Which guilds are the best guilds now? (Guild survey!)

Hello person who is currently reading this!
It's been a while since we had a thread like this. First off this is not a thread to criticize guilds or naming and shaming. I would just like to know which guilds in your opinion has or still is best in the following: best pvp guild in tier 1,2,3 best guild at being active , best guild at being friendly , best guild in pve , most famous guild right now and most famous guild of all times.
Please put them in this order from 1-10
Ordered from most (active, friendly etc) to least (active, friendly etc)
I'll start :D
(This are guilds I've actually been in)
1: Aegis team (most friendly guild sadly they're dead)
2:Rogue (most active and friendly)
3: The cursed wanderers (Second most active guild)
4: Aeternus Imortalitas (friendly, but not friendly to me :P)
5: Celestial Vanguards (Great tier 2 pvp guild though they can have a bad temper and attitude)
6: Impact (alternate guild of Cv they're active and good at Tier 2 pvp but they can also have ill temper)
7: The terminators (they are definitely friendly and likes to help their members)
Remember this are based off of YOUR opinion

Well, any guild besides Jempire is a good guild :P

Echo of Silence
When I was there for a year or so, they were really friendly and helped with quite a few things. A very social guild :D
The Jempire
I haven't been in Jempire yet, but when I do runs with some of the members they are friendly and a pleasure to be with.
Aeternus Imortalitas
An alright guild, in which I reside at the moment. AI is pretty active and friendly, I just don't like the fact that they fight a bit.

EOS - and ancient, friendly and peaceful bunch, not so active in PvP. They have some crazy rich players in there, and a very impressive guild hall.
Impervious - very good at PvP , good players and very friendly too, a guild with pretty good history. Next to EOS, they have the 2nd best guild hall in my opinion.
Aequitas - they been around for a while, some old players, competitive in PvP too, for as far as I can remember.
Aenigma - needless to say, a must include guild, good pvp players, old guild, friendly players and nice merchants.
Forgive me if i forgot any other smaller guilds!

Spiral Gods Alliance
Jem Knights (Jempire)
Hamburger town
The Jempire
Spiral Après Vent
Tainted Perfection

Was it me who you were referring to?
Well, I definitely need to update mine, I thought EoS was a beta guild.
Anyway Echo of Sausage is always better than YOUR GUILD!!!!

Impervious is the worst, that is all I'm saying.

1. Reign of Fire
2. Reign of Fire
3. Reign Of Fire
4. Reign of Fire
5. Reign of Fire...
A Bit Self-Explanatory there. Now who's the best guild...

B est guilds ATM:
Echo of Silence: one of the most laidback guilds in SK holded together with their great and sexy<69 leader Njthug
Impervious: Even tho Swarls left this guild still remains strong and yet impervious as they were.
Achillet,Yfke,Produkt,Sciasz,Levitch,Urta (and a couple of others still hold the guild together and I think they are doing a great job. As I was in this guild it will always have a special spot in my heart.
The Jempire: Many others guilds pick on them because they CE-revive etc. but I think it's one of the most elite and active guild in SK as they have the most skilled players that ever wanderd around King Krogmo's Colosium.
Their leader Rubyeclipse has made a hell of a LD guild and I hope he'll continu to.
Aequitas: This guild is kinda the underdog, and had always dominaded the LD floors.
Icegil, Rawrwarwarwa,Thrillhaus and Tmdals have made good and solid guild that remains strong and united in any situation.
Warm ice: A not well known guild, kinda small but is a very active guild (it's a tier 2 ld guild) that has a lot of Veteran players and some new players.
I think no other guild could beat them in tier 2 ld. (no not even lockdown aces)
The head GM's Gladiknight and Gear are really nice perons to hang out with and they are just really chill.
Unity: The name says it all, they are like one team and are ired like a family and the probably have the most skilled PvE players around.
Sadly ther core-member Vokster left and joines The Jempire. The guild still remains strong and is helped by Heron.
Other (old) guilds worth to be mentiond:
Finesse: Considerd LD Kings, as they only have lost 2 matches, due someone disconected during the match.
It eventually fell a part one day, because a GM went inactive and it got downhill from there.
I still think it was a sad day to see this great guild fall.
Rigorous: Currently back from their ashes, and got even stronger than they were.
It was an historical moment when they kicked The Jempire from their throne in less than a week.
And became number one on the leaders-bord.
Thanks to Mwacky and many other core members and the other GM's.
Knightmare: Their leader Chris was considerd the most egocentric player, but no one has the right to say that and I personally say that he may make a butt-head of himself on the forums, but still remains of the most skilled players that wanderd around Cradle.
I think Knightmare was a great guild, mostly thanks to their members.
Guild: Magnus, the legendary player made a very skilled guild, but sadly quit the game for other MMO's.
There are rumors that he is coming back to the game with a new guild called: Phalanx.

^ Sorry for the misspellings in my above post, was typing on my mobile, I'll correct it when I get on my compuer :F

Actually LD aces lost some of strong player and turned out of shape. But im guessing you havent heard of Celestial vanguard and there ego maniac gm :P
Even though his a ego maniac Danielflame is kinda good annd his guild is pretty decent as well.

@Night-Rove, I actually was in Celistial, but left them for Warm ice, and from what I can tell they ARE ego. And Warm ice kicks their but anyways.
PS, I am an officer in Warm ice so if you want to join in for a day just give me a cal


O GL with your guild Night.
PS: Internet high-five for mine oh so fast response :)

The Nights Watch
It was a good guild. Sadly I felt like I'd overstayed my welcome. I was a GM in it until recently, and just got too bummed from god knows what to stay in it.

@Grant, TNW was a good guild indeed, but I think they are back

Edwin is a guild formed with Taiwan players... I liked their Facebook page...
For my list:
Legoland - One of the guild I was planning to join as Lego(in real life) is awesome lol
Unity - what can I say? They're God of Vana run
Sexy Knights - it's great to be sexy :D
Blades of Fury - one of my alt is in it and people there are good men, with a 2F only Guildhall to make sure upkeep is low. Feel comfortable
The Wolver Legacy - one of my alt is in this newly sparked guild. Actually I am the guy caused this guild to appear... by lining with my alts as wolver in front of the AH. some people joined the line and liked it, so we united! Awesome!

All the guilds I've ever been are very good guilds.
Well, when I was a total noob, I joined The New Era and The Shadow Empire. The New Era was...I don't know, I did nothing with em lol. The Gm of The Shadow Empire ended up calling me b**** in result of begging me crowns. Lawl. So yeah first two was failure.
Then I joined The Fallen. It is not famous (it's getting known in EU server as they got some good Eu Ld players) but it is a veryyy old guild, and it was dead when I just joined since the GMs were inactive. But an active officer and I recruited people until GMs coming back..it survived. After 2 months or so, GMs and officers came back, and became an active guild again.
Anyway, they are very friendly, always talking in guild chat, always doing LD together, danger mission together, FSC together, SL together. It is not too big but the core members are very active, online everyday and they kick inactive people/idiots/beggars, recruit good quality people (they used to (I mean, me too as an ex-officer) invite random people and made some dramas but they learnt who to invite now). New people can easily fit in, everyone knows everyone in the guild.
Again, it is not famous or having fancy huge guildhall. It doesn't have full of skilful people (although officers and veterans are very skilled) but they help each other improving each other. It can be one of the best guilds in SK.
Great new GM, Daystorm helping out the guild while other 3 GMs are inactive (LOL), an old and nice officer Koekjje, quiet but nice officer Brul, new officers who are skilled at LD, Swiftyknight (lawl he refused to be an officer when I was an officer there but now he is) and Coldness. 2 of the officers ended up unfriending me on SK/steam when I left which is pretty nasty. The founder Spirithief, I only met him twice or so (Lol) and another GM Fdthrees are inactive. BUT the officers listed above are great officers and you should contact and consider joining if you are looking for a T3 guild you can stay long and have chats rather than just grinding and stuff. Oh and they do Guild LD too, they can even win Impervious with their Star Team :P And even if you happen to leave them, if you have talked and had fun with them a lot, they are willing to have you in their friend lists and continue to chat.
Unity,2nd guild I joined. The members are okay at FSC and people who are above veteran rank are very skilled at almost everything in PvE. Since it is a big guild, you may take long time to be known in the guild and you may get ignored even if you say something in the guild chat. However if you don't give up talking and doing runs with them, you will eventually have fun with them. The best thing to be in Unity is the flawless PvE runs (well, with veterans and above lol). It lost Vokster who has lots of fans (Lol) but it still has an active founder Heron, and other active officers come online everyday.
Echo of Silence, which is my current guild. Actually I don't know a lot about them (us?) since I just joined few days ago. But it is a guild from the beta and it still is alive so it certainly is a great guild. Yeah?
And other guilds seem to be the best, but haven't been yet
-The Jempire (everyone knows it yeah. i didnt mean it is "the best" but it is successful guild)
-A Perfect World (French LD guild)
-Spiral Après Vent (^)
Uh...actually I don't know many USA guilds so...ahem

@ OP
I have never heard of any of the ones in your list. People will think this is a Troll-thread. If you want people to give their opinions you should at least have one known guild in your list.

Actually Aegis Team was pretty famous, the GM Chrizmaniac quitted a few months ago though.

Yes, I've heard about he is coming on with his alt, I don't know if that's true or not though

Nope not true at all. Nothing interesting about a quitting player, no alts here move along.

Then what were those 2 people above with Divine set and Vog Cub set lol.
Well I don't care...Chrizmaniac is still in my friend list, that just matters :p

i started a guild called thrive but then drama ripped it apart

@Theirillusion The guilds I have mentioned are real dont worry they arent fake nor are is this a troll thread.
Anyways this is a opinion based thread and I have never been in those "big" guilds who always get mentioned and I think other guilds deserved to be heard too :)
@Art That has been discussed -.-
@Newohd Ehehehe...I hope you havent forgotten me. Sorry I wasnt able to help I was busy with other guilds..

Most populous guild:
Jempire. Has sister guilds and a waiting list. That would mean hundreds of people. (In?)famous in LD, and practically over 50% of players have heard of it, if not knowing a member of it.
Most complemented guild:
Echo of Silence. Although considerably smaller than Jempire, it and its member are highly praised for their lax (and somewhat trollish, somewhat) friendliness.
I personally like Tier Zero a lot. Small, but active year-round. They don't bash your face in if you don't get something, and they'll guide you all the way up to Vanguard.

I've heard of most guilds in the OP from seeing a lot of them in Haven or LD.
Although I don't have a good opinion as I haven't been in many guilds out there. So really most are just mentioning their guilds unless a lot of guild hoppers want to respond. But then they're not likely to have many positive opinions.

Don't listen to the liessss. Don't let the fire of truth burn out!

Artist, just stop, right there.
Starship Troupers are a small but elite guild and are a very nice guild to be in.

I find it hilarious that no one believes me. Ha. Ha. Everyone just likes to go with the majority's vote, even if it isn't the truth. Ha. Ha. Ha.

League of Gunners is the best guild.
It has very kind and amiable guild members, who usually have people waiting in line to help you.
Also it is very active and social guild.

My Alt is a Officer in it, Its awesome and I love it, Its Classic, and Has wicked members, Plus the tests make it where to get a rank YOU HAVE TO BE GOOD So, I say Cloud Nine!!!!, The Gm is also a very King and strong fighter(Flawedknight)

1. Cloud Nine
2. Echo of Silence
3. Shadow Alliance(Now Realization)
4. The Jempire
5. Tainted Perfection
6. Legoland
7. Unity
8. The Nights Watch
9. Brmc
10. Divine Ordanance

1. Cloud Nine
2. The Jempire
3. Echo of Silence
4. Tainted Perfection
5. Unity
6. Legoland
7. The Nights Watch
8. Brmc
9. Rigorous
10. Realization
I say these are the 10 Best, And I've been in them all! Good Guilds :D
Cloud Nine is very good, in process of reviving so... expect to see them again soon

If we are going to make a top ten then.....
1: Impervious
2: Echo of Silence
3: Rigorous
4: Aequitas
5: The Jempire
6: Bestias
7: Reign of Chaos ( they are coming back, remember my words.)
8: Exalt
9: Reign of fire
10: Brmc

Very nice GM, most of the members are friendly as far as I've seen. But I myself haven't been in Exalt yet so idk =p

Impervious(The best)
Dark Guardians(I hope you can re-build your guild)
The Fallen
Clockwork Kings
Echo of Silence
Cobalt Commandos
Reign of Fire
Spampire(HAHA :P)

- 1) Impervious
- 2) Reign of fire (my first t3 guild loved it and all the people in it)
- 3) The Fallen
- 4) Echo of silence
- 5) Rigorous
- 6) Unity
- 7) Mist angels!!!(My first guild back in the oooooooold days http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Mist_Angels_(Guild) )
- 8) A perfect world
- 9) Old School
- 10) Spiral Apres Ventes
Daimy bows respectfully
1: The Jempire (Most famous guild right now, no guild has been make fun of like the Jempire!)
2: Shard Squad (Friendly and most interesting guild recruitment page)
I have only 2 guilds that I officially knew about them.