I am rather confused.

5 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Sirius-Voltbreaker

I understand that you can change the damage type of sprites, but what re the default damage types of each sprite and when you use a harness does it still keep the default damage but split it?

there is no default damage

there is no default damage type, your sprite starts with the first level of Iron harness which does normal damage.

if you swap that to another harness your damage will be the new type and the normal will be gone.

Portrait de Juances

Think of your knight's armor. You can't go naked.

Portrait de Sirius-Voltbreaker
Thanks for clearing that up!

So essentially harnesses are like their weapons? You can switch types? Can you switch back? And do resistances apply while using a harness? So a shadow harness would be weak against undead and fiends?

Portrait de Ndcoten
Yeah, you can switch types

Yeah, you can switch types freely at Arsenal Stations, and that specific damage type will inflict critical and weak damage as any other weapon of that type would.

Portrait de Juances

Each sprite has a prohibited harness. Maskeraith can't deal elemental for example.

But yes, it's like weapons, you should be switching accordingly between levels depending on what you're about to fight.