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So Mad Bomber is worthless now

201 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Pherro

Sorry if i wasn't clear.
I was saying that one way to set Mad Bomber apart from Chaos would be to change Mad Bomber's defense from elemental to shadow (Mad Bomber, not Chaos). The revised Mad Bomber set would offer defense against normal and shadow damage.

Though you are correct in that this change might conflict with the Mad Bomber Mask's description.

Portrait de Wolfe-Knight

I have been reading this for awhile and as a bomber here are my ideas to make it so chaos is more glass cannon like without messing up mad bomber.

1. As some have said making it normal only would make it more glass like, but I feel it would still be strong even then. Maybe instead of having only normal defence giving it only elemental defence(it makes sense as its a magic set). This way the Chaos set can keep the VH bonuses but will make people more careful as they will die a lot faster.

2. Give the set only a universal high bonus fro CTR and DMG. This would be done by giving one piece a low CTR and a med DMG while the other piece has the opposite. This will make the mad bomber more useful for bombers again and chaos useful for everyone(mainly hybrid players).

Both of these changes will make the set unique but still usable by all three types of weapons. Now I know my ideas will upset people but with a hybrid set like this you have to think of other more specialized sets. Specialized sets should always be more powerful, it is the same way normal and split damage weapons compare.

Portrait de Autofire
You are experiencing a PICNIC ERROR! post was made based off an uneducated info......

Hey, look, I've never owned any 5* bomber gear. :P

I do want to eventually, though. Ever sense I blew up the guy with a Twisted Spine Cone in T2 LD, I've been obsessed. ;)

Portrait de Zurkov
If the issue is that it's just like Mad Bomber only better...

...why doesn't it just get a massive status debuff? Double all the buffs/debuffs why not.
Setting the status resistances to negative Max would mean carrying even one piece would be powerful, but require a calculated trade-off unless you don't mind immolating to death at the first whiff of brimstone.

Regardless, the current consensus seems to be "revert it and give it universal ASI low", which I disagree with. ASI is too useful defensively, and they explicitly stated it was for a glass-cannon setup.
If you're going to revert bonuses, it would probably be wiser to revert one bonus on each piece (e.g.: CTR med DMG low on helm and CTR low DMG med on armor) so the full set is knocked down a peg but still has the same shtick.

Portrait de Sshadoow
STop complain about it's

STop complain about it's OPness, go make a chaos set and be like everyone else. It's a change, adapt to it. (has pris wings on my chaos set >U<)

Portrait de Mzculet

Well if everyone is just going to use the chaos set what is the use of the other armor? Ever since the chaos set has been buffed With Ctr and Dmg bonus med the Wolver line and Mad bomber line will be useless now...
(other than being a costume) Whats next 000 Piercing defense on chaos set?

Portrait de Softhead
^ WHY!?

One hasn't read the thread.

It ruins another set.

That people already got.

OOO handled it horribly.

Portrait de Etharaes

Yes shadow, we SHOULD have imbalanced gear so everyone ends up running around in the 1 same OP gear set. We all want zero diversity in this game, don't we? WHY DIDN'T THEY THINK OF THIS BEFORE? IT'S GENIUS!

Portrait de Wolfe-Knight

Why should we stop? The chaos set unbalances everything now. Why make any other set, chaos will do it better. They have just made a one set trumps all situation.
The status weaknesses are not as bad as most think (the only ones you have to worry about are fire and shock). If you don't get hit you are fine plus you can kill everything easier so getting hit will be even harder.

That Black Kat Cowl. Kat Cowl

That Black Kat Cowl. Kat Cowl with Merc Mail. Speed Boost of a Full Merc Set while negating it's negative shock Resist in Lockdown. Then there's Damage Bonus Ultra on Swords and High on Guns....Seems Chaos isn't the only thing that appears to be broken on paper.

Portrait de Mozna
I figured out three ways to

I figured out three ways to fix this problem:

1) Change the Damage/CTR boosts on Chaos to Damage/ASI. That way it will be like a Mad Bomber set for Swords and Guns.

2) Remove one or two of the status weaknesses on Mad Bomber to make it less of a glass cannon when compared to Chaos.

3) Increase the Damage/CTR boosts on both Mad Bomber items to High, so that we'll get Maximum Damage and CTR from wearing both of them.

These are free, OOO. You're welcome. :3

Portrait de Qwez

Wut if we added an Attack Speed Decrease: low, per Chaos piece?

ASD VH would be too much Attack Speed Decrease, so Medium ASD total is good. Chaotic Boom, Death, Destructionnnnn, but a little slower. Who says chaos has to be fast/normal pace?

No need to remove hp, reduce resistances, change the CTR or Damage Bonuses, none of that stuff. I believe that this debuff is perfect to balance the buffs of the Chaos set. CTR and Damage Bonus are both debuffed slightly due to the ASD. While still being a glass cannon, this armor now takes more skill to use with the Attack Speed Decrease.

(I'd like to put ASD medium per piece, but I realize that not everybody has access to a Swiftstrike buckler, or ASI increase variants, and Magic set doesn't look that heavy to warrant such a speed decrease)

Bam! Original Content FTW!

Portrait de Greenjuances

Negative ASI?

Say a mad bomber with a backup sword/gun:
-if he uses chaos, just get one trinket to counter the negative ASI (or swiftstrike or a single UV)
-if he uses Mad, he'll need a CTR UV and 2 trinkets (or 1 trinket and BTS) to match vh bonuses on the sword.

Since the effects of ASI on bombs is minimal, it's out of the question.

Portrait de Misten
My humble suggestion is that

My humble suggestion is that for people who use chaos equipment to have their Last stand/sonic mode removed. Or, alternatively, remove their invincibility frames. Im sure think this will make them "glass" enough.

Portrait de The-Rawrcake
Suggestion: Make it Low CTR

Suggestion: Make it Low CTR instead of medium CTR.

Give it Attack Speed Increase instead of CTR, since Attack Speed is not for bombs!

Thank you a ton for making a glass cannon playstyle for swords and guns!

Portrait de Etharaes
@Rawrcake and others

The problem with swapping out asi with ctr is the poeple who used chaos to mix in bombs into their arsenal would feel the change hard (myself included).

My ideas would be:
1. Have one piece with low dmg and med ctr, with the reverse for the other piece. This way, it could be mixed in with "purer" class sets to customise it.
2. Revert the ctr to what it was. It would still be a cannon, it would just take longer to reload.
3. Remove the health bonus. Though that would mean lag spike = dead.
4. Make it a true jack-of-all-stats. Low dmg, asi, ctr and possibly msi per piece.

Since we're (almost) all agreeing on chaos being nerfed, should I start a new topic in the arsenal on how to nerf it? It's getting a bit messy here.

~The crazy guy with the bad connection who still runs around in chaos and hipster gear.

Portrait de Sirusswan
A few different ways to go

A few different ways to go with this:

1: Chaos set gives a negative health bonus like the striker sheild.

2:Make defense more important. Maxed defense bars should provide 80+% damage reduction instead of 50%, trim all of the offensive based sets to compensate. Normal damage could perhaps provide damage reduction to all damage types but only at half effectiveness.

3: Give Mad bomber and both merc sets one additional level of MSI for each piece.

4: Fuse time reduction as a buff for bomber sets would be nice

5: Chaos set could give a total of high dmg/ctr vs VH.

Portrait de Sirusswan
A few different ways to go

A few different ways to go with this:

1: Chaos set gives a negative health bonus like the striker sheild.

2:Make defense more important. Maxed defense bars should provide 80+% damage reduction instead of 50%, trim all of the offensive based sets to compensate. Normal damage could perhaps provide damage reduction to all damage types but only at half effectiveness.

3: Give Mad bomber and both merc sets one additional level of MSI for each piece.

4: Fuse time reduction as a buff for bomber sets would be nice

5: Chaos set could give a total of high dmg/ctr vs VH.

Portrait de Eltia
Cooperstown, ND

Think Nick is very skeptical about more MSI and FTR for Bombers.

As I said, Bombers should be the glass cannon class in SK. So don't worry about them being OP, because they should be but they trade off with higher enmity and lower defense.

But, it looks like Nick wants every class to have a chance to be glass cannon (hence the new chaos set buff).

Anyways, I think I'll stop here. This discussion about what Bombers should be are not going anywhere. Nick already made up his mind and Bombers will not be the class that has advantages to be glass cannon. Hence, don't expect more MSI or FTR boost because they won't be happening.

Portrait de Zeddy

I just want whatever's going to happen to do so quickly.

It would suck for Chaos to be the bomber armour for half a year only for it to suddenly change again. Give it a couple of months with nothing happening and I'll start pointing aspiring bombers to Chaos set expecting things to be fixed at the same time as Iron Slug gets buffed and shard bombs stop being buggy. (Not soon enough to actually advice people based on it ever happening.)

Portrait de Shidara
I agree with Zeddy here. If

I agree with Zeddy here. If something's going to happen, make it happen quick. I don't want to get accustomed to Chaos' new buffs only for it to be taken away from me when I thought it was going to stay - it would crush me as a dedicated Chaos user.


>1: Chaos set gives a negative health bonus like the striker sheild.

Have you any idea how bad that would be? Just so we're clear here, a Knight's health is five by default. The extra health comes from armour, dropped vitapods, and if you invested in them; heart pendants. Even a -1 on each piece will put you down to three HP. You're not a glass cannon anymore, you're a wandering one-hit wonder; one hit and you're dead. I don't think the guts-effect goes into play at such low health and I didn't work my way up to five stars only to get killed by anything that as much as tries to brush dandruff off my shoulder.

Portrait de Zeddy

Not to mention it'd actually give negative health in total combined with striker shield.

Portrait de Sirusswan
@Shidara Opps... I what I was


Opps... I what I was trying to say was that a default chaos set could have +2 or +3 hp per piece instead of +5.
It is rather easy to forget about the health bonus considering all sets have at least +5.

Portrait de Orangeo
Chaos set looks great for

Chaos set looks great for void runs. Working on some magic gear with medium posin UV's so that it isn't weak to those slimes, otherwise all the other status weaknesses are completely overlooked. Might get an AoA since I don't have to worry about breaking ally freeze on those zombies.

Oh, just noticed something;
"...said to grant the wearer protection within the nameless realm where all elements are said to converge into one and divide into all. "
The void?

Portrait de Nexassassin
You're not the only one to spot it

There was a suggestion back then saying that the Chaos Set should get better bonuses at the void. Neat idea, didn't take off that far (I think). Regardless, I should take my future Chaos Set there one day.

Portrait de Randomzz
My issue is...

The game pushes for specialization. Now this one general use set is on par with the Mad Bomber and arguably the wolver lines, and the black cat cowl has the potential to be better (cannon-wise) than the gunslinger sets. Either the specialties need a buff, or chaos cowl a debuff besides status. Keeping this to Mad bomber and Chaos:

Mad Bomber buff possibilities
*High damage bonus per piece>> no +med shield, dev's hate giving msi, ctr high would be useless, defense bonus takes away "mad" aspect, asi useless

Chaos debuff possibilities
*Change ctr to low>> gives bombers incentive to use MB over chaos
*Add movement speed decrease low >> gives incentive to NOT use bombs with this set, thus propping Mad up indirectly
*Make bonuses apply to only swords or guns and NOT bombs >> separates Chaos from Mad completely. This would be my recommendation.
*Partially or completely remove normal defense >> the set is defined as an elemental set (read description text), turns Chaos into complete glass cannon

suggestion preference (in order listed): 2, 4, 1, 3

Portrait de Qwez

ya forgot Bombastic q.q 'tis always left out.

I have a general idea about balance in this game:
How about this, add some special ability to helmets and detract from armors. Divine Cowl has the Fiend damage increase, Perfect Mask of Seerus, Kat cowls, old Volcanic Demo helm vs armor, and maybe more. Just look at how much of this game is about hats n stuff over armor? The only two things that don't follow this trend are the Vitasuits and Silvermails because they aren't part of an armor set.
Point is, there is a trend of helmets > armors. To balance, just keep this trend going.

Instead of making both pieces (de)buffed, the devs can just buff some of the helmets or debuff the armors... (if it's reasonable). Because the vast majority of the game follows the Helmet > Armor trend, it should work fine. Thus, Mercurial players can get that better movement, and whatever else that needs a buff, but not an overly large buff.

Portrait de Shidara
No idea why Chaos of all

No idea why Chaos of all things would get MSD. Seriously out of place.

As for the idea of Chaos having its bonuses in the Void, which I presume is the Unknown Passage...have you ever thought of how useless it would make it? Nevermind Chaos being unpopular when all it had was universal damage bonus low per piece, I would question why I even made it in the first place other than for the looks. Why would you make equipment fit only for an area that's going to cost you $4 worth in energy to visit once? Even if it was intended to tack onto the previous bonuses without removing it otherwise it just seems like an unnecessary addition for a far-too specific scenario.

Portrait de Little-Juances

Armors (helmets) are strong enough. Remember we also have trinkets and UVs.
Having high bonuses on equipment by default makes those useless.
Besides we would also have to add bonuses to the forgotten "defensive" armors (jelly, dread skelly)

Too much of a balance only for one armor trying to get accepted. Nerf Chaos, it's the quickest route.

Portrait de Eltia
Cooperstown, ND

I just want whatever's going to happen to do so quickly.

+1. This is a balancing problem, one which the Devs made it clear that they took it very seriously.

I (and many others) just want you guys to put money at where your mouth is, that's all.

Portrait de Orangeo
Hmm. Either way, I think the

Hmm. Either way, I think the best solution would be to just add more glass to the chaos set.

Personally, I'd make it have full weaknesses to fire, ice, shock, and curse, perhaps with more plain old defense.

A direct void bonus would be stupid, but creating gear that is effective in the void would be worthwhile, so long as it has some other less specific purpose.

Portrait de Randomzz
No idea why Chaos of all

No idea why Chaos of all things would get MSD. Seriously out of place.

Because the point of my suggestions were to make Mad Bomber preferable to Chaos set. Movement speed decrease would be a hindrance to bombing, thus making Mad bomber more viable again.

Having high bonuses on equipment by default makes those useless.

Normally you would have a point, except that for sword users a DB trinket is already wasted if you have Skolver/Snarby set and DBS. Gun and bombers have no such shield that would max damage without a trinket, so giving them a way to is both fair and has precedents. Unlikely, yes. But still.

Besides we would also have to add bonuses to the forgotten "defensive" armors (jelly, dread skelly)

Not necessarily. Those are not in direct competition with the Chaos set. Only sets that grant a bonus for a specific weapon type towards all creature types would need to be changed. However, yes, simply debuffing Chaos would be much simpler and in my opinion better

Portrait de Etharaes
Buffing other armors is stupid

Yes, lets buff 5 out of a total of 31 5 star armor sets to be on par with 1. Those 25 others are PERFECTLY balanced, I mean you see so many people running around in full radiant silvermail, and the amount of volcanic plate mail users is astronomical, isn't it?

If you didn't know, that was sarcasm.

The imbalance in this game is huge. All those other gears need some kind of buff, because they are pretty useless at the moment. Chaos is way too powerful at the moment, and buffing the class gears will just create more imbalance, and make this game even easier.

And if you think it's a problem that gunners/bombers don't get class shields, give them one, instead of giving the bonuses to them with their armor.

Portrait de Randomzz

However, yes, simply debuffing Chaos would be much simpler and in my opinion better

English. Do you read it? And besides the fact just giving a proper gun/bomb shield to us has been something the dev's have refused to do for almost two years, the thread is about making the Mad Bomber set worthwhile again in and of itself, and not by adding new gear.

Anywho, since people are getting fixated on one part and not taking things in context, edit time.

Portrait de Shidara

It still does not change the fact that it is out of place. Why would Chaos, a cloak armour, decrease your movement speed when full plate armours like Volcanic and Ironmight do not? Moreover, why would you want MSD on a set that relies on your ability to dodge to avoid being severely crippled by status? A slow glass-cannon is a dead glass-cannon.

Portrait de Dragneel-Wiki
Did anyone notice...

I am not sure if someone mention that yet, I don't want to read all the pages.

Did anyone notice that Chaos didn't only render the Mad Bomber useless, it rendered Shadowsun too ! Now, there is no need for Shadowsun, especially when you can get Max CTR and DMG VH on guns, which is the best 2 things for guns. So... how many sets are the victims now ?

1. Mad Bomber

2. Shadowsun

3. Bombastic

4. Volcanic Demo

5. What else...

Portrait de Aureate
To be fair

the reason Mad Bomber was mentioned specifically was because it is pretty much a weaker version of Chaos now. Both armours have the same defence, other than an additional Curse weakness to Chaos that nobody normally cares about, and Chaos has the same bonuses, except universal to all weapons.

In comparison, all of the other armours you've mentioned have more normal defence than Mad Bomber or Chaos, and all of them have at least some kind of status resistance, not to mention they lack the other weaknesses. Shadowsun is also shadow defence. So I wouldn't say they were made redundant; at least, not to those of us who aren't gods at dodging everything.

I will admit something needs to be done about it quickly. Otherwise there are going to be a lot of unhappy people being upset about their new investment getting nerfed.

Portrait de Randomzz

You make it sound like something named Chaos is supposed to follow the established order and rules. Or you've never played BL2 and used the Bane. And you can still avoid things pretty well even with MSD. Now would I say this is something that should be done, not really. I simply listed possibilities that prop up Mad Bomber over chaos. I even say which would be my preference. You, however, have consistently done nothing but fixate on one part of someones post that you hate and completely miss the context even when you agree with my first Chaos possibility listed

I mentioned it, but people become uptight about how we'd supposedly have to buff EVERYTHING in response. And it is quite simpler to simply debuff Chaos. They also do have the differences Aurate mentioned

Good points. Especially how any change needs to be done quick

it would appear that CTR drop to low is a generally agreeable consensus. Does anyone actually disagree with that, or have new suggestions (besides new gear, even though bomber could use a few)?

Portrait de Aureate

Obvious alternative is CTR Med, Damage Low, although I admit this is debatable in use due to the fact that most non-bomb weapons need damage more than CTR (with the obvious exception of Blitz Needle). I'd still use it for gunning, though.

Portrait de Randomzz

That could work, but I feel like ctr low would hurt bombing more and damage med help the other weapons with Chaos, separating the two glass cannons better.

Portrait de Michaelb
node 585425

In my honest opinion, the best way to handle this is to either take away the elemental protection that Chaos gives or to give Mad Bomber less of a downside (if you don't just take away the status troubles and make it neutral).

Portrait de Zeddy

Hey, I don't mean to sound impatient or anything, but I was just wondering if you guys have had any time to appreciate our feedback, monitor responses and in-game behaviour, and evaluate changes?

Portrait de Sir-Pandabear

Because I have. It's been a couple of weeks since this thread was made, give or take five years, and let me tell you what I did:

Appreciate feedback
It turns out all the doomsaying here was 100% correct. Not only is mad bomber worthless, but the only reason not everyone is using chaos is because they had the patience or resources to get black kat. I appreciate how right everyone was, that was some good doomsaying.

Monitor responses...
See above.

... and in-game behaviour
It used to be everyone would go for one of three armour sets, depending on playstyle. Now they're going for just one. Since this update the amount of armours in the game has more than doubled, cutting armour diversity to 1/6th.

Evaluate changes
I've had difficulties evaluating changes since there hasn't been any.

Portrait de Bopp
it's fair

It's a fair point. The armor has been unbalanced for years. Of course, we're saying things we've said many times already. Cheers.

Portrait de Khemos

...6 years later. Still no fix.

Portrait de Zero-Chill

Just an extra bomb damage low per piece can change everything, please consider.

Portrait de Sir-Pandabear

+3 to damage would be all that's needed, I agree, but it could be fun to also have +3 for ctr, making it cost efficient to haze/vortex, and serving as a use for striker bombers in LD.

Portrait de Zero-Chill

Oh! Never thought of that, I like it. So with just CTR med UV's on all your bombs you're able to max out everything about bombs except ASI which is irrelevant anyway. And you won't need to fully heat all your utility bombs earlier on which makes it VERY noob-friendly but I still think it's a bit too much and unreasonable to ask for. I'd still just settle for CTR med + DMG high per piece as it's all you need anyway, this would encourage people to buy CTR UV'd bombs for PvP use if they like going striker that much which will mean the game gets some profit out of it, otherwise bombers would ONLY use mad bomber, we don't want it the absolute best and only bombing set, we want it to be the best all rounder option where you don't need any trinkets to max bombs so you could focus on other stuff.

Portrait de Jenovasforumchar

To be honest... I miss the time of diversity in used epquipment.

Just buffing mad bomber would just shift the meta to the next set if youi are a bomber. But Chaos remains just faar stronger than it should be.

Spiral Knights got such an epquipment varity... it is such a waste to leave it untouched by overbuffing certain sets...

I laughed so hard about Zeddy's 'give or take 5 years'

Portrait de Etharaes
Por que no los dos?

Mad bomber deserves a buff anyways, even if chaos is nerfed, too; bombs are underpowered a lot of the time when compared to guns and swords, and going full bomber with negative risk deserves a preeety big reward. Nevertheless, chaos (and Black Kat) still need a nerf; generalist gear should not be the top choice even when only using 1 weapon type.