Suggestion: Elite Difficulty

I suggest that on Elite difficulty the monsters still have their inflated HP and damage, but allow hearts, pills, and vitapods to drop at the same rate that they do on the current server. The body of my suggestion is to make the monster behavior be reverted in Elite difficulty, where enemies would track player movement while attacking.
The reasoning for this is that just inflating monsters and diminishing supplies creates false difficulty. The game seems harder because when you get hit, it's harder to recover. All of the veterans that are adept at dodging will not find this elite difficulty any harder at all, and will only use it in order to get more loot. Make the monsters actually be harder on Elite difficulty, please. I'd rather have a true challenge than the illusion of a challenge.

I'd rather do away with the inflated stats entirely and only change the enemy AI and drop rate of hearts.

Either decrease our stats or increase the monster's
So if you were doing elite solo, monsters might have 4 player's amount and so on.

That's not what we're saying
We're saying make the AI - how mobs function - More difficult to deal with instead of just adding more health and damage to monsters. Re-adding player tracking mid-attack for mobs, so you can't treat them like Trojans all the time, would add a layer of real difficulty instead of "fake difficulty", and you wouldn't have to completely rewrite the AI system.

I don't want tracking, many players have bad connection ang big ping.

Which is why it'd be for Elite difficulty. Bad connection? Play a lower difficulty until it gets fixed. Inexperienced or under-geared? Stay away from Elite until you're better prepared. Simple.

Asian players will never get good connection.
My idea
1 Normal
2 Advanced +2 players difficult, +15% profit, few monsters will be from next stratum
3 Elite +3 players difficult, no hearts from monsters, +30% profit, more chances to get gear from boxes

I was afraid they would make it like this. Here, have a little piece of the internet.

Making the numbers bigger hardly makes it more challenging and it definitely doesn't make it anymore fun. All increasing mob HP and decreasing health regeneration will do is make it a game of perfection. Sure, less parties would be able to complete the run, but the extra difficulty doesn't make it anymore fun. Especially when you have people who can run FSC without taking a hit, the game needs to be mechanically difficult through AI or level design, not raw numbers.
Doing FSC in your idea of "Elite" difficulty would be like running FSC in 3*. It isn't anymore enjoyable because you're doing the same thing you would be doing on the normal difficulty except it takes longer.

Don't forget Gremlin Torchers and Red Rovers flooding the screen in a curtain of flames.

I think a good way to make the most difficult phases is by adding "Elite Monsters".
Elite Monsters are monsters that are quick for attacking. In other words, no delay in moment of their attacks. Such monsters can increase the difficulty because they shall pursue thee, and will attack you when they can.
They could appear one or two in a group, because, certainly, a group of seven of them would be impossible! So only one or two might be enough to increase a little more difficulty.
Klipik, I think this can solve the problem of ease. I say this to you, because you already mentioned the delay as a problem somewhere on the forum.

tracking melee attack - sounds good, I agree!
Also I think it would be great if we were able to set default difficulty mode we want in one click for all runs. For example in character options, right now there is only lonely "allow full inspect" checkbox..

I suggest that on Elite difficulty the monsters still have their inflated HP and damage, but allow hearts, pills, and vitapods to drop at the same rate that they do on the current server. The body of my suggestion is to make the monster behavior be reverted in Elite difficulty, where enemies would track player movement while attacking.
They finally buff mobs and you want them nerfed?
I have so much fun on Elite right now, the spawn rate of Heart is just fine. The difficulty is just fine. You just need to play on NORMAL if you are having trouble with Elite...
my 2 cents
I am so glad they finally have an OPTION to RAMP UP THE DIFFICULTY. If you can't deal with Elite, don't go there... I want a spot for good ARPG player to feel home. SK is a deserted wasteland because it isn't hard at all. Even SL are easy right now cause of heat rez. I do Darkfire SL no rea with my guildies for the past year... it's easy at that point. Having no heat rez and having difficulty ramp up will certainly be welcomed for our guild.
Alpha wolver tracking got whined so much they took it down, they just nerfed devilish tracking and you people want it buffed again?
Make up your mind, get stomped or roflstomp isn't good. You need to be in the middle of getting stomped and roflstomping mobs.
Elite isn't your thing? too hard? switch to normal
Don't nerf it PLEASE.
Edit: Doing FSC in your idea of "Elite" difficulty would be like running FSC in 3*. It isn't anymore enjoyable because you're doing the same thing you would be doing on the normal difficulty except it takes longer.
Dodging vana for 3 minutes = piece of cake
Dodging vana for 15 minutes = not the same game
Dodging Vana darkfire for 30 minutes = not the same thing...
Doing the same thing over and over for 3 minutes is easy, doing it for 30 minutes flawlessly is another story... Do push up for 3 minutes... then do it for 1 hour... still easy?

Read carefully, they want changes because current "elite" is too easy.
At current state "difficulty level" only changes the boringness of gameplay. The harder difficulty you chose - the more boring pastime you have.
Updated, smart UI for Elite difficulty level is the best way to have a great challenge during the run.
And I would like to use some of your words: if you can't handle old devilites..

Shamalana, the point is, inflated stats are artificial difficulty. It doesn't add depth to the game at all.
Let's say you've got a mob of Wolvers after you. Making them take three times the punishment before dying doesn't make them more fun to fight or thought-provoking- it just takes longer, and that makes it even less fun, in my opinion. The AI needs a buff, not the enemies' stats.

Elite mode just felt like being in a party of two or three knights, but with them dead. Just takes longer.

We've got some fun additions to elite difficulty coming later on. What you're testing now represents the initial release.

One curtain down, a whole lot more to go, it seems!
Super excited!

My bad, I think I was a little tired when I read that... lol IDK
But yeah smarter AI would be good...
I read it as "HP boost is boring, take it off and bring smarter AI, Hp boost is dumb" I was like... "NUUUUUUUUUU I love more HP on mobs"
I love long epic fights.... ^ ^
Sorry :S

I will be looking forward to what you'll make of the Elite difficulty later down the road then. As it stands, it is basically just extra meat on wobbling punching bags that still haven't improved from Normal difficulty. More intelligent AI would make the difficulty title more justifiable.
Asian players already have their own server.
So it would be prudent to focus on NA and EU territories.
As for the suggestion... I agree. Braindead mobs isn't exactly fun or interesting, even when they have more hp.
I agree with re-introducing tracking. However, I have an additional suggestion...
Make Darkfang Menders capable of attacking once again.
Right now, they're not very fun--- just annoying roadblocks that stop you from mowing down enemies. If a player is looking to play on elite, they want to be challenged. Menders do not challenge skill or reflexes; they simply make you do the same thing you would do otherwise for a longer period via healing, slowing down the combat in an otherwise relatively fast paced action game. Since the mobs already have more HP, this has the potential to become rather tedious. Their staff swings used to give them an element of surprise, and overcoming that surprise with skill is the reward talented players crave. Not to mention, it serves to break up the otherwise monotonous combat, keeping players on their toes.

Re-introduce gremlin teamwork AI, like it was apparently at some point during the design process. You know, the one where they would work together and go after certain knights and do formations...
*searches for source*


I know, right, Waffle?
As long as Nick says the additions are fun, then I'm happy. I like fun.

Or they(just nick actually) only come once in a while and comment on whatever seems interesting, with no comment on the larger or arguably more important questions raised. Like "do you really think all these loot changes are actually helping teamwork?" Or "why won't you admit this patch is actually just to fix alt dragging?"

Do they NEED to respond?
The truth is in the pudding: if it really matters, it'll be changed by launch.

That they actually do read these posts on a daily basis, but they just don't comment on every single post. I would be driven mad by the amount of comments/replies i would get if i were a GM or equivalent.

@waffleconecake all the circlejerk complaining for the past month.

Yes they do; an update that makes players angry deserves a rationalization that makes sense.
I really enjoy variety in the way monsters react on different difficulties. If the monsters can introduce certain more difficult abilities and equip unique more powerful weapons to make playing that difficulty feel like a new experience would be a plus.
And also, it should change for every depth deeper as well.

seerusly? talk about a necro. This thread was created before we had multiple difficulties, and that is why it talks about elite mode.
I agree. Un-nerf monsters on Elite. Things like wolver tracking, devilite tracking, retrode and zombie melee attack tracking.