The 2013 Spiral Knights Pumpkin Carving Contest [Winners Announced!]

Pumpkins are only like 5 dollars so I'm sure your parents can afford to buy you your own pumpkin. However I think the contest has already reached it's deadline.

Hello, knights!
Thanks for waiting while Cronus, Aphrodite, and I deliberated on judging. Without further ado, the results of the 2013 Spiral Knights Pumpkin Carving Contest...
Halowarriorz -
Fighting-Polygon -
Azoldria -
Well done, you three! Check your knights for your prizes.
Honorable Mentions:
Bakerrich -
Mister-Panda -
To honor your creative spark, a Spark of Life has been added to your knight.
Late entry deserving of a shoutout:
Yvanblo -
Pumpkin carving takes patience and some degree of tolerance for slime, so a huge thanks to everyone who took the time to enter. Until next year!

I would be being dishonest if I didn't say I was disappointed in the results. Apparently abstraction isn't the developer's style.
Well, whatever.

Congrats to the winners, and thanks again for the contest! :D Hopefully I'll do a little better next time around ^^

I really want to participate but I don't think my parents will let me carve something from spiral knights into our pumpkin. :/