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Twisted Targe recipe

9 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Arscariosus

From which mission can I buy a twisted targe recipe from Basil? Thanks.

Portrait de Traevelliath

It's this thing called the Arcade

Ever been to the north part of Haven? Ever noticed that little dotted line with a label saying "Arcade"? Yeah, go there, go to one of the rusted and neglected lifts, select tier 2, and then descent into the REAL clockworks. At d13 I believe, you will find Basil, who has a random chance of having the Twisted Targe recipe each time you visit him.

Believe it or not, this is how people used to get recipes, before missions gave them to us on a silver plater.

Portrait de Arscariosus
thanks for the verbosity

Thanks so much for the informative answer. So it is random then, I was reading the Wiki that I could buy it from Basil but I was not aware that it would be random.

Thanks so much good sire!

Portrait de Golgomath
/facepalm It is a travesty


It is a travesty when experienced knights need to explain to new knights what the Arcade is.......


Portrait de Arscariosus

i get it, but it's cool :)

Portrait de Aquajag
Basil carries random recipes

Basil carries random recipes when you meet him within the arcade clockworks. When you meet him at the beginning of a mission, he carries a set array of stuff based on what the mission is. But when you meet him in the arcade (you can also get there from the mission screen, far left tab says "Arcade"), he carries random recipes. He appears at the "Crossroads," which is the halfway mark between each tier. Every time you enter, he carries random stuff. You need to have completed an entire level for him to stock, otherwise everything will show up to you as there being zero of them there. Every person in your party sees the exact same set of recipes, and each person who's played an entire level can buy up to 1 of every recipe. So don't freak out that it says "1," and someone else wants to buy it. It just means you can only buy 1 yourself.

Your other option is to go to the Auction House. You'll pay more, but it could be quite a few trips in the Clockworks before you get lucky.

Portrait de Rune-Mage
Its all about luck

What I do is I do tier 2 arcade runs regularly, just set off from moorcroft manor down 4 floors and your at the crossroads and if there is no 'rare' recipes there I would start the run again. There is a high demand for twisted snarble barb recipes, Twisted targe recipes and The pulsar recipes (Kilowatt, Gigawatt etc.) So if you are doing these arcade runs a lot don't just focus on the recipe you want think about the other 'rare' recipes because they can sell for twice maybe three times the price that they are worth in the auction house.

Portrait de Little-Juances

It's all about looking at post dates.

Portrait de Zerxsoul

u get linked to this thread when googling twisted targe. so really It's about not about dates it's more of knowledge side.

Portrait de Nickxavier
Twisted targe

This is the hard one to get ._.