Dash and bash feedback

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Portrait de Blazzberry

After running all three play styles and a few extra hybrids, I have enough information to give my feedback about the new abilities dash and shield bash.

LD test results:Coming soon!

Dash/Skip: Love it. Everything about this ability feels as though it was made for speed running and getting out of tight pinch areas. There are a few things I am curious about however. When dashing, you do a little cute hop around like a rabbit. But after doing this hop, the enemies sometimes haven't a clue as to where you just went. I literally backwards dashed away Vanaduke as he then decided to walk around and ponder about what he was just doing. Of course the AI engages back in action when you come into sight/aggro them. I don't know if this was intentional but I have a small request if it was.

Make the AI tougher. Not beefier, as in a hp buff, but smarter. The knights are already powerful enough, as we all know, and this is just crossing the line. At least make some of the enemies like zombies or wolvers have tracking but keep the invincibility from the dash. This way we can still get punished with a bad hop into a wolver's fangs. As of right now you can basically hop around to your heart's content without fear of anything. Even with coo down. (Yes I know traps still take effect)

Shield bash: It's....alright. Ranging from different shields, I mostly use swiftstrike buckler and it's still ok against enemies. I do like the punish feature from a bad bash though. It makes you rethink about how you should use your bash if you mess up. although that pause is scary to me still. But it's fine. Kudos to whoever implemented it. Seeing as how this ability can help you move, it can also be used as a pseudo-dash with a little bit of skill involved.

Now everyone can dash over elevators....I don't know if that's a good thing or not. I also don't know if shield bashing represents your own color because mine is cyan but can it have our own personal color when we dash and shield bash? I think it be a lovely way to show the characters true colors. If It is already like this, please ignore what I've just said and I apologize.

TL;DR(You lazy buggers): Make enemies smarter, health is fine. Make the dash punishable. Shield bash is fine where it is. Personal colors are shown when we use these abilities?

P.S Oh and love the new art for the weapons. They feel out of place but I still love they way they look. DVS icon looks beautiful.
