Why is there no Sudaruska in the Test server?
ven, 08/31/2012 - 18:32

Troika. Grintovec, Jalovec, Triglav alchemy path is there, yet the
Troika, Kamarin, Khorovod, Sudaruska alchemy path seems to have been left out.
There is only a Kamarin.
Edit: i'm not the only one that is missing weapons, luckily everyone is trading to help people that are missing guns/swords.
ven, 08/31/2012 - 20:14

If you don't get Suda by default, you can probably pick one up from the Supply Depot. (The one thing I like about that piece of crap is, it helps in the Test Server. That's really all it's good for, though...)
Seems like just an issue with the distribution for the test server.