We haven't heard from SK in a while

5 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de The-Rankor

I think you guys have heard enough of the same feedback now. Can we at least know what you guys are thinking? As stupid as this sounds, this is literally all I have thought about for the past two days. I'm at work, stressing out about my silly MMO.

I think we would all appricate an update as to what you guys are talking about.

Portrait de Narfle
Actually, several things have

Actually, several things have already been added/changed.

[EDIT: The rest of what I wrote previously was a little harsh, which was unwarranted. I apologize for that. I think we can all agree that we all want more info, but at the same time we can only test what OOO puts up for us to test, and right now everyone needs to do their best to chill out and concentrate on testing what we have to test instead of demanding answers about content that isn't even half implemented yet. They ARE updating what is on the testing server, and as I think it's safe to assume that all of this stuff will be rolling out at the same time--since they were announced at the same time--I would guess we'll be hearing more about it soon.]

Portrait de Cakemask
The Suspense!

The testing community really has expressed it's opinion about the major changes and I am on the edge of my seat as well!

@ Dementia-Praecox

I'm pretty sure that's not the case.

As Narfle has pointed out, there's a good chance they're working on two new sprites; That's Modeling, texturing, sound design, coding, mechanics... There's a lot to go through. And from what I hear, Java is a pain in the butt to work with, and is only used for it's compatibility. Give them time.

Portrait de Aphrodite
Community Manager
July 4

Keep in mind it is a pretty major holiday in the US today, and the developers are having a forced day off. It is unlikely there will be any direct feedback today. ;)

Portrait de Draycos

What about today?

Portrait de Klipik-Forum

They probably just took a long weekend and will be back on Monday.