximize sword damage without UVs (no universal damage bonus UVs) and trinkets I crafted Skolver and Barbarous Thorn Shield.

And imo armour defense is probably the least important factor choosing between the 3. Proper dodging and shielding makes those of minimal importance compared o the bonuses they give. Which is why I prefer to use Skolver as my "universal" armour because it gives me max damage output and I can just get the ASI from UVs/trinkets.

Portrait de Fourarm
everything :P thats what im

everything :P thats what im doin xD

Portrait de Retrofit


The ASI grants faster swing recovery (which translates into faster shielding after sword attacks), and the fire resist helps noticeably in Firestorm Citadel (which will become your primary source of income at some point).

Skolver's DMG bonus is less versatile than Vog's ASI (unless you have ASI trinkets/UVs to supplement it), and the defenses are less useful (unless you intend to play a lot of T3 Lockdown).

Snarbolax isn't an option unless you can somehow reach the Sanctuary Alchemy Machine.

Portrait de Sentinel-Zx
Snarbolax is good...

1) Snarbolax is good, but not good for everything. Yes it's good for fsc for damage resistance to zombies and good damage to them as well as to vanaduke, but the lack of fire resistance isn't (look burnt before you get burned). Good for LD as well cause people use gf a lot. Good as a powerhouse against shadow freaks.

2)Vog Cub good also. Good against fire in fsc and in LD against those pesky fire bombers. Nice asi for slow weapons and in LD again. Don't see much cons about this one. Watch out for lichen colonies and devilishes.

3)Like snarbolax, like skolver. Pierce resistance good against LD toothpick users. Very helpful to fight in shadow lair ice kingdom. Not good for fsc due to no fire resistance and shadow. Basically a powerhouse against beasts and slimes.

I rank them in my opinion.

1 Snarbolax-pwn monsters (kill annoying fiends)
2 Vog-one elemental monster family to use against (machines)
3 Skolver-pwn monsters as well

Portrait de Dark-Flare
Skolver/ Snarby are better general purpose IMO

1) Vog for slow swords and FSC
2) Skolver for everything else (or FSC if you can deal with fire) with any sword
3) Snarbolax for shadow lairs/ shadow strata, and any sword

Portrait de Bopp
frequently asked question

This is a frequently asked question. Please search the forums, to get immediate answers to such questions. My thorough comparison can be found here.

Portrait de Soupgenie

If you ask me, the Wolver line is pretty overrated. If you're really good at the game then you shouldnt have to rely on the speed/damage bonuses. If you wanna do the Firestorm Citadel and are worried about fire defense, use Salamander. But i guess considering you already got an ash tail coat it might be a little late to get that. Just my opinion though. I use Winmillion and I'm proud of it. WINMILLION FTW(million).

Portrait de Demonicsothe
@Soup: Why use a neutral

@Soup: Why use a neutral weapon? If you are any good, use resisted damage types in fsc like shadow for zombies and trojans, and use pierce on jellies.

Also, wear fiend damage penalty with negative fire resist. Who needs to actually use good armour, eh?

Portrait de Jaroche
@Demonicsothe Green Ward is

@Demonicsothe Green Ward is such a great shield for fsc

Portrait de Demonicsothe

Pfft. Noobs. Force buckler forever.

Portrait de Soupgenie

like i said, just my opinion

Portrait de Demonicsothe
Your opinion is fine and all.

Your opinion is fine and all. No doubt there are people who hinder themselves to enjoy a more challenging playstyle. But look at who your answer is addressing. A guy who was close to crafting an ashtail. So would you advise a beginning player who hasn't had a 4* armour yet, to hinder themselves straight form the beginning?

Portrait de Iceeboy
I would say Snarbolax. Vog

I would say Snarbolax. Vog isn't the best for FSC. Snarbolax is because it has Shadow Defense. It also has Damage bonus: Medium, so if you have a whole set, Snarbolax Coat, Cap, and Barb Thorn Shield, Max damage. :D Snarbolax is also good for LD(Lockdown) because it has shadow/normal defense, which is beast vs. Gran Faust.

TL;DR: Meh let's put all the wolver sets.
Snarbolax set: Lots of damage, good for FSC, good for LD, and epic looks.
Skolver set: Lots of damage, good for RJP, good for LD, and O.K looks.
Vog set: Fast Swords, good for IMF, O.K for LD, and O.K looks.

Now you see why I suggest Snarbolax. It is also cheaper because you don't have to buy the recipe.

Portrait de Demonicsothe
Take snarby, if you enjoy

Take snarby, if you enjoy zombie love taps. The lack of elemental and fire resist will make shadow fires and fire pits hurt. Not to mention the occasional sneaky fire breath by unwatched zombies.

I believe more people use piercing in ld, so skolver should technically rank above snarby in defensive purposes.

Each set is better against its defences. Which leaves aesthetics as a choice. And who are you to say a certain set is superior to another in terms of looks?

Portrait de Kattamoonchile
All depends

The most usefull Bonuses in swords are Speed and CTR, so, There is no better set, all depends of your weapons Uvs that you have. The defenses provides whit the sets like piercing, shadow or elemental, even the resist status dont take diferences if you are god.

Vog sets: Used if you used swords and dont have sword whit speeds Uvs like me, i have CTR bonuses in my swords.
Skolver sets: Used if you have allready weapons whit speed Uvs or Trinklets , or in lockdown because one of the most weapons used in there are piercings.
Snarbolax sets: Used if you have allready weapons whit speed Uvs or or Trinklet, or in lockdown because one of the most weapons used in there are GF

Portrait de Nordlead
I have both Crown of the

I have both Crown of the Fallen (shadow + fire) and Vog Cub Cap (elemental + fire) and the Vog Cub is vastly superior in FSC because the elemental greatly reduces the initial damage from fire traps, shadow fire and the fire orbs (on Vana and the mask). Shadow damage only helps with zombie swipes (doens't help at all at Vana). Fire & Elemental help throughout the entire FSC and Vana). Zombie Swipes will do more damage with Vog, but those are easier to avoid in my opinion. However, I find that it is fairly easy to get pushed by a trojan into fire, to walk into it on accident (due to lag or stupidity :-D), and to take fire damage at Vana himself.

I would say full Snarbolax is superior to full Vog in FSC only if you had like Elemental & Fire Max! or higher (which isn't likely unless you spend a lot of $). Now, if you mixed Snarbolax + Vog you'd have a pretty good set for FSC (Shadow + Elemental + Fire).

Portrait de The-Infernal-Lord
Pretty much the same position

I am also on the same position as you. I have nearly made my Ash Tail set and I am kind of leaning towards Vog Cub due to my 100% desire of getting the Warmaster Rocket Hammer. I really want that weapon. I heard that the Vog Cub set is one of the best sets for going in FSC and using a WRH. That's why I am going to go for the Vog Cub set. BTW the WRH has the highest DPS sword in the game I think.

WRH > DA In my opinion.

Good luck with your adventure! :D

Portrait de Bopp
nearly four years

In case you didn't notice, the last post in this thread is nearly four years old. The players you are encouraging probably don't play the game anymore.

Anyway, you might be interested in my detailed sword guide, which covers all of these issues.

Portrait de Tiraid

Wow, for a split second I thought bopp was going to actually NOT post a link to his detailed sword guide on a thread he has previously posted on.

Portrait de Bopp
me too

Me too. But then I did, because the link above was to the Armor section, and experience shows that some players simply don't scroll up.

Sometimes I feel dirty for linking to my guide so much. But the truth is that I wrote it to answer frequently asked questions about swords. And because those questions are asked frequently, I need to link to it frequently. I do the same thing with the Bombing Guide, although I didn't write it.

Portrait de Corporal-Shade
I'm a Wizard

How did this guy find this 4-ish year old thread?
Also, it'd probably be a good idea to use Vog and Snarby together in FSC, wouldn't it?

Portrait de Bopp
maybe, but not really

Also, it'd probably be a good idea to use Vog and Snarby together in FSC, wouldn't it?

You're saying that because the threats in FSC are normal, elemental, shadow, and fire? That's reasonable, but the shadow threats are pretty poor --- almost entirely zombies, which are easy to dodge. Meanwhile, fire is all over the place. Therefore I would rather have lots of fire resistance (full Vog Cub) than a mixture of fire resistance and shadow protection (Vog Cub mixed with Snarbolax).

Portrait de Traevelliath

See I'm the exact opposite Bopp. Most of the fire in FSC comes from stationary objects, which you can easily avoid with some patience and practice. Zombies are less predictable and thus more hazardous. So I prefer Snarby rather than Vog in my FSC loadouts.

Portrait de Bopp

I understand your point, but the fire part of the Vanaduke fight is harder to me than all of the zombies put together. If Vanaduke nicks me with a fireball or knocks me into some shadow fire, then I burn up. In contrast, I'm having a hard time imagining a zombie hitting me anywhere in FSC.

One's lagginess and solo-ness (and experience) affect the decision a lot. Monsters are less predictable when your teammates are distracting them.

Portrait de Corporal-Shade
I'm a Wizard

Does shadow fire do Elemental damage?

Portrait de Neometal

Nope, only shock does elemental damage.

Portrait de Bopp
seems like elemental + fire

I think that Neometal is pointing out that the fire status does not inflict elemental damage. But that is not what's being asked.

What's being asked is: When you touch shadow fire lying on the ground of FSC, what happens?

I believe the answer is: You receive elemental (light blue) damage and fire status.

Portrait de Fehzor

^I think he means the shadow fires spawned, when you run into them.

The wiki claims that these fires do elemental damage-

EDIT: Bopp Ninja'd me.