Ultima is Recruting

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Portrait de Blubarry

Ello there! Glad you popped in to take a look, have a cookie while at it. (>'_')>O

We are a friendly guild that tries our best from missons and clockwork runs to pvp in Lockdown and Blast Network, almost the same as every other guild out there. Well almost, we do have our quirks you know.

What we do:

- Prestige and Danger Missons
- Lockdown
- Blast Network
- Guild Races
- Free Hugs
- Free Pokes
- Slapping Wars
- Cupcake Giveaways

Note: Sadly, the last two points have been cancelled ever since the slapping wouldn't stop when it started and we received complaints about our cupcakes being too sugary for their taste.

There is so far only one rule that you would need to follow that is, no begging allowed!!

As for recruiting, you would need to:
-have at least 3* gear
-be able to beat Snarbolax in full proto gear (optional)

Please message or send a tell to Hcastanheiro, Blubarry, Fight-Men, or Deluxex