Full Screen Hit Marker

12 respuestas [Último envío]

I find the red flashing to be really distracting while damage is being inflicted. Additionally, I have a seizure disorder, and this animation really hurts my eyes. If it is going to remain, will there be an option to turn it off? I have played SK for a long time and would hate for this to be the reason I stop playing.

Imagen de Dreathuxy

I fully agree with you.

Imagen de Cakemask

In just about every game it's annoying, but in a game like this where you really do need to see the edges of your screen, it's even more so

Imagen de Doctorspacebar
Pistol is best weapon in TF2


Someone else suggested the screen gradually lose color as you get further into the danger zone, something I would highly prefer over that red flashing Critical Annoyance.

Imagen de Klockworx

I actually like the visual health representation, however, i would recommend that they decrease the saturation to make it less pungent than the background and have it activate when you have 10% or less of your health remaining.

Imagen de Cakemask

Just flash the health bar and not the whole screen

Imagen de Akdetroit
I whole heartedly agree

I will be quite upset if there is no option to turn this off, it is very distracting, and it hurts my eyes, three rings, for once, listen to your community.

Imagen de Jacobey

If this is an attempt to address the complaints about moving the health bar to the upper left, I'd rather you just left well enough alone.

With revs at a fixed 10 CE cost - the price of dying, has literally dropped.
This is pretty much unnecessary.

If you keep it - please add it to the options of things that can be shut off / ignored.

Imagen de Klipik-Forum
Imagen de Kremurgh
you don't like red thingy ?

Go to your SpiralKnights installation folder and continue following this path:
[SK FOLDER]\rsrc\ui\health\lowhealth
and delet his content. It was hard doesn't it ?

Imagen de Cakemask

While that maybe be easy enough for you and me, others may not be technically inclined enough to even know that a file path even is, and thus a check box is necessary.

Imagen de Klipik-Forum

You shouldn't have to mod the game to fix bad game design. Especially since this patch is in beta - this is when problems are fixed.

Imagen de Autofire
You are experiencing a PICNIC ERROR!

Maybe they could do this, which would happen after this.