<Starship Troopers> is Recruiting – Join up Now! And do your part.
I'd like to do my part.
IGN - Ryan-Stiles
I just started this game 4 days ago so I really don't know much
I think I'm Tier 2? Pretty sure I am.
but being in a guild would be a gr8 way to learn so yeah.
also I'm on thru steam, my handle is lije_

Join us..

Oooh pick me, pick me!!!
So yeah i want to join.
I am a 5* knight and will be honord to join :)
IGN : Demete

Join us.


We have free refreshments if you join

Hey Grit.. you should share you cupcakes with new Recruits.
Same name as the poster: Metalrift. Don’t know if there is a requirement to join a guild or not. Look forward to coop missions! Was in it for the hat now I like the game as it is!

Here my name.
my IGN name
right there
you can see it
I also have a dead guild that is in default
So, I wanna join. plz
no clue if anyone will read this but im super interested in joining. name is Nova-Hawk
Actually my knight is older than your guild.