<Aurora> reboot | Keeping things Chill and Simple (we has discord msg/voice call)

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This guild was made up by a small group of friends who hung out in an older guild. The guild split up due to some complications with the ranking policies with some of the members of the group. Vilmor originally created Aurora, but left due to some drama between him and some of the officers. Daquiri, Larinark, and Propelli held the team together for the summer. Eventually Ankokuflare stuck around enough to be officer and so on.
The guild was had a high activity point when Valene pushed for events and competitions. Aurora accumulated a lot of activity between 2009-2011
Presently the guild has slowed down since then and I figured to keep it open for those who like small relaxing groups as much as I do.
So, onto the basics:
- A PC
- Spiral Knights
- Know how to keep your cool
WARNING! This guild is not built to be constantly active to Spiral Knights. I do hope you find some cool new people to hang out when they do pop on to play. :)
We have Discord to make voice calls and messages
Other games we play
- Minecraft
- Wakfu
- Pokemon Games
- Cards Against Humanity
- Town of Salem
- Monster Hunter games
- And thats the tip of the iceberg ;o
Guidelines of the Guild:
- Don't be a jerk. AKA the golden rule.
- Take drama and gossip to the private messages or make it minimum. It's not healthy comparing yourself to others.
- taboo words are fine. As long as they are not being used in the offensive.
- Be careful and ask before jumping in a room. Spawning an others room may lag the room during a battle.
- Work towards being open-mined and understanding, even towards the ones whom test your patience.
- Have fun. Simple as that.
Rankings are most heavily influenced by how patient, chill and wise you come of as to us.
Promotions tend to vary on the activity of both the player and officer and the rank itself. Feel free to message ankokuflare if you've been overlooked for promotions.
And last but not least, a little about us:
Outside of spiral knights: make art, cook yummy food, monster hunters, pokemon nuzlocking, retail cashiering, gardening, read random articles of interest of present moment
If you're interested in joining, you should fill out the application and post on this thread, or in-game mail it to one of the following:
- Ankokuflare
Application questions:
- In-game name?
- What do you look for in a guild?

Comments from the Editor:
Greetings, Aurorians. It looks like i'm hijacking the Newsletter business for the time being. Why I am writing the newsletter this time, instead of Valene? It's sort of a long story, but i'll save that story for another time. You wanna hear about this story, which is, in fact the newsletter. Bear in mind that this is the first newsletter that I have written for this guild, and for the sake of convenience, I will be sticking close to Valene’s format at the moment. Please don't murder me if it doesn't look up to snuff. I'm just a guy on the internet, after all, not the Messiah. And with that pointless tangent out of the way, on to your feature presentation!
~Nostalgic Reaverbot
Guild News: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
General Conduct:
It’s a new year, with new hopes, dreams, expectations, resolutions, all of that whimsical stuff. The great cataclysm has been predictably averted, and the movie titled after the preceding year is but a B-Movie farce. However, despite all of the splendor and cheer that inevitably comes with a new year, that does not give you an excuse to think that you’re suddenly above the world, flipping off authority as you trample over your peers thinking that you’re the only one who is right in this world. In that order. Just remember that we, here at Aurora, do not bode well with such behavior. We all want to remind you to stay respectful to your fellow guildies to kick off the new year. Ever heard of the old saying ‘Treat others the way you would like to be treated’? Keep that in the back of your head if you don’t want to get gassed by the higher-ups in the guild. Then kicked. In that order. So smile, if you don’t want to be met with bile.
Guild Hall:
Special mentions goes out to all of the lovely interior designers who have worked on gathering up festive winter furniture, trees, and gifts and arranging it to make Aurora’s Guild Hall look as festive and winter-y as ever! You all know who you are. Flaretaigibbvalandtherest.
Remember that our Guild Upkeep is still at a whopping 250,000 crowns per week, so for the sake of our marvelously beautiful wintery Guild Hall, pay for your upkeep! Bad things happen when you do not pay your dues, and I do not like bad things. And neither should you.
Don't forget the Room Rentals are still available! Remember that you can either decorate it yourself or consult the lovely Ankokuflare for design etiquette.
Mist Well Policy:
“…Keep in mind that the purpose of the mist well is to allow members to help each other… [If] you have withdrawn from it in the past, please donate when you have the funds in the future.” (Valene)
If you want to donate to the mist well but unable to reach the minimum capacity of 500CE, send your donations to Aurora-Nri, via In Game Mail or Trade, who will put CE in the well when donations reach the cap. The Officers and GMs monitor well usage. Use, don’t abuse. Abusing the well makes Fradow ferocious.
Fundraiser Weekly Raffle:
Lovingly has recently started up a weekly raffle, where contestants can win one of many valuable elite trinkets per week, and possibly even more! Each ticket only costs 1000cr, and entries must be sent to Aurora-Nri if you wish to participate. Further details on the page provided.
Illustrative Guild Event Recap: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Atuhors Nose: Sorry that I, the editor, was unable to make it to the Vial Collecting Guild Event, so I don’t have much input of what went on over there. All I can recall from feedback is that there were Arenas, scurrying, and singing. That’s all I got. Curse me and my real-life dilemmas. On the other hand, I DO recall The Guild Lockdown Event.But enough of my rambling. Here’s some MORE rambling!
Unapocolyptical Log #HR-D3:
You’ve all played Lockdown. You all know what it’s like: All Trinkets, Vog Only, Final Flourish (And several other variations). You are all probably in two differing camps: one camp that has embraced this playstyle, among other ones, full force and exploits it to no end for your own profit, much to the inexperienced players’ chagrin, or you’re in the other camp that gets hammered by these guys day in and out and demand a change of pace, refusing to conform to the player-made norm! I happen to be in the camp that gets hammered. Sue me. Butthatsbesidethepoint, what if there WAS a change of pace? What if the standard norms for Lockdown were twisted, mangled up, and thrown into a cage for a time-out? What if playstyles that were never conceived were given the chance to flouri- er, rise up from the ground and shine in the limelight? What if you can TALK to your friends and foes about your battles instead of pausing for those few precious seconds to type out your speech bubble?
We, here at Aurora, have made arrangements to dive deep down inside of a parallel universe where Wolver Coats are outlawed, Gran Fausts are auctioned at museums, and Alchemers are out of season. A universe where Polarises are donated as energy resources, Haze Bombs are frowned upon except for the freezing one that everyone groans at for some reason, and toothpicks are used to make miniature sculptures. This…. Isn’t going to become a spoof of the Twilight Zone, don’t worry.
Anyway, Aurora separated into three different factions to explore the bizarre and the unusual: The Original Aurorians, our Sister Guild ‘Heads or Tails,’ and… a third guild which name I have forgotten about. Shoot me. Speaking of shooting, the reason we separated is because… we all wanted to duke it out on the battlefield. But not with the weapons I have so repeatedly mentioned, but with weapons people never thought of using! Troopers cutting through the lines with fast-cutting hunting blades, gunners unloading their ammunition infused with the power of light and/or darkness at a rapid pace, players in low-leveled armor doing the samba around the battlefield, and bombers opting to use crystal shards to mess with players other than relying on haze to get the job done... except for the freezing ones. Dear gods, THE FREEZING! Cold mist, everywhere! knights were helplessly stationary all about, battles of attrition on who gets a control point were rampant, tactics outside-the-box were employed to achieve specific objectives, dogs and cats living together, MASS HYSTERIA!
You would think with all of the mayhem that ensued, there would be cries of pain and agony? No. There was none of that. Actually, there were cries… but cries of joy and laughter. Both camps, atleastinaurora, were satisfied. The skillfully speedy camps enjoyed coming out of their comfort zones to experiment with what had not been experimented on, and the hammered camps were happy that changes were brought to the table and they had a chance to shine in the scoreboards.
By the end of the day, every separate faction had regrouped back with Aurora to compliment the oddballs who have conjured up such an ingenious idea. And, to this day, Aurora has left the universe of the supernatural to return to their comforting realities, with thoughts in the back of their minds hoping to return one day. But those pending events are of another story…
To Make a Long, Pretentious Story Short: Troll Lockdown was fun, it felt like a breath of fresh air to not rely on the wolvers sets, fausts, and the like, and it was intriguing to see the sheer diversity of weapons and armor that players have brought up to the table. Everyone loved it, I loved it, and we hope we can do it again someday. Further details on Troll Lockdown HERE.
This isn’t the last of our guild events, however! We still have many more to come! Our weekly guild events are Saturdays 9 PM CST / 7 PM PST / 10 PM EST. Check back to the forums every Friday for event details!!!!
Closing Statement:
And that is all that needs to be reported for now. I hope I have done a decent enough job in keeping you all up to date with all the latest happenings in the guild. If I WERE to become a regular in writing the newsletter, I wouldn’t say there would be very much of a uniform schedule, but expect one for every month or two. But I digress. Be sure to check out the guild forums for details on upcoming events, trades, stories, and several other silly shenanigans. This is Nostalgic Reaverbot, signing off.
*This Newsletter has been brought to you by the Devilite Soul-Stealing Corporation. Worshipping Demonic Abominations to Meet Deadlines Since The Dawn of History!*
Funny_Reaver on Sat Jan 12, 2013 8:14 pm

Join this guild guys, you won't regret it! :D
What happens if you don't join? Your lunch shall be mine. 8D
1) Strauss
2) 16 actually
4) I try to play almost everyday, if Im not sidetracked with either work (during the summer), school, or other games
5) Going for a bomber build, they just seem really fun.
6) Yeah, but my laptop's built in MIC is sorta crappy. (So you wont be able to hear me unless I scream.)
7) I've been trying to find a circle of friends to play with, since waiting for parties to do missions/expeditions is pretty...annoying.
8) Gonna have to Haunter, there was something about realizing that he wouldnt evolve unless I traded him (brought him to lvl 60 lol) that made me fall in love with him
9) I'm tall, I like music, and I'm batman.

Yay! more big boooms!
>>>Invitation sent.
We want more applications!
Sorry for the inconvenience, I have decided to withdraw my application. Good day to you all.
I've sent my application to you via ingame mail, Ankoku.

Thanks for letting me know about the withdrawal, Eko.
I'll check out your application as fairly soon, Yalus.
I do apologize for the wait. Was out of town celebrating for a special occasion. ^-^;'
Edit: All invitations should be sent

1. What is your IGN? Det-the-EpicVentur
2. Are you thirteen or older? Yes
3. What time zone do you play in? US central
4. How much do you play in a week? 3-4 hours usually on weekends
5. Gear/ Loudout / preferred playstyle? Swords
6. Do you have skype? Nope
7. Why do you want to join Aurora? I want to be in a close knit community of active and talkative players
8. What is our favorite pokemon? Pikachu
9. Two truths and one lie about yourself. I like bacon. I live in a house made from a trolley( at least in the summer). And I love pasta.
Btw I'm teir2

Dropped an invitation in your mail. :3
1. What is your IGN? Whooie
2. Are you thirteen or older? yes
3. What time zone do you play in? pacific time zone
4. How much do you play in a week? 2-4 hrs. normally weekends
5. Gear/ Loudout / preferred playstyle? swords
6. Do you have skype? nope.
7. Why do you want to join Aurora? Because i want to be able to fight with and be in a tightly knit active group of people
8. What is our favorite pokemon? Pikachu
9. Two truths and one lie about yourself. I like to eat. ihave a stuffed animal. i loe spiral knights :)
My ingame name is Kyriogu.
Are you 13 or older?
Yes I am, I am 19 years old.
What time zone are you in?
I live in the GMT+1 timezone.
How much do you play in an average week?
Since I just started playing a couple of days ago I'm really active right now (7-8 hours + per day), I also have vacation right now for another week. After my vacation is over I will likely go down to between one and three hours per day. (And probably a bit more on weekends, if necessary.)
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?
I'm currently in full 2-star gear, looking to get full 3-star really soon. I like to go for a simple sword (Calibur) + a ranged weapon, when I play alone I like to kite mobs a lot and when I'm with a group I enjoy tanking and playing a bit more aggressively.
Do you have Skype?
Yes I do, I'd rather not post my information here though. I will give you my Skype info in a personal message or e-mail if I gain a seat in the guild.
Why do you want to join Aurora?
The things that appeal to me are that it's a small community of people trying to help eachother rather than a huge guild where you are just another number. I like to get to know people, and it seems that with all the bigger guilds I just don't get a good chance to get to know everyone.
Favorite pokemon? I'm hugging everyone that says Pikachu <3.
Well, I'd have to say Scyther. In fact I'll have you know I am currently playing out Pokémon blue and enjoying having a Scyther in my team.
Two truths, and one lie about yourself.
1. I love helping people, it makes me feel good and I have an elevator pass so it doesn't affect my energy either.
2. I am an expert on Spiral Knights and won't ask you noobish questions constantly.
3. I lied. :[

Flare has invited the two individuals! :V
1. My IGN is Ka-Me-Ha
2. I am 21 years old
3. GMT -6
4. I play until my energy is gone each day or so :)
5. Wolver/Striker/I want to be a Snarbolax
6. I have skype!
7. My friends really like Readreact, and after reading through this guild a bit on my own, it seems like a guild of nice people who have fun with the game, which is what I am looking for.
8. My favorite Pokemon is.. Evie.
9. Two truths and one lie about yourself: I am the Walrus. I para-glided around the coast of Grand Bahama. SNARBOLAX is my favorite.
1) My name is esjay
2) I will be 22 in October ^_^
3) I live in CST
4) Currently I play a few hours a day, but come fall I will probably cut that to a few hours a week; hopefully more
5) I am gunning for the full Jelly Ice Queen set! I am currently using the Calibur and Firotech Alchemer series.
6) I do have Skype
7) I would love to join Aurora because it sounds exactly like the guild I've been looking for: active and mature players that love talking to and playing with all members. I have also played SK with a member, Readreact, quite a few times and if he represents most of the members of this guild I am very excited about it!
8) I haven't seen pokemon since I was a kid....but Pikachu is adefinitely the one that stands out in my memory. : )
9) I am a senior in College. I have traveled the country. I play Ultimate Frisbee.
Are you 13 or older?
I'm actually 21
What time zone are you in?
Central -6GMT
How much do you play in an average week?
Currently i have an elevator pass and it is summer, so i will be playing a lot more now. that said currently i play about 3 hours a day so that means i play 21-24 hours a week. Starting in Sept i will be starting classes for a Biochem major, so i will be very busy and be logging less hour per week but will try to get on whenever homework allows.
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?
My goal is to end up having one of each five star weapon and armor. but currently i like the shadow tech gun with the Fireburst Brandish as my sword. I'm still working on using my shield. The armor that I'm working for is the Grey Feather Mantle with the Grey Feather Cowl and Grey Owlite Shield.
Do you have Skype?
I do.
Why do you want to join Aurora?
I'm look to join a guild that will allow me to get a party that won't dilly-dally around. I have been in to many parties that after i join beg for energy or money. I'm also looking for a group of people to be able to delve with, that is nice and fun to be around. I have also already met one member of your guild who is really nice and fun to play with, Readreact.
Favorite pokemon? I'm hugging everyone that says Pikachu <3.
I don't dislike Pikachu but it is not my favorite. Charmander.
Two truths, and one lie about yourself.
1. I had malaria, then got mono after I was cured. 2. I have been told by my doctor that I have too much sex. 3. I own two dogs.

Goodness gracious, I think we've struck recruit gold or something o.o;'
Alright, I think I got all of you.
1. IGN?
2. Are you 13 or older?
Indeed. 16 years old.
3. What time zone are you in?
GMT -5
4. How much do you play in an average week?
Currently, since it's the summer, I play about 6-7 hours a week. But once school starts, it will obviously be less. Probably 1-2 hours.
5. Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?
Bombs. They're just loads of fun. I also have a sword in my inventory, usually.
6. Do you have Skype?
7. Why do you want to join Aurora?
It's difficult trying to go on missions with random people. Kind of awkward. And it's always more fun to play when you have trusted people along with you. There's also the fact that while I was looking around in the guild forums, Aurora struck me as the friendliest and most encouraging guild here.
8. Favorite pokemon? Mr. Mime
9. Two truths, and one lie about yourself.
I say "quite" quite a lot;
I use "perhaps" perhaps too often.
And "rather"? Well, I detest it, to be rather frank.

Yea that's right get your bottoms into aurora
:) loving this guild

Aurora getting testimonials?! WHuuuuUU?! Is one of our higher ups putting a gun to your head to say this? You never know. :P
Then again I could just being overly(more like jokingly) skeptical, heehee. :3
Invitation sent from yours truly.

1) IGN?
2) Are you 13 or older?
3) What time zone are you in?
4) How much do you play in an average week?
About 20 hours, maybe lesser.
5) Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?
Leave me the front-line. I have swords, a big gun, and a small one for slimes.
6) Do you have Skype?
Yeah, I do.
7) Why do you want to join Aurora?
Looking for a guild. Yours seems fun. The name is a bit girlish to me though.
8) Favorite pokemon?
Not a pokemon fan, but I know the sumo chubby one. Actually, anything chubby.
9) Two truths, and one lie about yourself.
I'm a perv.
I'm a scumbag money hoarder.
I don't lie.

Bwa'haha, at least your honest.
Invitation sent.

Sadly, that one is a lie...
Btw, srry I couldnt reply to u yesterday, eh? It was too laggy I couldnt see my own msgs, rara XD.

It's cool, it's cool.
For all I know; Lag is the most dangerous predator in this game. Glad you are still with us bro.

We are still looking for more people to have tea parties with! c:

We've still got room for thing taking!
Are you 13 or older?
yes im 16 years old
What time zone are you in?
How much do you play in an average week?
around 4 to 7 days
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?
anything that give me an advantage in the game but i usually like swords and guns
Do you have Skype?
Favorite pokemon?
a shiny Pikachu
Two truths, and one lie about yourself
I like to help people(like lend money or give mats for free),I don't like healers,and never seen a love puppy.
if you dont accept me I understand and thank you for your time.
P.S. goodbert sent me
I forgot a question sorry
Why do you want to join aurora?
Goodbert told me it is a great guild so I wanted to join. Also it seems fun to be in it.

IGN? Phantomhamachi
Are you 13 or older? My age is only for me to know and you to never learn. (tl;dr: Classified.)
What time zone are you in? GMT -5
How much do you play in an average week? Quite a lot.
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle? I like to play it safe...which means I rely on my shield far too much.
Do you have Skype? Yes, but no microphone.
Why do you want to join Aurora? I want to have a good time with others.
Favorite pokemon? I'm hugging everyone that says Pikachu <3. POKEMON? Ok, one of you better have Black or White because I like to compete in Black and White! Oh, yes, the question. Zekrom, Gallade, Pikachu, Magmortar, Frosslass, Electrivire, Gigalith and Kyurem.
Two truths, and one lie about yourself. I love indie games (truth 1), I have aspergers (truth 2) I don't like cake. (LIE!)

I accidentally deleted mine thinking that "Delete" was "Reply", so can you re-send it? My IGN is Phantomhamachi in case you forget Ankokuflare.

The invite should be sent. Thanks for letting me know.

1) IGN?
2) Are you 13 or older?
3) What time zone are you in?
4) How much do you play in an average week?
About 24 hours, maybe lesser.
5) Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?
I'll lead the way. I have 4* swords, Small guns and a Shield that i use to much
6) Do you have Skype?
Yeah, Somtimes
7) Why do you want to join Aurora?
Looking for a guild. With good players.
8) Favorite pokemon?
Dark Picach.
9) Two truths, and one lie about yourself.
I'm a Epic person.
I'm a money waster somtimes..
I don't lie.

1. My in game name is Torpor-Havo.
2. I'm 23.
3. I live in Eastern Standard Time
4. Well, right now I play a few hours a day. I'm fairly new, and I have a lot of stuff I want to do.
5. I'm wearing a Heavy Demo Suit/Helm and have a Heavy Plate Shield. And a few 4* Bombs as well. I plan on continuing this path and heading towards Mad Bomber Armor and getting the vast majority of the 5* bombs. I have found however that when going solo. Having only bombs is a little counter intuitive. So I have taken to carrying around the Master Blaster, soon to be upgraded to Valiance.
6. Yes, I have skype.
7. I want to join Aurora because I'm getting lonely. It's difficult to find 3 other people for a simple run through the Clockworks; even harder for the Rank Missions. I am currently rank 7-2. The people I do find are usually nice, but as soon as we achieve our goal. Everyone goes our separate ways. Even if we both meet up again for the next mission, there is still no acknowledgement that we've met before. And that is killing this game for me.
8. My favorite Pokemon is Nidoking, hands down.
9. I enjoy watching others play video games almost as much as playing them myself.
. I'm currently attending school in hopes of getting certified in medical sonography.
. I have an amazing job that pays well and has good hours.

Are you 13 or older?
I am 22.
What time zone are you in?
How much do you play in an average week?
I have been playing it for just under a week now and learning rapidly.
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?
I am 3*
Armor/Helms used; Gunslinger Sash, Gunslinger Hat, Wolver Cap (I use it as a costume :3).
Shields; Horned Owlite, Swiftstrike (soon).
Swords; Snarble Barb.
Guns; Pepperbox, Antigua, Shadowtech MK II, Voltech.
I had read numerous guides and threads prior to playing, and i've already grown used to shield cancelling, bumping, etc.
I prefer the Gunner role but i also like the quick attacks of Flourish type swords.
Do you have Skype?
Yes, but i generally don't use it while i am on wi-fi.
I also have a headset.
Why do you want to join Aurora?
The name stood out initially and it seems like a good social guild.
Favorite pokemon?
Whimsicott, followed by Cinccino.
Two truths, and one lie about yourself.
Is this the game two truths one lie? If not then what is the point in saying a lie if you already know its true?
Feel free to message or tell me prior to an invite if you'd like to ask anything else.
Leaving you all some music;
I won't be able to play for while because my computer screen broke so please don't kick me. and I'll try to fix it as soon as possible.thank you

IGN? - Valentine-VK
Are you 13 or older? - 19
What time zone are you in?- West Coast or Pacific Standard Time
How much do you play in an average week? - I play around 1-3 hours a day so usually between 10-20 hours a week.
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle? - I really enjoy playing all styles/loadouts. My favorite part of this game is all the variety in gear. I enjoy filling any role needed in the clockworks. As for my gear I recently came back after a break so all my stuff is kind of old. But right now I've got a nice variety of 5* swords/armor, 4*bomber armor and a shivermist, and 3* gun armor and a silversix.
Do you have Skype? - Yes.
Why do you want to join Aurora? - Because your group looks very friendly and seems like it wouldn't mind having a player that's just getting back into the game :)
Favorite pokemon? - Ninetails
About me - Typical college kid. (studies all day, parties all night, plays video games, etc.), I like jiu jitsu and breakfast food. My favorite anime is Gurren Lagaan. I look forward to meeting you guys :)
Hey, Aurora! I am Lightningnose. I was here way back and played a lot, then I lost interest in pretty much all video games and spent my days scrolling through iwastesomuchtime.com. I have returned, though, in the spirit of a new Recon Knight: Rhyson. Yes, that is what I named myself. Don't laugh. :/ Anyway if you are wondering why I came back in a new knight and new account is because so much had changed since I left that I wanted to see it from the beginning. Also, I changed my account for email purposes. And because I wanted a new account name...also don't ask.
I'll just put my app info here because it's been so long that most if not all don't remember me and...yeah.
IGN: Rhyson
13 or older: yes
Time zone: EST
Average playtime: probably mostly on weekends, maybe once or twice per month on weekdays.
Gear/Loadout/Preferred playstyle: currently I have 1* gear, if that's what you're asking...
Skype: yes (you can call me "soccerstar" on Skype, or "soccer" for shorts)
Why do I want to join: because it's freaking awesome, that's why.
Favorite Pokemon: PikaCHUUUUUUUUU!!!!!111!!!!!one!!
Two truths and one lie: I take taekwondo, I am a black belt, and I like dogs.
Psst: the lie is that I'm a black belt...I'm only a green belt....

IGN: Calyer
Are you 13 or older? i can drink legally in america, so yes
What time zone are you in? west coast baby!
How much do you play in an average week? f2p, so i work around my mist (usually 10-25 hours)
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle? just started this week and i like using my 9mm gun to cap those fools in teir 1
Do you have Skype? does anyone still use AIM? but yeah
Why do you want to join Aurora? the name reminds me of my childhood days in alaska, childhood rules!
Favorite pokemon? I'm hugging everyone that says Pikachu <3. agumon from digimon :p
Two truths, and one lie about yourself. i like magnets, i like turtles, and i like apple pie <3

We are still accepting~
Buy your tickets today!
Er.... I'm mean fill up that app. ;D

IGN? Mushy-Bucket
Are you 13 or older? Yes
What time zone are you in? Central
How much do you play in an average week? as much as possible; 10+ hrs on average, mostly on weekends
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle? currently azure, levi, blizzbrand (not for long; Glacius soon), and aegis. i play swordsman hands down
Do you have Skype? nope
Why do you want to join Aurora? i heard about it and i like active guilds
Favorite pokemon? I'm hugging everyone that says Pikachu <3. lol pichuuuuu jk pikachu watev. :P
Two truths, and one lie about yourself. i like skolver. i like advanced sword stuff. i like brussel sprouts....
well, only other thing i can say is have decent skill with guilds and how to manage stuff like that since i used to be the owner of a 100 guild.
dunno if this helps or not but wutev. ;)
ill also mention im active unless i go on a month+ long trip in the summer, and ill be sure to notify of that.

Invitation sent by our glorious team. (Wasn't me this time :P)
We got about nine fresh slots open.
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Bump. o_o