Am I the only one with a problem with the Health Bar?

8 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Sykocaster

That health bar in the top right corner.

Am I the only one who dislikes that?

When I'm playing, I'm focusing my attention on my knight. That health bar is SO far out of the way that I don't notice it. With the old/current health bar location, I didn't need to shift focus at all to be able to tell how much HP I have. I could be completely focused on my knight, and just tell at a glance how much HP I have. Now I have to shift focus from my knight to the corner of my screen. Which means it's not really readily available in combat. I have to stop paying attention to movement and attacks to see what's going on with my health.

Is this just me? I hear a lot of complaints about the new UI, but this doesn't seem to really be one of them.

You're the only other person

You're the only other person besides me that seems to care about it. :/

Portrait de Shamanalah
my 2 cents

Don't play with AT

Problem solve

You might even get better

HP +2!

I am in agreement about the location being a bit too far away. I do like the percentage indicator though.

Portrait de Juances

You're just not used to it. The old bar wasn't on top of your knight anyways. You had to look down.

I don't like it either. But don't blame location.

i don't have a problem with it

i can still see it out of the corner of my eye at all times...

i also liked how my shield bar got bigger while i'm using it because i can see my shield health out of the corner of my eye (but i don't need to see it, because my shield has COLORS)

Portrait de Klipik
slight necro, but things move slowly here anyway

I find it funny that so little people found a problem with this during testing, but so many did on release. Does this say anything about the population of the test server vs. the main server (ie. test server players spend money on the game, but don't necessarily play it as intently as some F2Pers?)

Portrait de Blaknt
is it really that big of a

is it really that big of a problem i literally takes like half a second to check your health and i doubt in the time it takes you to do that you'll die.

Portrait de Klipik

I died doing that today.