ghosts in the machine feedback and new gear
I thought the level was good. although it was constructs and undead which made it easy since they both have a weakness to elemental damage. so enemies were easy for people with an elemental gun. i used a gran faust, argent peacekeeper, and the shivermist bomb. the gear i had made the level relatively easy. if i had a divine avenger the level would of been much much easier. maybe add a couple of beasts or gremlins or even kats.
there was also something weird. on one of the second floors there were orbs going clockwise and then another set of 4 boing counter clockwise. not sure if that was intentional or not but but that seemed weird. also there is an arena where undead bomb creatures would infinitly spawn on one of the second levels. it was rather odd. all you have to do is run up and shield them and they explode and kinda do nothing to you.
comment on the spiral flak jacket.
it looks really nice and i want to know how to get one. it looks a lot better than the other start armors.
Seriously the jacket is awesome.
I wish i could get it for my current character cause, I dont think i will make a new character just for that jacket. LOL