umm.......can anyone get me a guild at the top 10
can anyone get me a guild at the top 10?i mean i wanna join 1 but i cant find it............:(

Hey, First Blood [a T3 LD guild] is currently still open for recruitment - 98 members.
We're usually 5th on the leaderboards, as we do little GvGing on weekdays (maybe once or twice a day) and we GvG whenever we're challenged on weekends (Friday, Saturday, Sunday).
If you're interested, just apply here, following the application format given in this thread.
~Fodow - Head GM of First Blood.

what is the "top then" if you want a legit guild, go with Tier Zero, they actively make sure all of their members are actually active players, unlike a lot of the the ones mentioned above which have over half their members inactive for many months.

The words "inactive" and "Jempire" don't go together.
Right now, I think 27 people are online? Maybe higher. Inactive players are removed on a weekly basis, and the member count is always around 100. Seriously, they're hot stuff.
Just don't post on the Jempire thread here :P Jempire has no wiki page, and no current SK forums recruitment thread. Look to
I hope you find a nice guild!

Have you been in First Blood?
Inactive for many months?
We do inactive sweeps every two weeks and have an average of 15 people on.
Please think before you trash a guild.
The Jempire I guess.. Always top at GLD spot..