For Those for you that think the new revives are too expensive, it is really not if your soloing or a 2 man party.

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Imagen de Egpnd

I did a bit of math and is around 10 times cheaper then the current revive system. (self reviving only)

Comment if I made a miscalculation.

Imagen de The-Worst-Knight
Imagen de Egpnd

whoops didn't see that, however I need hard numbers and also the T1 and T2 revives costs.

Imagen de Zeddy

Ressurecting a 4-man party twice with the current system costs 20 energy. (10 energy for on person to get up and then health revive everyone.)

Doing the same with the new system will cost 200 energy. (One set of free revives for everyone and then everyone has to pay 50 for themselves.)

Imagen de The-Worst-Knight
If you want.

If you want.
And as i said health share can help you to save much more. With new system you have to collect at least 3600cr after revive from current depth to get some profit.

Imagen de Hyper-Galactic

I think we're leaving out the fact we have sparks of life to use.

Imagen de Egpnd

I made my data as if the player was soloing a level without any sparks of life. Ill take time to made another database with player revives and sparks.

Imagen de The-Worst-Knight
Also i can say that they will

Also i can say that they will not sell sparks of life by piece, they'll sell it in a bulk, like orbs and catalysts, so you can't save some ce with alts. My verdict: Goodbye F2P, Welcome P2P.

Imagen de Egpnd
ok, made a data table with Group revives and sparks

Note: the other 1-3 players are pros and not taking any damage. (its the only way I can guess the revive costs.)

I maybe put in the wrong input lol.

PS: clockwork, CE and % are not included.

EDIT: I think 50 revives is a bit much do you think?

Imagen de Klipik-Forum

Your new chart doesn't make any sense, there's no way to tell how many times you can revive without energy because it's based on how much hp you have and how many hearts you pick up.

As for the original topic, the problem is if you have to revive 2-3 times. Which is usually the max before people decide it's not worth it. Under the new system it costs much more.

Imagen de Shamanalah
my 2 cents

My verdict: Goodbye F2P, Welcome P2P.

Your verdict is wrong and is likely to go the other way around, F2P being with the upper hand now.

Did any of you actually play the preview? That's why I don't like people commenting on something they haven't touched but glanced.

1: You are given Sparks of Life to rez yourself or your friends.
2: You get 1 emergency revive per depth. If you do die more than once per depth, there is an issue.
3: You can drop Spark of Life in treasure boxes.
4: Spark of Life can be bought for 50 ce if you run out.

I already know where to farm Spark of Life... lawl

And btw, there will be no mist anymore...

Imagen de Owlert

"2: You get 1 emergency revive per depth. If you do die more than once per depth, there is an issue."

Honestly, I don't see myself using sparks of life that often because of this. I'll probably just hoard them for shadow lairs. Maybe with elevator passes becoming obsolete we'll finally get shadow lair passes! :D

Imagen de Klipik-Forum

...and get rid of the once source of income they have left? I don't think so.

Imagen de The-Worst-Knight

It was before Nick's announcment.
I don't care about catalysts, i'll get it from missions. I still care about sprites food, they ask too many minerals and gives too low heat from depths, other food and materials. You can say that i can use tons of my light shards, but pet need appetite. Also it looks stupid, cause i need one colored mineral for that.
Now i don't like forge, i uderstand that i can get 12 crystals per level, but i need 453 for 100% level up of 5*+
And i still hate new loot system, with new rev system it's better to play solo.

Imagen de Neodasus
It's also not expensive if

It's also not expensive if you don't die